Tsuyu;396582 said:And how is teaching them proper English gonna rob them of their culture?
HobbeBrain;396410 said:Is it the flag that is officially going to replace it, or is it just you personal take?
cheezMcNASTY;396571 said:Puerto Rico has every right to remain in it's current status. as the united states, we gave them that freedom to choose which direction, if any, they wanted to go in. we offer them military protection, so they contribute to our armed forces.
walker, i fail to see where you're drive to change their status is coming from.
i was visiting hawaii in late '09 and the natives hate being called american just because they are a territory. they hate being a tourist spot, and they hate ignorant haoli's (white people) who say things like "you're a part of the US" or "you're a US citizen so you should speak better english". the reality of it is that we are ignorant. we have no idea how they feel. they may be called a US territory for one reason or another, but if they don't want the title of an official state and all the bull **** that comes with it, that is their decision and their decision alone.
the fact is that they are their own culture, and they don't want to have english widely taught. they don't think that we're better off then they are. if they do, they are free to vote for it. they pay their taxes, they contribute soldiers, and beyond that the US should just mind it's own ****ing business.
Tsuyu;396582 said:And how is teaching them proper English gonna rob them of their culture?
care to elaborate? the US gained Puerto Rico under terms of Spains surrender. if they've chosen to keep their current status, and pay their own tax's, and support our military as any other state would. what's the ****ing problem?Walker;396623 said:No. Personally, I think commonwealth status is stupid, and I find it irritating that they're still on the UN ****list for "not free enough." I want them independent or a state. That in-between status is just... irritating to me.
my mistake, at least we're in agreement thar.Walker;396623 said:Haole* is how that word is spelled, and they've been a US state since 1959. I can see why they'd be irritated by ignorant tourists.
no, because we gave them freedome of choice on their status. they are going to remain whatever they want to be because we made it that way.Walker;396623 said:Um, excuse me? They are our ****ing business, because they're part of us. If they were not part of us, then you could say that. But independence is the smallest minority opinion they have. English IS taught, usually as a foreign language, and it IS one of their official languages.
Walker;396623 said:Personally, I would lean towards "you're dumb enough to have any official languages, you should be able to speak them" but honestly I don't care. My view on language is that people will learn what they need, and demand education in what they need, and it'll all work out in the end.
Tsuyu;396600 said:I'd say knowing English is a pretty useful trait in this international world of ours. I can't see why anyone would oppose the teaching of it.
yes, but what you as a resident of the main land shouldn't factor into it at all. i'm all for talking about this theoretically, but in practice you me or any resident of the main land shouldn't have any say in it.Walker;396653 said:They're getting taxed and all that **** while not getting full representation. I'd as soon they had full representation or independence.
they have freedom of choice to be independent or a state. we have no right to force them to change. what you are describing is practically tyranny.Walker;396653 said:Yes, and we should give them freedom of choice to be independent or a state. Allowing this in-between, halfassed commonwealth status to continue just isn't right. It ****es me off with DC, it ****es me off with all the tiny little territories without enough population for statehood, and it ****es me off here.
uh huh, but why is that a problem if they haven't voted towards wanting to vote for a president? it would be a problem if we weren't allowing them to because of some political alignment, but if they want a status that doesn't allow them voting, that's their decision.Walker;396653 said:But that doesn't change the fact that it's our concern. If four million American citizens can't vote for their president (excepting primaries) and can't vote in Congress, I find that deeply disturbing. They are part of us until they choose not to be. Give them a simple binary choice and **** the status quo.
Walker;396653 said:EDIT:
And Tsuyu, the problem isn't that Puerto Ricans don't want to learn/teach English. The problem is that they're afraid becoming a US state will lead to the federal government forcing them to use English to the detriment of Spanish.
cheezMcNASTY;396758 said:yes, but what you as a resident of the main land shouldn't factor into it at all. i'm all for talking about this theoretically, but in practice you me or any resident of the main land shouldn't have any say in it.
it's their choice
cheezMcNASTY;396758 said:they have freedom of choice to be independent or a state. we have no right to force them to change. what you are describing is practically tyranny.
cheezMcNASTY;396758 said:uh huh, but why is that a problem if they haven't voted towards wanting to vote for a president? it would be a problem if we weren't allowing them to because of some political alignment, but if they want a status that doesn't allow them voting, that's their decision.
cheezMcNASTY;396758 said:just like how you can't force a citizen of the main land to vote if they don't want to. any citizen can opt to vote for one, the other, or neither (not counting 3rd party candidates). 4 million more who choose to vote for neither is relatively small considering how many on the main land choose that option to begin with.
FableFreak;396981 said:Walker, you're not thinking big enough. We need to annex Guyana and then South America and then Eurasia and then Vulcan and then we make Cthulhu president of everything.
God dammit Walker... Just... God dammit. Yes, I know where the **** Guyana is. We START with Guyana and then steamroller South America. Derp.Walker;397552 said:Damn skippy. And you do realize that Guyana is already in South America, right?
Tsuyu;397558 said:Cthulhu would be hungry after his awakening. We could feed all the Swedes to him, except yours truly of course. As a plus side, chicks really dig you when you're the last of something!
JohnDoe;397583 said:Let's swap, maybe it's a regional thing. Imagine for a moment, in order for me to be successful in the United States of America, I had to learn Spanish. It was absolutely mandatory for me if I wanted to live here.
Fun note: Everything you learn in school Spanish lessons is bullcrap. But at least I made a fun piñata.
FableFreak;397624 said:God dammit Walker... Just... God dammit. Yes, I know where the **** Guyana is. We START with Guyana and then steamroller South America. Derp.
By the way, Cthulhu is already living off the tip of South America:
JohnDoe;397706 said:No, I'm saying that people here aren't required to learn English at all and have no reason to even want to learn English unless they intend on leaving, and that's why they stay right here. And once they're adults, they couldn't leave if they wanted to, and their kids go through the same thing and that's why there are long family lines that have stayed in this area for as long as anyone can remember. Long enough that everyone here belongs to one of these families. They even named entire sections of the region after them. I live in the Los Villareales part of the city. They've built their own society here and they have no intention of assimilating, which means that for Americans to live here, they must become Mexicans.
JohnDoe;397706 said:I'm not saying that English is going to die. In France, you speak French. In Spain, you speak Spanish. In Germany, you speak German. Sure, many people there know other languages too, but it'd be awfully ignorant for me to go to Germany and expect people to speak English. Similarly, it's awfully ignorant for Spanish-speaking people to come here and decide that they'll never learn English.
JohnDoe;397706 said:Call them what you want, I call them Mexicans. They're not recent, they've been rooted here for many generations. Fun fact: if you can find a person here that's really, really old, a great-grandparent perhaps, he or she will likely speak English and will tell of days when they were beaten in school for speaking Spanish. I don't like that they were beaten, but I do like the idea of encouraging people to learn English. It's the only way for anyone here to leave this place. They've been here so long that they're all related, seriously, marrying a third-cousin here is a common practice. I think that might have something to do with why everyone here is an idiot.