Hay there, This is probably old news to you guys, but one great way for XP is have Lightening atleast Lvl 2 or full ranged with skorm's bow (but i spose if you've got that high ranged, you wont realy need the XP), and buy loads of Either Red meat, Carrots, or Summon (its better then fish) depending on what stat you wish to upgrade.
Go to the grey house, use lightening on the undead there, make sure you switch targeting REALY fast by spinning the analog stick around, but MAKE SURE you dont kill the undead lords (You need them to servive to keep on bringing more undead) if you do this right, after five minets you have have a combat multiplier of about 115 (significantly lower if your using ranged) then make sure you have your desired XP upgrading item, be if food or potion (or summon) make sure you have it set to your D-pad and then use the HELL out of it (make sure your prepaired to have a saw thumb), never mind the obeesity!
You can max out a whole stat doing this once.
If your having trouble owning copiouse amounts of food like this, what you want to do is have a high(ish) gile and a reasonable amount of money. Go to say... Oakvale, buy as many emeralds as you can, after i think the 2nd or 3rd Lvl of Gile, you can buy them, then sell right away with a proffit SOOOO buy it, sell it, buy two sell two Yada yada yada. Then once he has no more of that item, sleep for however many days it says till he restocks, and carry on

I managed to have 100K doing this with cider crates (or beer barrels, cant remember fully) before i left bowerstone for the first time.
You can tackel the issue of AGE now! Go to the temple of avo on the Save the archiologist quest... Go to the font, donote loads of cash (dont be a skint flint, its worth it i spose!), and you'll reduce in age by somthing like 5-10 years, get the title of paladin, and get the sentinus great mace (bloody sweet against undead). Hero save, do this quest again and again till you reach your desired age

Woo! No more wrinkles, so those Archane tattoos can finaly look SO sweet! Its SO much easyer to do when your fully evil, or atleast run by the theory, the more evil you are, the easyer it is to be good.... If that makes sence?
Alass! You have a complete hero! Now all you need is an annoying sidekick!
SORRY for the length of this post... Im oh so lonely