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Official Doll Exchange

Re: Official Doll Exchange

Would anyone be interested in the Theresa doll? I would like to trade for anything besides Theresa or Lucien...GT is BabyBearA
Re: Official Doll Exchange

I would love to get the dollcatcher achievement. I have been trying to find a Hammer doll but will settle for the buy and sell cheat where you assist others get the achievement. That would be awesome. My gammer tag is Nera Sand and I am on now. You can message me here or on xbox.
Re: Official Doll Exchange

Guess I would be kind and say hello first. I'm looking for all the hero dolls ( I got none at the moment ) and I'm paying/ trading whatever u want for 'em or for the achievement ( letting me join ur game and get the achievement, though not quiet sure how it works myself ).
NOTE: Also looking to "rent" or buy the chicken suite for money or trade for the achievement, and the book with the expression u can only get with the chest in the guild ( wich they made inaccessable with a patch ), it's the one in "scary" options underneath the bloodlust roar one. Just sent a PM to my GT "ZeriodGravity" if u got any of these, thanks. ( Willing to help people get other achievements like the coluseum achievements if they aren't satisfied with money or items. That'll be all, thanks in advance :).
Re: Official Doll Exchange

Hey! I'm new to the forum business lols! I need the hero dolls, only just got on live a few weeks ago, done most of the achievements except the knothole island and see the future ones!

I will give much gold and any item except legendary stuffs but I have tonnes of gold, millions so I will buy for what ever (10mil?)and I can get pretty much any other items and I have plenty of master weapons spare as I don't use them and I can get them again in the future lols!

chitster042186 is my live account, I have a headset so talk is easy! 22, British! Always on-line!

Would be uber grateful for the help also with the DLC's as I only have the free ones haha! Need achievements for them xD
Re: Official Doll Exchange

I have Garth, Theresa, and Reaver dolls. I am looking to buy/trade for Hammer, Lucien, and Generic Hero dolls.

I also would like to buy/rent/borrow a chicken suit for The Fowl Player achievement.
Re: Official Doll Exchange

I currently have Theresa and Lucien's pending (working my way up to get this achievement). If possible, I'd like Hammer and Gharth (and the rest, but that'd be too much). I don't have much to trade, unless there's something specific you want, in-case money isn't of the essence.

I'm also willing to trade one Theresa Doll for the generic Hero one.

Gamertag is DataHero.
Re: Official Doll Exchange

I have a bunch of hammer dolls if anyone wants one let me know and we will discuss terms, gt is Scenickarma
Re: Official Doll Exchange

Willing to pay 10mil Fable gold for dolls, I have a few legendary weapons but a bit iffy about trading them but for the right trade ;-) GT is chitster042186 Add me, aske me what ya want and I will see what I can do!

I also wouldn't mind helping with co-op achievements or would like some one to take me with them to get theirs so I can get them lols specially for the DLC's Thanks \m/
Re: Official Doll Exchange

Hi, i have only got a Theresa Doll (and one spare), and a Hammer Doll. If anyone have the others i will trade upto 11 mil and a chicken suit

This is the last acheivement i need to complete the game, any help is much needed!