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Postal 3 Info


Sheeple President
Postal 3 Info

If you are here you have probably heard of the Postal series (one of my favourites). They ARE going to have a release and I was able to scrounge up some info (a small amount), some screenshots, and the fact that it will be out for the 360. Without further interruptions, I give you, my info! (that was corny :P)

After reading a bunch of sites, I have pulled up that it will use the Valve Source Engine and that it will be released (this is most likely known) at the end of 2008.

Now for those screenshots...




Not too amazing, just some map pics.

Feel free to post any Postal 3 info here.
Re: Postal 3 Info

Hey, I got some more info!

In Postal 3, which may be renamed to Postal 3: Catharsis, will include some new features, such as different life paths such as a Serial Killer, Activist Gone Eco-Terrorist, and.... A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE?!???!?? Well that's wierd.... It will also feature many celebrity voices and/or self-characterization. I have no more screenshots as of yet, but I hopefully will.

I hope Gary Coleman comes back... :devil:

EDIT: Celebrities will also include Playboy Playmates. This is especially good for them HornDogs out there...

EDIT (Again...): They will also be releasing a Postal movie directed by Uwe Boll. And yes there will be Krotchy.