I used Albion Explorer's Wizard to make her. Plus I don't think lady gray is on the map so I wouldn't know how to do it.Tsuyu;65120 said:Didn't you change one of the Knotholde Glade wifes into the Hero's sister once...?
unfortunately, other characters clothes are attached to them and cannot be easily detached-Ravan-;65121 said:Try kepping her dress, but overlay it with some of hedvigs cloths.
Sephiroxas;65122 said:I used Albion Explorer's Wizard to make her. Plus I don't think lady gray is on the map so I wouldn't know how to do it.
For the challenge of coursedroded;65223 said:Yeah, Why would you be able to remarry in the first place?
droded;65218 said:I could re texture that lady gray to look like Hedwig...
Did you know that if you enter bowerstone North before the wasp queen quest, you can enter lady gray's house lol^_^
Congrats. I didn't know you could lock pick her house. Maybe it's only possible after you marry her? :ninja: Hmm good find. Rep+Reaper;65286 said:GOOD NEWS!!! I didn't have to remarry Lady Gray to get into the manison. I walked up to the doors thinking maybe I can try to lockpick them. No lockpick option came up so I just hit the A button and got in. I got theThe Katana Hiryu.
You said you got it though.Reaper;65298 said:You can't actually pick it... I was just trying to see if I can.