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Project Fem Hero

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Active Member
Jan 2, 2018
Welcome to build a hero workshop. So I have always wanted to have a female hero that was as complete as possible. One that utilized as much of the original coding, skin composite, hair, clothes, as possible. Most female mods I researched were stripped of alot of this and were bare boned. So first thing I did was read ever forum post while taking notes. Than downloaded every female mod, ripped them apart and studied them, while taking notes. Than took all the notes and researched all the empty gaps, and made more notes.

What I discovered is that I could build a female hero, with working different cloths, with working different hair styles, fully functional skin composites, and visible tattoos, all from meshes and textures already in the game. Now of course, new textures would have to be created to fill the gaps, and copies of existing meshes used in some places.

And this is were this post started, a way to chronicle the building the most complete female hero with the least intrusion to the game.
So I have now reached the point of a fully working female hero. All hairstyles are working/ converted. All cloth armors are working/converted. Skin effects working. Tattoos working. Female animations working. Now to work on sounds.
Assassin and Fire Assassin


Will User Neutral

No Cloths
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ykviuku1dwdtfw0/1-10-2018 10.12.03 AM.jpg?dl=0
https://www.dropbox.com/s/my5mqj3cjbid3i7/1-10-2018 10.12.09 AM.jpg?dl=0

Feed back, criticism, or ideas appreciated.
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So I have run into a problem. I can't uncover a way to edit the sound entity for the hero. I know I can simple replace the hero's with the sound entity from another character. Ex. Briar rose or generic female. But doing so leaves some sounds empty.
This looks incredible!

I did always think it was a shame that Fable didn't include a female hero. I guess probably due to engine limits or time constraints. At least they didn't use the ol'Kingdom Come: Deliverance "it wouldn't be realistic" excuse. I'm sorry but one of the characters in there - from what I've seen so far - has an American accent. In Medieval England. You can just smell the realistic sh*t smelling streets of ye old Englandtown. Ahh! Smell that realism!


Lionhead couldn't use that excuse. Hello! Whisper? Briar Rose? Theresa? In fact I think I remember seeing someone attempt a model replacement of the Hero of Oakvale using Theresa's. I dunno whatever came of that mod but it was cool.

Yours looks better though(no disrespect to any of the other attempts.)

Good modding!
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Reactions: oriamiby
This is a brilliant looking mod, very impressive work. I’m glad that people are still working on things like this
hello, sorry for the necro but i'd really love to know if this is still in development. would love to use this mod in my next playthrough, it looks so great!
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Reactions: Dark Drakan and lee
I would be very interested to know if this project is still under development too. It looks really decent?.
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