Signature discussion.
Basically just discuss your signature, and how it came to be, who made it, how hard it was, etcetera.
I just made mine in Paint.Net a few minutes ago. Paint.Net, for those of you who don't know, is a program similar to Paint in that it is a lot better than regular Paint, but not nearly as good as Photoshop. So it sits somewhere in the middle. It's completely free and easy to use too.
Finally got Rockband for my 360, and I know now what I've been missing out on. Xbox Live is SO much fun, especially at the end of a song when it lags so hard you're sitting there watching your bandmates dance around on stage for ten minutes. Haha. Anyhow, I made mine because I'm a platinum bassist and vocalist in Rockband 2 on the PS2, and when I get in a band and get my guitar, I'll be on the 360 too.
Also, does anyone know if The GIMP is any better than Paint.Net? I've heard of GIMP but haven't bothered to test it.
Basically just discuss your signature, and how it came to be, who made it, how hard it was, etcetera.
I just made mine in Paint.Net a few minutes ago. Paint.Net, for those of you who don't know, is a program similar to Paint in that it is a lot better than regular Paint, but not nearly as good as Photoshop. So it sits somewhere in the middle. It's completely free and easy to use too.
Finally got Rockband for my 360, and I know now what I've been missing out on. Xbox Live is SO much fun, especially at the end of a song when it lags so hard you're sitting there watching your bandmates dance around on stage for ten minutes. Haha. Anyhow, I made mine because I'm a platinum bassist and vocalist in Rockband 2 on the PS2, and when I get in a band and get my guitar, I'll be on the 360 too.
Also, does anyone know if The GIMP is any better than Paint.Net? I've heard of GIMP but haven't bothered to test it.