Re: The Brightside
droded;83512 said:
That's right - we found it...:ninja:
Lol! Nice photoshoppage Droded. Also, since the Darkside has their own bard, Arckon making rhymes, I think I'll concoct a few as well.
Bold questers and lovers,
For you there is no other,
A path to weave your life's course down,
To recieve the noble crown,
To slay the darkness and prevail the light,
To bring the day before the night,
Follow the brave traveler's tale,
Weathering the strongest gale,
To reach the end of his long road,
And to ease his load,
To the courageous and the few,
Follow your righteous path on through,
Live your life according to the book,
And let your path not take a crook,
Into the abyss, the eternal hell,
That waits beyond the shadowed well,
Beware the shroud and the dark,
And to the holy call hark,
Though through the forums they may have denied,
One will remain and that is the Brightside...