Re: Somebody call for an exterminator?....well, its not me.
Ah....the such an ******* with em...if im not zerging you with the zergs...
-Wish I could play chrono trigger, didnt get the chance.
-Bro owns Chrono Chross ive gotten onto disc 2, but that was a loooooong time 5 years:wacko:
-I own KH 1 and 2, along with my bro.
-Beaten KH1 and unlocked and made/gotten everything....and lost that memory card one day while it was in my pocket and I was at my therapists....(i no longer go to her)
Stuck lvling up ATM on KH2....The thing i hate most about any rpg based game -.-
-Bro has/had Final Fantasy: Tactics....not sure if he still does though...
-Bro used to own Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance, but he gave it up, cause he beat that many times...I myself still own, and am Lvling myself up like crazy
BTW, just so i get this out of the way...i know what the orange, grey, (and any silver) on names mean....what does blue, red, and anything else mean, just so its cleared up for me. (this is for the forums itself)