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Possible future DLC

Would you buy a DLC that expanded on Aurora and the desert area?

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shane states

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
I think that we should do more with Aurora... I mean there is so much wasted map space in that area. They could easily do a "Explore New Territory" quest where you head off through the desert and search for broken parts of a civilization and ruins to grow and expand on the vastness that is the desert. I dont know was just wondering is all. Anyone elses ideas are more than welcome here
A quest like that would be nice, but I'd like DLC or a future fable game to take us to Smarkand (sp?)
Only as long as it would continue the story; i'm fed up of vignette DLC that has no meaning or purpose other than to make us give PM money!
Only as long as it would continue the story; i'm fed up of vignette DLC that has no meaning or purpose other than to make us give PM money!

That is very true.. Unfortunately *POSSIBLE SPOILER* that not everyone had enough money or means to save Kalin and all her people so it would be hard to do a DLC that continued the story of Aurora without Kalin in my opinion. But in saying that you could do something where someone else took over Aurora and then do a continuation storyline. You could do another pre-Crawler DLC for the time period when you become King/Queen and before the final battle even
That is very true.. Unfortunately *POSSIBLE SPOILER* that not everyone had enough money or means to save Kalin and all her people so it would be hard to do a DLC that continued the story of Aurora without Kalin in my opinion. But in saying that you could do something where someone else took over Aurora and then do a continuation storyline. You could do another pre-Crawler DLC for the time period when you become King/Queen and before the final battle even
No, you misunderstood me. I meant a DLC that continued ANY part of the story. The Fable series is far too disjointed, it needs some overarching plotline. link back to the second or first one, please.
My mistake, I apologize... Your right though. We have a 500 year gap and then a 50 year gap. What happened in the 50 year gap doesnt really mean that much to me cause I mean think of it this way in Fable 2 "See the Futur" you got a kings outfit and were shown you would be king and have a child. So we kinda know what happnened in that gap... the thing I wanna know is WTH happened in the 500 years and where is the old Heroes Guild???? I mean did it flood,destroyed what exactly? Who the hell knows it may be laying under the ruins of Aurora for all we know
Yes, but not out of obligation as a Fable fan, more of an obligation because 3/4 of that land is just plain empty, I haven't got major OCD or anything, but that doesn't sit well with me, all tat desert and only two areas, so wasteful, it tortures me on the inside.
Seriously... You have the city and then a bit of desert investigation with the Shifting Sands and Veiled Path. What lies in the rest of that desert is unknown and could be the greatest treasure ever.... or it could be just a random pile of toy swords,and porcelian dolls for all we know
and not to go off on another rant but "Chesty" in Fable II Chesty was decent you had to travel and survive multiple waves of different types of evil... In Fable III its a simple games of chess that you play til its bored and then it takes a whopping 1 minute to take care of all the evil... For all we know(again) Jack of Blades, Chesty, Logan, and prob Reaver are in the desert having some crazy ass party planning the apocolypse or something
Was looking at the map and thinking a lot of it wasn't used earlier. That might just be because it's supposed to be a desert and therefore inhabitable but could also be because they were leaving space for a later DLC. A town or some signs of civilization could definitely be plausible on the coast further along from Aurora.
Was looking at the map and thinking a lot of it wasn't used earlier. That might just be because it's supposed to be a desert and therefore inhabitable but could also be because they were leaving space for a later DLC. A town or some signs of civilization could definitely be plausible on the coast further along from Aurora.

Grdius hinted at a DLC focused on the endgate of the veiled path.

See that is exactly what Im talking about. They def should do that
Was looking at the map and thinking a lot of it wasn't used earlier. That might just be because it's supposed to be a desert and therefore inhabitable but could also be because they were leaving space for a later DLC. A town or some signs of civilization could definitely be plausible on the coast further along from Aurora.
The message probably should have said 'uninhabitable', otherwise you would be using a contrary word like 'but' to agree with a point you've already made. other than that, I agree totally. Although i'd like to see some more fable 1 locations... maybe snowspire, now that it's fallen mostly to coastal erosion (check the map table, it's still there)
As long as any DLC isn't downloaded through Xbox Live i'll be happy with it. Buying an expansion pack in a store is more convenient.
Yea I would agree kinda like they did with Red Dead Redemption... I like the fact that I can just pop in the disk and play it. If they do do an expansion pack hopefully it will be in disc format
The message probably should have said 'uninhabitable', otherwise you would be using a contrary word like 'but' to agree with a point you've already made. other than that, I agree totally. Although i'd like to see some more fable 1 locations... maybe snowspire, now that it's fallen mostly to coastal erosion (check the map table, it's still there)

Yep, I meant uninhabitable :)
I have totally forgotten about some Fable I locations do you have a map or is there one on this forum?
Sorry about how small it is, but it's the best I could find. The northern wastes are circled on the fable 1 and 2 maps. Snowspire is the, hmmm... capital city, i suppose.
View attachment 139

on the Fable 3 map table, you can see a string of islands between Aurora and Albion. Presumably, the ones just above (and offset from)the bowerstone - ish area are all that remains of The Northern Wastes
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