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Official Doll Exchange

im looking for a Lucien doll will trade any doll at all prefarably garth as i have a few spare but i dont mind any of the others =]
Btw my name on here is my GT
I'm done with Fable for now, I have other focuses to attend to, so I won't help anyone, anymore, with the Dollcatcher. I'm sorry, but I just can't handle an overflow of friends, especially when having to sort through them later. I wish those who still need Dollcatcher the best of luck. And no, I won't give away my dolls just because I'm leaving, so don't bother plaguing me for them.
Still looking for hero dolls~ Hammer, Lucian, Reaver, and Hero! I'm willing to pay 1-2mill for each at this point. xD I do have some extra Garth dolls if any are needed. :3 And some legendary weapons.

Gamertag: Aysujumi
looking for :
Garth, Reaver, Hammer, Theresa
can help with any other achievements or give money I have 7mill
can also help with Fable 3
message me on live GT andy7015
I need the lucien and hammer doll, I can trade with the hero doll, garth doll or money if you want !

Edit: GT = Glennekex

EDIT 2: Only need the Lucien Doll, not the Hammer anymore
I need a HAMMER doll. I am willing to trade therasa dolls or 10M cash. Contact me on xbox live if you have a HAMMER doll. My gamer tag is Alpha Indo. Thanks.
I am looking for Garth, Reaver, and Lucien dolls. I'll give just about anything. Thanks in advance, and happy holidays!
Gamertag is USAassassin182
Does anybody have a Reaver, Garth, Theresa, and/or Hammer doll that you're willing to trade? If so then message me. I can either trade you a Lucien doll or some gold.

My gamer tag is: PaNDaZ XeRo
Okay I only need a Reaver and Hammer doll. I'm willing to trade gold, items, a Lucien doll(have three but can get more), or a Theresa doll(I got lucky and dug one up).

Here's hoping people still look here.... the previous post was months ago...

I am looking for the Hammer and Lucian dolls. I can trade Garth and master weapons with four augment slots. I have a bit of gold i can play with, but I would prefer to do a straight trade. Any takers?
Here's hoping people still look here.... the previous post was months ago...

I am looking for the Hammer and Lucian dolls. I can trade Garth and master weapons with four augment slots. I have a bit of gold i can play with, but I would prefer to do a straight trade. Any takers?

Hey Jeremaih! I still look here because I am also struggling to complete my collection. I would be happy to trade you my Lucien for your Garth as then I will only need Hammer to complete. I have already sent you a Xbox Live message assuming that your GT is Jeremaih.

My GT is EJ5H3R and I look forward to hearing from you so we can arrange a time and I can get this thing over with.

Everyone else, I need a Hammer doll and can trade nearly everything for it including: legendaries; other dolls; gold; Box of Secrets' stuff and items need to get them.
I can give you both Garth and Hammer. I managed to get two Hammers earlier today. My Gamer tag is AydenXeo not Jeremaih. I forgot to post it with my last post. Sorry. I also sent you a couple of live messages detailing all of this. Send me a message over live using the AydenXeo GT. I'll be on later tonight, if we aren't able to meet up we can come up with a time and place that so we know where to find each other. Thanks for watching the old boards. ^_^
I need Garth and Hammer :(
I am willing to give the rest of them away after i get the achievement.
I've done all the achievements(except the doll and the torture 10 people ones)
Only game in which i've spent a couple of days and gone thru all the trouble to get them but only because i love the fable series so much.Too bad i can't put my hands on fable1 xbox-PAL(got the NTSC one but i played it on pc).I've already got fable 2 ,waiting to finish with all the achievements before going on :D

GT : CarterMiller
I am also willing to give a large sum of money or weapons or whatever they wish and i have to help me with the doll and torture achievements.
Thanks and have a nice day !
I have Hammer dolls and a Reaver doll and I would like to trade for a Lucien doll. My gamertag is TheDutchRevolt. I'd much appreciate it if anyone could help me with this.

I have managed to collect all Hero dolls and at the moment I still have a spare Hammer, Reaver and Lucien doll. If you want them, just leave me a message. :)
Hi, I currently have 2 Teresa Dolls and no others, no-one i know can do the shooting range (I got 1 from there and somehow dug up another outside the entrace to the Shadow Court).
i have 65 out of 66 Acheivements and it's driving me mad :/
If anyone is willing to trade me the dolls temporarily, I will give items in return to show i'm not going to run off with them :)
I just need to hold them to get the last acheivement
My gamertag is Slegnor, please send me a friend request if you can please help.