Re: Reasons you come back to Fable
Kilts, on the other hand, are awesome.
I know, I have one somewhere. I don't wear it except as a joke. Oddly enough, it was actually temporarily banned (true frickin' story) in my town on the basis it was cross dressing. This held up until it was pointed out that cross dressing wasn't illegal and there was about to be quite a lot of suing by a number of groups of people, some with Scottish heritage
But it was weird. A teacher I used to have some respect for *VIOLENTLY* and furiously complained about one of my friends wearing his.
Reasons I come back to Fable: Well, for the humor for one thing. And I have to say that the good/evil choices flow more easily. Also, I mean, there's not a whole lot of games where I can have any semblence of a choice in romantic relationship beyond one or two people, and if nothing else the world does seem at least somewhat alive. I tend to alternate between it and Oblivion, honestly.
Kilts, on the other hand, are awesome.
I know, I have one somewhere. I don't wear it except as a joke. Oddly enough, it was actually temporarily banned (true frickin' story) in my town on the basis it was cross dressing. This held up until it was pointed out that cross dressing wasn't illegal and there was about to be quite a lot of suing by a number of groups of people, some with Scottish heritage

Reasons I come back to Fable: Well, for the humor for one thing. And I have to say that the good/evil choices flow more easily. Also, I mean, there's not a whole lot of games where I can have any semblence of a choice in romantic relationship beyond one or two people, and if nothing else the world does seem at least somewhat alive. I tend to alternate between it and Oblivion, honestly.