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[PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as king

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Man's Best Friend...Hobbe
Sep 2, 2008
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[PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as king



CVG said:
Did you treat your kid well in Fable II? Did you take care of them? Feed them? Clothe them? Give their mother plenty of money for when you're off hunting gargoyles, digging treasure or satisfying the whims of those annoying demon doors? Or did you father multiple sprogs with multiple wenches, kill your demanding other half rather than pay her any maintenance money, then fart in your child's face, laughing heartily as social services took the traumatised toddler off your hands? Er, us neither.

Whatever you did - whatever kind of saintly or devilish hero you were - we hope you're content with your behaviour, because soon Fable III will ask you to live with those consequences.

As the child of the previous game's hero, you've either spent your childhood loved and mollycoddled - if you played Fable II as a goody-two-shoes - or abandoned, malnourished, horned and bullied for your veiny blue skin. The decisions you made, and the person you became, will be passed onto your offspring, who can then choose whether to live up to your terrible/heroic legacy, or whether to head in completely the opposite direction.

With your burden (or gift) dictating their initial appearance, and thus the reaction they'll elicit from the kingdom's inhabitants, Fable III's new hero has to explore Albion once again - but this time, as a revolutionary. Fable III is split into two halves. The first sees you growing up as an idealist unhappy with the current ruler of Albion, and determined to oust the monarch from the throne. But armies need people, and people need to be convinced if they're going to fight for your cause. And in order to convince them, promises need to be made...

Overthrowing a king is a lot like a general election. People make pledges they aren't going to keep - even if they intended to keep them at the time - as they tour the country, shaking the Great Unwashed by their smelly proletarian hands. The first half of the game has you doing exactly that: going up to Albion's general public and promising to make their lives better when you become king or queen - in return for them lending a hand in the fight to attain it. You'll be able to shake their hands, too, thanks to the game's new touchy feely expression system. But we'll get round to that in just a moment...

In the fifty years since the events of Fable II, Albion has headed further down the path of industrialisation, and the result is a land with a greater rich-poor divide than ever before. The paupers of Bowerstone are forced into ghettos, as the elite settle snugly into their vast mansion homes. Put simply, there is injustice everywhere you cast an eye. In such a politically charged climate, it probably won't be too difficult to find support and gather an army capable of seizing the crown - the hard part comes when you finally have it.

Fable III's second half charts your reign as king or queen of Albion. Rather than the mock monarch you could be in the second game - if you bought every piece of land in the kingdom, you were rewarded with a crown, robes and a fancy title - Fable III lets you indulge in every kingly/queenly act you can think of, from sending your subjects to prison for no good reason to distributing the crown's wealth as you see fit. You'll still be able to wander round the kingdom, smacking bandits and looking for silver keys, but it's now backed up by a more evolved version of Fable II's sim elements - rather than simply buying everything in sight, you're able to shape the very nature of Albion.

Say your castle is looking a bit grim. You could spend your kingdom's limited resources on sprucing it up, but then you'd have no money left to attend to all the other items left on your royal to-do list - like going to war with other nations, or keeping all those promises you made.

Ah yes, the promises. For some bizarre reason, The People want you to uphold your pledges, rather than sticking your fingers in your ears and chopping off their whining heads instead. It's up to you whether you honour or ignore these promises, but you'll soon learn that life as a monarch isn't as straightforward as you imagined it to be - in order to ensure the smooth running of the kingdom, compromises have to be made. It's Fable's customary morality system taken to another level: rather than being good or bad simply for the hell of it, you'll be forced into making the kind of tough moral choices that real leaders have to make all the time.

When you need to take a break, why not pass judgement on your subjects? According to Peter Molyneux, you'll be able to go up to any Albion inhabitant involved in a crime and 'pass judgement' on their life, initiating a side quest where their friends, family and co-workers present evidence about their misdeeds. You can either judge the perp on the spot, letting them off or throwing them in jail, or you can investigate their life in more detail, in order to make a more informed decision (and presumably get more cash or XP as a result).

The expression system has been removed, replaced with something called 'Touch'. Rather than farting, Cossack dancing or clucking like a chicken (which would seem a bit odd as the ruler of Albion) you'll now hug, snog or shake people by the hand.

Apparently, this is because Lionhead "didn't feel like there was a connection in Fable II. The characters felt separate from the world." So you'll now be able to hold anyone's hand, for instance, taking a loved one to a cliffside to watch the beautiful sunset, or dragging a cute child from a burning house - reassuring the brat afterwards with a soppy hug. Lionhead are calling this 'Dynamic Touch'. "Imagine being able to embrace your own child," Peter said, explaining the concept. Well... we'd rather not embrace anyone else's.

It's another ambitious evolution of the Fable experience, then. But with every title Lionhead edge closer to their original goal with the series once known as Project Ego. The second game let you have another life - bearing children, getting a job or playing the property game - but Fable III just might let you live it, thanks to the new touch gestures and the chance to actually change the world in a meaningful way. Lionhead put it another way: when developing Fable II they were "still learning the art - but this time we're taking it seriously".

From this i can say i am looking forward to makign the most stuffed up kingdom, no one will appose me because i will chuck them in jail.


Resident Muppet
Jan 5, 2009
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

What can I say . . . get this man a 'Contributor' Title ! +rep m8 ! :w00t:

Actually I think this constitutes for a 'Bard' Title . . . hmmmm


The Superior Being
Jan 29, 2008
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

thats got me excited now!

Evil Scarecrow

Da Evilist MaPhucca
Nov 18, 2008
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

yea im pretty excited for this. i was excited for fable II and i wasn't disappointed like alot of people :D


Ninja elder #3
Sep 11, 2009
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

nice nice+rep+rep+rep+rep:ninja:


Edible in some countries
Jan 6, 2007
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

i finally pinpointed what i don't like about all this.
i love making choices, i hate consequences. Being a politician is all good and well, but where do i get to adventure? where do i get to beat a troll into a bloody pulp to thunderous applause in the arena? i really don't care to save a kid from a burning house
i'd rather be the one to set fire to it just to get the towns reaction.

This all seems very in depth and groundbreaking, it just doesn't sound....fun. :(


A Pretty Cool Guy
Jun 20, 2009
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

Something tells me that we're going to get the traditional Fable experience (combat, finding silver keys, and an obligatory arena sequence) with the addition of being a monarch in the process. I, for one, am looking forward to this.

And hopefully we'll get a decent boss fight.


Active Member
Jun 11, 2009
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

cheezMcNASTY;342036 said:
i love making choices, i hate consequences

Consequences are the whole point of in game choices in the first place. The reason people try different choices is to see what will happen if you play the game a certain way.

You can't have choices and not expect the path you took to have consequences, Fable 2 for example had a lot of consequnces, not just for action but also for inaction.


Ninja elder #3
Sep 11, 2009
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

cheezMcNASTY;342036 said:
i finally pinpointed what i don't like about all this.
i love making choices, i hate consequences. Being a politician is all good and well, but where do i get to adventure? where do i get to beat a troll into a bloody pulp to thunderous applause in the arena? i really don't care to save a kid from a burning house
i'd rather be the one to set fire to it just to get the towns reaction.

This all seems very in depth and groundbreaking, it just doesn't sound....fun. :(

i agree with all of the above...

althogh i dout that it wount have the fable experince cuz if it id didnt it wouldnt be fable now would it...


One with the force
Apr 16, 2009
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

Lionhead wouldn't take out any of the fantasy or adventure of Fable (unless they didn't want to make any money). The monarch power is going to be a great plus for the game. I am really excited and can't wait. It would be cool if one of the missions was to cleanse Wraithmarsh, so to expand kingdom. Hollow men **** me off!

I wonder if somehow the ressurection of the hero's guild will be tied into the game (or later games), since the new ruler is going to be a hero.


Edible in some countries
Jan 6, 2007
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

GaEv;342147 said:
Consequences are the whole point of in game choices in the first place. The reason people try different choices is to see what will happen if you play the game a certain way.

You can't have choices and not expect the path you took to have consequences, Fable 2 for example had a lot of consequnces, not just for action but also for inaction.

lol sorry if i didn't make myself clear. i'm afraid that fable III will have not enough choice and too much consequence. if I had fun being a right bastard in F2, why would in gods name would I want to spend all of Fable III with it wearing down on my new character?
I suffered enough when i
traded millions of people, as well as my dog for 1million gold

point being, let the consequences weigh down the same character, but having it effect a new character who is supposedly a fresh start....thats just lame :(


Man's Best Friend...Hobbe
Sep 2, 2008
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

ATM. I'm thinking it maybe just monarchy and you have the choise to go in the battlefield


Active Member
Jun 11, 2009
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

cheezMcNASTY;342153 said:
lol sorry if i didn't make myself clear. i'm afraid that fable III will have not enough choice and too much consequence. if I had fun being a right bastard in F2, why would in gods name would I want to spend all of Fable III with it wearing down on my new character?
I suffered enough when i
traded millions of people, as well as my dog for 1million gold

point being, let the consequences weigh down the same character, but having it effect a new character who is supposedly a fresh start....thats just lame :(

Ah, I understand that better.

I think some consequences would only make sense to take effect. For example if you didn't save the golden oak in Fable 2 that should be at least in mentioned in Fable 3 because the entire town may be partially dead or floureshing depending on the events that took place.

At the same time it has been fifty years so as I said I can see where you might feel resentful if there was too much consequence.

At the end of the day I feel it should be mainly a difference of geography


Ax-Wielding Nerd
Mar 14, 2007
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

Sounds itneresting-- not sure how much of it is new, but it's in a new shape and sounds more in-depth even if it isn't.

cheezMcNASTY;342036 said:
i finally pinpointed what i don't like about all this.
i love making choices, i hate consequences. Being a politician is all good and well, but where do i get to adventure? where do i get to beat a troll into a bloody pulp to thunderous applause in the arena? i really don't care to save a kid from a burning house
i'd rather be the one to set fire to it just to get the towns reaction.

This all seems very in depth and groundbreaking, it just doesn't sound....fun. :(

I know what you're saying, but I doubt they'll make this all good. From everything else, it sounds like you'll have full opportunity to be a tyrant-- they're just using good examples for the touch system. But I'm sure you'll be able to bitchslap as many small children as you cuddle.

Much-delayed EDIT: Also, I really wonder how they'll implement the kids. Especially considering that I got dumped by both my wives when I refused to pay off or even execute the blackmailer. Ooops. But I was a good dad before they dumped me, really!

Evil Scarecrow

Da Evilist MaPhucca
Nov 18, 2008
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

having chopping heads of as a minigame.. that would be a plus :D or walking through the town, people bowing down and if they don't.. CHOP CHOP.

Also, at the beginning, it sounds like ur a nobody, so u will probably have 2 start earning renown " questing , killing ect " thru half of the game, and the rest is to sustain that kingdom and carry on though the quest line " bosses ect ".

and they will probally have it like, if u end up being on the battlefeild, ur more likely to win because of the morale u give ur soliders? or get more renown, OR going or going on the battlefield might be like a quest, where u chose to or not?


Oct 10, 2009
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

there cant be consequenses from what you did in fable 2 beacouse you couldnt play the game if you dont have fable 2.
so dont worry about conseqenses.
ps i know my english sucks i'm dutch.


Pyramid Head fan
Jul 3, 2007
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

Looking forward to this, to me this sounds wicked.
I think it'd be great fun to be a king, I'm getting excited about what things you could do in the town.


A Pretty Cool Guy
Jun 20, 2009
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

It's another ambitious evolution of the Fable experience, then. But with every title Lionhead edge closer to their original goal with the series once known as Project Ego. The second game let you have another life - bearing children, getting a job or playing the property game - but Fable III just might let you live it, thanks to the new touch gestures and the chance to actually change the world in a meaningful way. Lionhead put it another way: when developing Fable II they were "still learning the art - but this time we're taking it seriously".

Didn't they say something similar to this during the development of Fable II? =/


New Member
Oct 12, 2009
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

Well the way that article is worded it seems that if u did have fable 2 the game will load the info down and maybe affect the look of ur character? :/ I'm screwed cuz in all my games i have like 20 kids. lol But if u didn't have 2 there is probably just a default setting for what your kid looks like . What interests me is that it would be cool to see a old versionm of ur hero from fable 2


Active Member
Jun 11, 2009
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Re: [PREVIEW]CVG talks about changes of albion after 50 years and jobs you can do as

lop145;342535 said:
there cant be consequenses from what you did in fable 2 beacouse you couldnt play the game if you dont have fable 2.
so dont worry about conseqenses.
ps i know my english sucks i'm dutch.

Actually they can still do consequences, in the event that you don't have a Fable 2 file I imagine there will be

A) A set layout to Albion agreed on before the game began, there would still be as many references to the previous hero but this time it would be an NPC not a previous file

B) Ask you a few questions at the beginning if you don't have a Fable 2 file and determine the layout of Albion based off on your answers

C) Layout of Albion randomised for each new file you make.
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