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*Parody Video* Most Frustrating Fable II Issues! Nega-Review Pt.1


New Member
Oct 14, 2008
*Parody Video* Most Frustrating Fable II Issues! Nega-Review Pt.1

Hey Fable Fans,
AngryJoe Here and Finally i've had time to film and produce a series of parodies to go along with the review.

If you haven't seen them before, I put out 2 videos before Fable II's release "Top Reasons The Game will Suck" and "Top Reasons why the Game will Be Awesome", to date they've been my most popular videos, So I had to do the review of Fable II Justice.

This is the First Part in a 2 Part Fable II Review. In this edition I talk about all the NEGATIVE aspects of the game that should frustrate the heck outta all of us, I shed light on these not outta hatred (as it may seem) but in hopes they will be addressed in future installments of the Fable Franchise!

Check out the Funny Part 1 Here:

And if you missed they Other two Fable Videos they can be found on the angryjoe account.

Part II - The Positive Parody Review Coming soon!

Also does anyone have any information regarding what the big announcement will be this week regarding Fable II DLC? I was thinking about producing a Vid quickly.
Re: *Parody Video* Most Frustrating Fable II Issues! Nega-Review Pt.1

Twilight;236264 said:
Maybe you should make the "Positive" one first in the future =/

Haha, Nah, I like this one Better, the parodies were way more fun to make. But the Positive One is pretty funny too. I'll post it up on Wednesday prolly.

I know people around here might love fable as if it was their own mother, but I Hope we can all take a joke and not get your butt hurt too much. Ya know?

You haveta admit those points I made do frustrate the heck outta alot of people, expecially me
Re: *Parody Video* Most Frustrating Fable II Issues! Nega-Review Pt.1

I think the Box one is more Strange than Annyoing though O-0

Also the lack of Clothing is something that ****es me off. Unless you mentioned it already.
Re: *Parody Video* Most Frustrating Fable II Issues! Nega-Review Pt.1

AngryJoeShow;236263 said:
Hey Fable Fans,
AngryJoe Here and Finally i've had time to film and produce a series of parodies to go along with the review.

If you haven't seen them before, I put out 2 videos before Fable II's release "Top Reasons The Game will Suck" and "Top Reasons why the Game will Be Awesome", to date they've been my most popular videos, So I had to do the review of Fable II Justice.

This is the First Part in a 2 Part Fable II Review. In this edition I talk about all the NEGATIVE aspects of the game that should frustrate the heck outta all of us, I shed light on these not outta hatred (as it may seem) but in hopes they will be addressed in future installments of the Fable Franchise!

Check out the Funny Part 1 Here:

And if you missed they Other two Fable Videos they can be found on the angryjoe account.

Part II - The Positive Parody Review Coming soon!

Also does anyone have any information regarding what the big announcement will be this week regarding Fable II DLC? I was thinking about producing a Vid quickly.

Hahahaha! Brilliant. You made a good commedy out of it but all you say is true.

The one i agree with the most is the XP "sucker". Ok the idea sucks, but that's not it. On Fable you could still run around whilst holding the trigger and get xp whilst moving. Now fable 2 just makes xp grinding anoying. You either move out and go to the next mob or sacrifice time and health for the sake of XP. Maybe im wrong on this but afaik you have to stand still.

As some other poster mentioned about the cloths, that is more of a disapointment. I can see some logic in the variation difficulty and design but either way no cloths give fighting bonuses.

The next one is obvious. Fable 2 is packed with mass bugs/glitches. Thanks to the great beta testers, I cannot do crucible anymore without being completely stuck after I finish and step outside. I'm sure others have had it worse and just by reading the problems people have, I feel pretty ****ed off at that.

The easy game mode. Ok i don't mean to sound like a bighead but I think it's fair to say that many people who got used to the gameplay quite well now feel fable 2 is easy. I cannot remember any boss that made me struggle. The Crucible is the only challenging thing in terms of getting faster times. The story is quite short but I wouldn't care if they increased the difficulty.

I'm sure I will come up with some more later :P Great video.
Re: *Parody Video* Most Frustrating Fable II Issues! Nega-Review Pt.1

Chaosmaster;236331 said:
Hahahaha! Brilliant. You made a good commedy out of it but all you say is true.

The one i agree with the most is the XP "sucker". Ok the idea sucks, but that's not it. On Fable you could still run around whilst holding the trigger and get xp whilst moving. Now fable 2 just makes xp grinding anoying. You either move out and go to the next mob or sacrifice time and health for the sake of XP. Maybe im wrong on this but afaik you have to stand still.

As some other poster mentioned about the cloths, that is more of a disapointment. I can see some logic in the variation difficulty and design but either way no cloths give fighting bonuses.

The next one is obvious. Fable 2 is packed with mass bugs/glitches. Thanks to the great beta testers, I cannot do crucible anymore without being completely stuck after I finish and step outside. I'm sure others have had it worse and just by reading the problems people have, I feel pretty ****ed off at that.

The easy game mode. Ok i don't mean to sound like a bighead but I think it's fair to say that many people who got used to the gameplay quite well now feel fable 2 is easy. I cannot remember any boss that made me struggle. The Crucible is the only challenging thing in terms of getting faster times. The story is quite short but I wouldn't care if they increased the difficulty.

I'm sure I will come up with some more later :P Great video.

Sweet! Thanks man. Yep I agree, I hope they are noting all of our issues with the game for Fable 3 as im sure there will be one.

We want a slightly harder game, With more variety in the Weapons, Clothing and Enemies....Something thats definitely easier to do the second time around (on the 360) as the ground work as already been laid (fable 2 engine)
Re: *Parody Video* Most Frustrating Fable II Issues! Nega-Review Pt.1

AngryJoeShow;236438 said:
Sweet! Thanks man. Yep I agree, I hope they are noting all of our issues with the game for Fable 3 as im sure there will be one.

We want a slightly harder game, With more variety in the Weapons, Clothing and Enemies....Something thats definitely easier to do the second time around (on the 360) as the ground work as already been laid (fable 2 engine)

Well I am happy to hear that. Thing is, we don't know if they will address them all.

Anyway I would like to evaluate a point on weapons. Now overall there ain't that much weapons. But the variation in terms of the type ain't bad. Ok clockwork is a bit like the turret and all of these types are the exact same to pistols aswell as rifles. But the idea behind it is good. What would have been better is the more level or weaons, i.e ( similar to runescape :wacko:) bronze, iron, steel, black, mithril. Ok, I know the idea is crap but the general trend of that would expand the range of weapons.

Also, legendary weapons should be harder to obtain, Ok some are but when you look at how to get the Daichi - the most favoured melee weapon in the game, then you find out how to obtain it, I just laughed. It would have worked if the length of the story line increased. I guess this relates back to the difficulty of the game.

Boss fights. Ok I love boss fights. But on fable 2 it's more of a " more health" monster. I liked the idea of the troll - The fact that you had to dodge attacks whilst catching the right moment to shoot the nerves, and of course avoiding the damn hobbes! But soon the idea faded away when people started using the summon undead which defeated the point of dodging attacks. Then the inferno spell that took out 4 nerves at once which killed the challenge. Also this was similar to the giant triangle at the end?

Overall, It would be nice if fights were "endured" and the difficulty increased. More enemies would help too. Anyway that's my 2 cents.
Re: *Parody Video* Most Frustrating Fable II Issues! Nega-Review Pt.1

Great show man, you should have beat the Blacksmith's are and taken that axe. I laughed hard enough to wake everyone, and I did! Keep the awesomeness coming, I'll be looking forward to it.

By the way, did you get the idea for the box smashing from Offic Space? It's what came to mind the moment I saw it. Still, it was effin hilarious, man.
Re: *Parody Video* Most Frustrating Fable II Issues! Nega-Review Pt.1

Lol! the office space parody of the boxes is what did it for me
great job! :)