Corsair Carbide 300R (undecided on windowed or not) (£44.99)
Id just go for the windowless, when you've had a window for like a year it kinda gets a bit annoying seeing all of the flashing lights and stuff inside the case. Im glad i have a windowless one now and there are still red LED's that make it look all fancy. Cases come down to personal preference really though, just get a mid tower at least and you'll be set.
Asus Maximus VII HERO ATX Intel (£132.70)
Personally i would be going for this one, overall ASUS boards have a lot more features than GIGA usually and are more reliable. Both of them are very good boards but speaking from experience, and from the two ASUS boards that i've had, they offer nice feature like easy CMOS clearing buttons and very nice BIOS layouts.
Intel Core i7-4790K CPU (Quad Core 4GHz) (£205.08)
Yep, great choice.
CPU Cooler -
NH-U14S - £60.90 (if I were to research overclocking & purchase somewhere down the line)
Yep, also great choice, fans can be changed too i believe if you hate the nasty brown ones, but if you go for the windowless case it wont really matter. Noctua are an amazing company for fans though, my go to.
Sapphire Radeon R9 290X 4GB - £395.90
On this point, i'd like to say i really don't like Saphire as they don't actually do much with the cards. As previously mentioned if you want a good card i'd go for something like an ASUS or a MSI. One for power (not a tonne more) and one for cooling. My personal preference on such a high end card would be the extra cooling, as the power wouldn't make that much of a difference that it was noticable on any games anyway. I'd go for something
like this. MSI. My 280x is an MSI and has been working smoothly and cool playing everything at maximum settings for a long time now.
Nvidia GeForce GTX 800 series (unannounced and depending on price)
Can't really say anything on this but no clue when this is going to be announced, ill keep an eye out.
G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB DDR3 1600 (£48.25)
Not a fan of Ripjaws, i know plenty of people use it but it has the tendency to get quite hot and can be a bit pesky and unreliable. Personally i'd go for something like Corsair/Kingston, and i found this which would be a good, kinda the same price
alternative. Looks pretty sexy too... (thinking of actually getting me some of that to upgrade all of my old HyperX ram..

Power Supply:
Corsair CP-9020056-UK RM Series RM850 80 Plus Gold 850W (£99.99)
Corsair, without a doubt. They make amazing, reliable, and stable power supplys that never actually underput any of the voltage like a lot of other PSU's do. Personally Corsair has always been my PSU brand choice and the Gold certified proves that it's going to be a decent and reliable piece of kit. The alternative you said has the same rating, but c'mon? gotta whore one company right? (Gold certified basically means it has a better efficiency rating than normal power supplies, i think it's something like 85%-90% for gold, which is fantastic. A normal power supply without these certifications can have such crappy efficiency it's unreal. Never buy a PSU without an 80+ certification, a broken power supply could mean a broken rig sometimes)
Hard Drive:
WD 1 TB 3.5-inch Internal Hard Drive (£48.25)
I'd go for the WD, once a HD gets over 1TB in capacity and only has a 7200rpm speed, things will load considerably slower due to having to search the whole hard drive for specific files. If you're looking at it just for storage, do something like have your main SSD for the boot drive. A 1TB for games so that it do sent decrement the speed of texture loading and then if you need storage, a bigger HD for music and random files.
Crucial CT120M500SSD1 120GB M500 SATA (£50.99)
Yup, guessing this will be your boot drive, seems fine to me.
Optical Drive:
LG 24x DVD Burner - £15.40
Does it read discs? it's fine!
As for the two different GPUS, even i have no damn idea why the price difference is so huge. My guess is they are the same card, named slightly different on different sites so the prices show up as different.
Could do if you want, I see no harm once everything else is sorted and totaled and you have enough cash left to spare. Aside from Crysis 3, not much will make use of it though so it'll just end up sitting there mostly, Skyrim certainly won't do anything with it. :lol:
But Giki, think of all the Ram he could dedicate to Minecraft! he might be able to run it at a whole 60fps with that much! Oh java.
I'm kidding, but i agree with Giki over here, you don't really need more than eight unless you plan to do video/graphics editing, in which case get 12-16.