Quick Post, Not in Firefox!
Well, I got Firefox, after being told by many sources (this site especially got me thinking) and changed it awhile back. I don't have a clue why I was using IE and not this. Anyways, I was always used to using the alt+s quick post method, but in FF it just opens the history tab. Now, not trying to be a picky ******* here, but I was wondering if it is possible to change my FF settings to make it workable, or if you guys could do anything. I know I'm lazy, and sorry for bugging you about something so stupid.:blush:
Well, I got Firefox, after being told by many sources (this site especially got me thinking) and changed it awhile back. I don't have a clue why I was using IE and not this. Anyways, I was always used to using the alt+s quick post method, but in FF it just opens the history tab. Now, not trying to be a picky ******* here, but I was wondering if it is possible to change my FF settings to make it workable, or if you guys could do anything. I know I'm lazy, and sorry for bugging you about something so stupid.:blush: