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Part Time Jobs


Pistol Fiend
Jan 8, 2009
Part Time Jobs

We all know they suck, but they're a fairly necessary part of life. Or at least of life where you can pay for your own underwear and lunch without mommy's help.
I, myself, work at a Dunkin' Donuts here in New York and crappy as it may seem, it's actually not too bad of a job. My manager's a little creepy but luckily I can barely understand his accent so I don't have to talk to him too often. Minimum wage sucks but at least it's something.
So I'd like to hear about your experiences with your jobs or how you're coping with finding one, hell I'll even open up the floor to those of you lucky enough not to have to work. Just discuss anything work-related here.
And in the mean time, please visit this url so I can possibly win a prize from my job. Thanks a lot, guys! <3

Re: Part Time Jobs

This birthday coming up I might go see if that video rental store is hiring. I'm hoping its good. Last time I was there 5 employees were sitting in the back playing cards and one guy was walking around clapping his hands to the music on the intercom thing. :lol:
Re: Part Time Jobs

I've never been blessed/cursed with the cliched "sucky teenager part time job". I've had a short, but rewarding, experience working as an electrician. You can read about one rather memorable(and sexy!) event that I posted about some time ago here.

As for now I sit at at Customer Support Center at a phone company called 'Telia'. Basically it involves talking with stupid and/or angry people for 8 hours a day and coming home mentally exhausted as result. Thank Satan, due to the high risk of insanity that comes with this type of job, I make quite good money from it.
Re: Part Time Jobs

lucky you guys even have part time jobs, grrr im still trying to find one so i can fill out those boring mondays and fridays during college but i guess noone wants to hire a 16 yr old in college -_-
Re: Part Time Jobs

My first "rewarding" part timer that taught me the value of a dollar as they like to say was as a dishwasher. My first day the other dishwasher quit, thankfully it doesn't take much skill to scrape burnt 'foomains' out of pots and pans. Granted the industrial cleanser had a pH of 14 so, these bulky butyl gloves had to be worn unless I wanted skeleton hands by the end of the shift. The best part about this job was the free food though... mmm great cooking.

From there, I graduated to the fun and exciting world of retail. And there's no better retail store than Wal*Mart! The horror stories I have from that place are plentiful. As an employee, any self-respect, ambition or aspiring dreams immediately drained from your body as you crossed the threshold into that foreboding abyss of minimum wage and dead end dreams. (shudders)

Part time jobs at college varied from general office duties to the assistant to the Director of Environmental Management Systems, that was a cool work study job...

After that, full time working stiff at environmental consulting firms. The economy being the way it is... I was laid off several months ago. I'm hopeful with an interview I have this week for a position as Environmental Health and Safety Manager, so here's hoping.
Re: Part Time Jobs

my first job was awful... a small privately owned hardware store. the family were mostly stingy *butt*holes who watched your every action and said you were messing with the family business over anything I.E. not in dress code, drinking soda while on the way to pay for it...etc... i got fired because i failed to attend a meeting held at 7 o'clock in the morning before hours weekly. they usually involved cheesy 70's retail videos. i got fired because i failed to show up twice in a row, and then didn't come to work after the second day. i was fired over the phone, then i rolled over and went to sleep

my second job was gamestop which happened a month later. i worked there a while and there's not much to report, as everyone here knows what a job at gamestop entails. i quit because after the holiday season they were overstaffed and i made extremely little money.

my current job which i got a month ago is a concessions clerk at a privately owned movie theater. i love it, everyone i work with is chill, and i'm on break whenever both of the movies are playing (usually half of the work day or more). they have wireless internet, so laptops can be used. also i get to go to the restaurants if i get hungry and can take cigarette breaks at any point and as many times as i want provided i'm on break.
i'm happy where i'm at :D
Re: Part Time Jobs

I used to work at KFC for a few months. The pay was crappy, the hours were worse, so I quit.

Now I busk occasionally, but I'm looking to get into full time work this holidays, and then part time during Uni.
Re: Part Time Jobs

I've been workin off and on again at Vision Express (Opticians) for ohhh bout 2 and a half years now. It's not too bad seein as it was the first job and only job I have ever had. The only drawbacks are the patients/customers complaints . . . and they sure know how to ruin my day :P. Always complainin bout some issue they have been goin through and assume that I have been involved at the start of the entire fiasco.

Had to go through a lot of training for it and the pay is pretty good. I can make glasses aswell at our on site lab and I know how to prescreen patients (basically get an idea what sort of prescription we might be lookin at and have the Optom refine it when they see her) etc.

Overall tho I'm still happy where I am cos I get along with everyone that I work with and it helps me raise money for my Uni drinks fund :w00t:
Re: Part Time Jobs

Ive never had a part time job, but i have had internships:
FAA: I worked here for THREE days, but i dont think walking around halls, observing a bored(pun intended) meeting, and asking questions qualifies as work.
Video Game Design Program: One whole month, learning how to make cheap pac man-ish games using game maker 7.
Graphics design company: Swept the floors, cleaned the shelves, and monitored a printing process, as well as cutting some images and buying lunch.

It should be worth noting that in all three of these internships, i had actually gotten paid. Lucky me!
Re: Part Time Jobs

Lol i work at Mcdonalds and i like it there my sister helped me get the job because she works there too/ i also get 50% off so i can get some cheap burgers. but i can only clean up so that kinda sucks but in 3 weeks i will be 16 so i can make burgers and that is much more fun :)
Re: Part Time Jobs

Dentie;342756 said:
Lol i work at Mcdonalds and i like it there my sister helped me get the job because she works there too/ i also get 50% off so i can get some cheap burgers. but i can only clean up so that kinda sucks but in 3 weeks i will be 16 so i can make burgers and that is much more fun :)
my freshman biology teacher gave me a McDonalds application as a high school graduation present. i have it framed on my wall since he filled out most of it for me. :lol:
Re: Part Time Jobs

Tsuyu;342674 said:
I've never been blessed/cursed with the cliched "sucky teenager part time job". I've had a short, but rewarding, experience working as an electrician. You can read about one rather memorable(and sexy!) event that I posted about some time ago here.

As for now I sit at at Customer Support Center at a phone company called 'Telia'. Basically it involves talking with stupid and/or angry people for 8 hours a day and coming home mentally exhausted as result. Thank Satan, due to the high risk of insanity that comes with this type of job, I make quite good money from it.

That story was terrifying, man, why are you bringing back bad memories? I mean, come on, you didn't even have a hideous romantic comedy-style relationship with her. Or ten minutes of wild monkey sex. Where's the good in that?

Yeah, dealing with stupid people is so much fun. I work at a library, dealing with stupid, irate people who don't want to pay their 15-cent late fees.

PhilistineEars;342684 said:
From there, I graduated to the fun and exciting world of retail. And there's no better retail store than Wal*Mart! The horror stories I have from that place are plentiful. As an employee, any self-respect, ambition or aspiring dreams immediately drained from your body as you crossed the threshold into that foreboding abyss of minimum wage and dead end dreams. (shudders)

So glad that I don't work in retail, or food for that matter. I might have to deal with idiots, but at least I don't have to sell them anything. Or fight myself over not spitting in their food.

Jango;342739 said:
I'm still trying to find out if a 14 year old can even get a job.(Doubt it)

In the US? As I remember... no. You can only work in a few circumstances. I think you can be a life guard, work in a family business, or some restaurants. It depends. Ask around.

cheezMcNASTY;342766 said:
my freshman biology teacher gave me a McDonals application as a high school graduation present. i have it framed on my wall since he filled out most of it for me. :lol:

Your freshman biology teacher is awesome.

Oh, and Lobotomized? I hope you didn't want me to do anything more complex than click the link. I could, in theory, have filled out that form... but I didn't.
Re: Part Time Jobs

Yeah well we all know that most people want a part time job but some areas dont really have alot of part time jobs that are on offer to people. I mean i have to wait till i turn 15 and ill hopefully be able to get a job..
But i dont know in my area if ill be able to get a job because of the lack of jobs that are on offer at the moment.

So yeah maybe in some of your guys area it might be easier to get a part time job but for others its much harder.
Re: Part Time Jobs

Ha. Part time jobs are so 2007. I do have a part time job on top of my full time job, though. It's nice to have a little extra income.