So I was playing Fable...
So I was playing Fable : TLC and I noticed that right off the bat in the first hour of the game I had the plate gear, well maybe not the first hour maybe like 2 hours but still, plate gear, the final gear you will ever need unless you want bright plate gear or your going for the silver key chest towards the end.
I also noticed it was just button mashing no combo's and the magic was basicly the same everytime. Now even though I relized all of these things I was still having a great time cause...its fable.
But while I've been playing I couldn't help notice all these bad things. Will Fable 2 be somewhat like Fable : TLC? or completly different? I mean I know a few things, yes there will be combo's and more content but what about armor? or weapons? Will there be 50 weapons and only 1 or 2 you should use through the entire game and all the others are just pointless? Or will there be 50 weapons and all of them are unique in there own way. Also, will it be as easy as Fable : TLC? I beat the game last night and just started the lost chapters part and died once at jack of blades (by accident) Will it be like that in Fable 2? I've seen alot of gameplay where they just whip right through the area's (I know they were high levels but still). I really hope they changed alot of the armor. I used leather armor and in 3 quests I went from poor leather wearer to rich plate gear with big weapons. Also will it be easy to be so popular? You do one good thing and half the city is cheering you on, you do another good thing and everyone knows who you are and what your favorite food is, one more makes everyone love you and want your baby. Afterwhile renown was just pointless because I would get so much for doing somthing so little. You know, when I go to my job to do black smithing I don't want a crowd of people cheering at me for 10 minutes making it kinda noisy while im concintrating.
Either way im going to get the Fable 2 Limited Edition
I would just like to know some things. If anyone could help me out on this or point out somthing that would be great. If these questions have been asked just tell me the thread name please. Thanks.
So I was playing Fable : TLC and I noticed that right off the bat in the first hour of the game I had the plate gear, well maybe not the first hour maybe like 2 hours but still, plate gear, the final gear you will ever need unless you want bright plate gear or your going for the silver key chest towards the end.
I also noticed it was just button mashing no combo's and the magic was basicly the same everytime. Now even though I relized all of these things I was still having a great time cause...its fable.
But while I've been playing I couldn't help notice all these bad things. Will Fable 2 be somewhat like Fable : TLC? or completly different? I mean I know a few things, yes there will be combo's and more content but what about armor? or weapons? Will there be 50 weapons and only 1 or 2 you should use through the entire game and all the others are just pointless? Or will there be 50 weapons and all of them are unique in there own way. Also, will it be as easy as Fable : TLC? I beat the game last night and just started the lost chapters part and died once at jack of blades (by accident) Will it be like that in Fable 2? I've seen alot of gameplay where they just whip right through the area's (I know they were high levels but still). I really hope they changed alot of the armor. I used leather armor and in 3 quests I went from poor leather wearer to rich plate gear with big weapons. Also will it be easy to be so popular? You do one good thing and half the city is cheering you on, you do another good thing and everyone knows who you are and what your favorite food is, one more makes everyone love you and want your baby. Afterwhile renown was just pointless because I would get so much for doing somthing so little. You know, when I go to my job to do black smithing I don't want a crowd of people cheering at me for 10 minutes making it kinda noisy while im concintrating.
Either way im going to get the Fable 2 Limited Edition