Orange ones on the left are determined by post count. I'm pretty sure on the order, and I'm pretty sure I got them all, but I can't say so with any real certainty.
= Forum administrator. You'd have to be Steve's best friend or love bunny to get that one.
= Global moderator. You'd have to kiss up to Steve's love bunny for an indefinite amount of time to get that one.
= Gold Supporter. You can get that one with the
Go Gold link at the top bar.
= Bard. I believe you get this one by contributing news.
Contributor = Contributor. I can't say it with any certainty, but I think this is for fan-fiction writers or those who contribute works of art, graphic, literary or otherwise, in the Barrow Fields Art Gallery. Not sure on that one though.
= Fable modder. You can get that one by selling your soul.
] = Banned. While it looks stylish, this is one tag you don't want to have.
: Dammit Arseface, ninja'd. >.>
Well, I made a pretty picture, so...
: Added the bandit.