Re: Races.
Tsuyu;237190 said:
Albion = old England.
Old England = white people.
Thunder and Whisper came from far away, across the sea. That you'd be a black orphan who is native to Albion just wouldn't make any sense.
well.....maybe they made the trade route better.... especially from the asian countries... you know... spice trade are some sh!t. hell i dont care.... just give me my asian B!tches (i do not refer to woman as B!tches in real life only whenever she is ananimate and has no feelings [or a blow up doll
maybe your an orphan because the dad was all like "THAT CANT BE MY KID, HES BLACK!!!!" *BLAM* *out a window* "oh....they come out darker on birth....sorry huney"
maybe they didn't have DNA tests to prove who was the baby's daddy.
Black woman: I know hes de daddy dey gots de same nose and mouf.
Guy: Oh hell NO! that baby looks nothin like me!
besides the whole "it is a recreation of old Britain." well... did england have Hobbes and giant trolls. Oh what about giant spires that give wishes?
yes i know it has to have some fantasy elements too it, but why make races a 'real' factor in this game? Why have the gamer restricted to be caucasian? I am not speaking for myself, because i would not have my character being any other race besides white. give more veriety for the player, give more choices for a spouse, and give more choices FOR YOUR DOG!!!! (i would love to have a white akita inu)
...also.... i am making it my purpose in this life to have an asian girl in fable 2 that will say the phrase "me love you long time"
thank you