Today is the day that is infamous for the attack on Pearl Harbor, now I don't justify the attacks on Pearl Harbor, I think it was wrong, we weren't in any type of engagement with Japan at the time. However, while I was reading an article about it on USAToday, the editor stated things about how the people living there were heroic, and we should always remember the bravery of the 3,000+ soldiers who died there, the words "heroic" and "brave" and "honor" popped up quite a bunch, it then stated that's when we started our walk into Global Superiority. I don't agree with that statement at all. The Golden Generation died pretty much after the Korean War, that **** was long and over, we don't have any type of form of Global Superiority and never have. Anyways, what made no sense - was that they made us seem like the victim, the hero, the good guy. Pearl Harbor was an attack on the Military, it killed Military Personnel, and destroyed Military Vehicles. How can we act like the good guys, when we surprise attacked them, by dropping two atomic bombs on civilian cities, wiping out 300,000+ and leaving hundreds of thousands more mortified and scared, not too mention radiation effects decades after. Why can't we just admit we're the bad guys for once? We do that to them, yet we still have room to say the Japanese were the bad guys.
I love my country and Military (obviously you all know) but I don't like how we can never just say we were the bad guys for once, we never accept the fact we lost in Vietnam, or pretty much Iraq and Afghanistan nowadays.
I love my country and Military (obviously you all know) but I don't like how we can never just say we were the bad guys for once, we never accept the fact we lost in Vietnam, or pretty much Iraq and Afghanistan nowadays.