Next Gears of War 2 XP Event is All Tickers and Boomers
I hate Tickers soo much. But Boomers are fun
Those of you who've been enjoying the extra XP events for Gears of War 2 are in for even more fun as the next one has been revealed and is set to kick off later this week.
A look at Gears Executive Producer Rod Fergusson's (GearsViking) Twitter page shows that the next XP event will involve fighting off waves of Tickers before facing a final wave of boomers.
"Next explosive XP event - "Tick, Tick, Boom!" Horde waves 1-9 all Tickers, wave 10 all Boomers and 8x XP," tweeted Fergusson earlier today.
The 'Tick, Tick, Boom!' XP event for Gears 2 will commence on July 1st (Canada Day) at 9am EDT and run until 6th July, 9am EDT, to cover the holidays apparently.
Fire up those Lancers and get killing!
I hate Tickers soo much. But Boomers are fun