Press Conference on UFO/Nukes Disclosure - September 27th, 2010
An extremely interesting subject. Several US-retired military officials have attended to a press conference about said subject. They talk about how the UFOs have shut down several nukes at several, various airforce bases, both in the US and around the world. These former officials also actually believe that these appearances are extraterrestrial.
Hopefully the government -- as I quote one of the former officials -- will disclose more information regarding this. And it certainly isn't the first time contact has been made. I'm sure of it.
This disclosure could also mean another thing: this could possibly be the reason why the Air Force and CIA became a seperate branch after Roswell (UFO Incident ( These are the dates:
CIA: September 18th, 1947
USAF: September 18th, 1947
Roswell: July, 1947
Press conference was broadcasted by CNN. It is split into 7 parts. The interesting part starts around the third or fourth video.
An extremely interesting subject. Several US-retired military officials have attended to a press conference about said subject. They talk about how the UFOs have shut down several nukes at several, various airforce bases, both in the US and around the world. These former officials also actually believe that these appearances are extraterrestrial.
Hopefully the government -- as I quote one of the former officials -- will disclose more information regarding this. And it certainly isn't the first time contact has been made. I'm sure of it.
This disclosure could also mean another thing: this could possibly be the reason why the Air Force and CIA became a seperate branch after Roswell (UFO Incident ( These are the dates:
CIA: September 18th, 1947
USAF: September 18th, 1947
Roswell: July, 1947
Press conference was broadcasted by CNN. It is split into 7 parts. The interesting part starts around the third or fourth video.