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Spawning Chests


Local Succubus
Sep 18, 2006
The tower of everlasting chaos
Spawning Chests

So you're new to modding eh? Or you're just looking up information on how to do something eh? Either way, I'm here to help, and I'm going to be helping with Spawning Chests. :lol: :D
FIRST, before you can really do ANYTHING, you'll need to follow the free roam app.

You will need a couple of programs (if you don't already have them)
Also for Items Numbers
Check here for a simpiler installation of both FE & AE Fable: The Lost Chapters Mod Scene: Tools => Installers For Fable Explorer & Albion Explorer

Now, down to the chest spawning.

Step One: Open Albion Explorer.

Step Two: On the Left side of the now open Albion Explorer, you should see a list of REGIONS.

Step Three: Open a map, I'll be using the Hero's Guild.
[So Scroll down in the list of REGIONS and find HeroGuildComplexInside
Double click on it, a new window will pop up]

Step Four: On the new window, Click on World Editor. It will now load the map.

Step Five: After the loading is finished a new window will pop up with a gray mass and green blobs. Something like this:

>>In the new window that appeared there will be three boxes:
  • One with the maps of the Hero's Guild. (The top left window that says WORLD)
  • One with coding (The Bottom Left Window, It says Version 2;
    XXXSectionStart NULL;
  • And the actual Map (the Top Right Window, with the green dots)
>>Right click on HeroGuildComplexInside in the top left window in WORLD and click Wizard

Step Six: The Neatest tool in the universe will now pop up. The TNG Wizard.

>>Under TEMPLATE (Where it currently says Body guard)
Click on the drop down menu and change it from:
Template: Bodyguard >> Normal Treasure Chest

>>Then click OK!
[NOTE: Pay attention to the section you are putting it in. (NULL)]

Step Seven: You SHOULD see a green dot appear in the TOP MOST RIGHT CORNER of your gray map.
>>Click on the cross hairs next to HeroGuildComplexInside and the cross hairs next to NULL

>>Scroll down in the list until you're at the bottom and click on the OBJECT in the bottom of the list.

>>Scroll down in the coding window (The bottom Left window)
Until you find:
ContainerContents[0] "OBJECT_SWORD_OF_AEONS";
ChestOpen FALSE;

Step Eight: Pick or have ready the items you want to put inside the chest.
[I will be using the Jack of Blades Hero title. But you can use anything you like really, as long as it says OBJECT_ in front of it.]
For Objects, Use Fable Explorer.

WITH ContainerContents[0]"OBJECT_HERO_TITLE_JACK" ;

>>If you want more than one item in a chest just modify it so it says:
ContainerContents[0]"OBJECT_HERO_TITLE_JACK" ;
ContainterContens[2]"OBJECT_NEXT_ITEM_YOU_WANT" ;
ChestOpen FALSE;

>>Remember to Keep in mind:
  • Container Contents MUST start at 0 and continue on from there.
  • Container Contents MUST have " " ; format
  • Container Contetns MUST be an OBJECT
Or your game will shut down.
If you like you can change the UID to something different.
>Just four numbers (Default is 4187) into any other four numbers you want:

UID 18446741874686296067; >>INTO>> UID 18446747854686296067;

Step Nine: Now you should see a green dot with a square around it. I pointed it out in this image with red arrows:

>>Click on the green dot, Drag and move it to a suitable area.

Step Ten: Click Apply Changes, Close Albion Explorer SAVE CHANGES when Prompted

You can now Re-Open to see if the changes took place.
If they did congratulations!!!! you've spawned your first chest
If not PM me Or comment on this thread and I'll try to help you.

Hope this was helpful. and not too confusing to those new modders and already modding ^_^;;;
Re: Spawning Chests

Tell ya what, I'm gonna sticky this for you. Am feeling benevolent tonight...must be the hot chocolate...
Re: Spawning Chests

*passes hot chocolate to Sephi...tis gooooooood...
Re: Spawning Chests

Awesome Markie! Rep+
I was doing everything but the Albion Explorer is showing World location as 4904.29, 3411.895 I'll see if there's anything on this
Re: Spawning Chests

Thanks again

I was looking for a way to figure out what the X,Y position was from the wacky way Albion Explorer displays it and I found this. I didn't want to post it because I asked you to put together the chest spawning thing and it might seem like I was setting you up this thing is awesome check it out

Either way you helped me ask the right question which led me to this

http://fabletlcmod.com/forum/index.p...on#ms g_15834

just go to the map you want to place chest in "Albion explorer"
click world editor"
and right click on the 1st name under the tab world
and click wizard then change section in NULL if needed
and change template in to normal treasure chest and use as defination type OBJECT_CHEST_OPENABLE
use Uid generator if you dunt want to make up own uid

then scroll down and search for the object
then scroll into the script and search for chest contents
should be like this
ContainerContents[0] "OBJECT_SWORD_OF_AEON S";

just change Sword of aoens in the thing you want

and for every content you add it must be like this
ContainerContents[0] "OBJECT_SWORD_OF_AEON S";
ContainerContents[1] "OBJECT_SOMETHING";
ContainerContents[0] "OBJECT_SOMETHING";

and then you change the location by draggin the dot to where you want and rotate it if you want

hope i helped

"sorry if lil unclear im bad in explaining thing"
Re: Spawning Chests

Albion Knight;43967 said:
Thanks again

I was looking for a way to figure out what the X,Y position was from the wacky way Albion Explorer displays it and I found this. I didn't want to post it because I asked you to put together the chest spawning thing and it might seem like I was setting you up this thing is awesome check it out

Either way you helped me ask the right question which led me to this

I tried to do it the albion explorer way and I was confused. Plus I like spawning a bunch of chests :lol: I guess the old TNG editor is for me. :rolleyes:
Re: Spawning Chests

Hopefully it isn't too late to post on this thread and get a reply, but I've been following the directions to a T, and I run into the error message "No wizard templates available" when trying to use Albion Explorer. I'm trying to spawn a chest in the Guild Woods, since its one of the first locations you get to go to (trying to start as early as possible with my new katana) and I've been having nothing but problems. Any suggestions on why I don't have any wizard templates? And, I've searched and the only results I get have to do with Wizard hats, and other Fable-related in-game items. :wacko:
Re: Spawning Chests

DartaisUchiha;69038 said:
Hopefully it isn't too late to post on this thread and get a reply, but I've been following the directions to a T, and I run into the error message "No wizard templates available" when trying to use Albion Explorer. I'm trying to spawn a chest in the Guild Woods, since its one of the first locations you get to go to (trying to start as early as possible with my new katana) and I've been having nothing but problems. Any suggestions on why I don't have any wizard templates? And, I've searched and the only results I get have to do with Wizard hats, and other Fable-related in-game items. :wacko:

Did you use Freeroam to unzip all the maps into a folder?
Re: Spawning Chests

Sephiroxas;69042 said:
Did you use Freeroam to unzip all the maps into a folder?
Sure did, got it all in my Final Albion folder, just as was posted on several different threads.

Used freeroam, don't know if my post was submitted due to the computer deciding to close firefox when I hit submit.
Re: Spawning Chests

Used freeroam, don't know if my post was submitted due to the computer deciding to close firefox when I hit submit.