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"The Burning Sea"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Davy Jones
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Davy Jones

"The Burning Sea"

The sun had almost set and the last rays of light shined through the window. The hero was sat back with his legs on the table, bottle of rum in hand. Just before he managed to take a swig his second in command John burst through the door way and said “captain! There’s something you should see!” the hero said “be there in a minute lad” john nodded with a smile and left. The hero got on his feet, put his hat on and placed his hand on the top of his pistol. He walked outside and was greeted by his crew, he saw John standing in front of them with a wide grin on his face the hero said “so what is it lad?” John turned and pointed out to sea “over there sir, it be a golden ship with noble sales I reckon its loaded with riches” the hero smiled and stared at the ship for a moment, John was usually right about these things so he looked at his crew and shouted “right lads! Full speed to that ship there’s some looting to be done!” his crew answered back with “aye captain!!” they all ran to there posts. The hero was below inspecting the cannons and gunpowder when a loud cry reached his ears “we are within boarding reach sir!” the hero climbed up to the deck and took a glance at the ship it was a mighty vessel, painted gold with mighty sales. The hero said “let me have a word with our friends” the crew laughed with grins on their faces and swords in their hands. The hero looked across the deck for the captain and was about to speak when he noticed something; one of the flags bore the symbol of the Albion Navy and the captain was an admiral dressed in noble clothes and bore many medals of valor and honor. The admiral said “what’s the matter captain? Cat got your tongue?” the sailors all laughed and shouted insults and profanities to the pirates. The admiral gave one loud order “open fire!!!” the hero was about to give the same order but the might of 12 Navy canons ripping through his ship stopped him. He was thrown off his feet and went head first into a mast. He fell hard, on his back and everything began to go dark. His last sights were his crew being thrown over board by cannon impacts or being killed by sailors. When the hero woke he struggled to his feet and saw it was night and that it was raining. His ship had been reduced to nothing half of it had sunk and the other just being held above the water by the timber beneath the waves. He cried out “hello! Anyone!” he was not answered. He could see a little movement in the darkness he pulled out his pistol and sword and approached the movement. It was Jack one of his crew; he was in a state of shock just sat down barley moving. The hero said “Jack? Me boy what happened?” no reply just a few murmurs and whispers. He heard something a, loud roar he looked up it was one of his crew teeth bared with a sword drawn, the hero jumped out of the way and the pirate landed on his feet. He was about to strike the hero when a blade pierced him from behind. The hero looked around and saw the blade was attached to a chain; the chain suddenly pulled back and dragged the pirate into the darkness and the water. His eyes were fixed on the place where the pirate had been taken. Then he saw something, many forms were appearing from the water and darkness, they were laughing and shouted, monsters half men half fish and some almost all fish charged at him with spears, swords and knifes the hero fired a shot and missed, then he was greeted with a club in the face. When he opened his eyes he was on his knees along with 4 other men, 3 were pirates along with a sailor. The creatures were all around them, a few behind him and the other men and the others in front of them smiling and talking. He was about to speak when he heard a large thump. He looked to where the sound was and saw a peg leg with barnacles and muscles on it. He looked up and couldn’t believe whom it was, it was Davy Jones. The other men quaked in fear whilst the hero kept clam and silent. Jones lit a pipe and knelt down and went face to face with one of the pirates. He said in a deep strong voice “Do ye fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss where all your sins are laid before you?” the pirate nodded and said “ye, ye, ye yes sir” Jones said “I have an escape, serve 100 years aboard my ship and you will be spared, will ye serve?” before the pirate could answer another pirate said “don’t listen to him!” Jones angrily turned and grabbed the pirate by the neck with his giant claw. The hero saw it was John. Jones noticed he was holding a necklace of Avo. “You don’t fear death?” Jones slowly said. John said “ill take my chances” Jones said “so be it, to the depths with him!” one of the creatures behind John pulled out a knife, slit Johns throat and threw him over board. The hero shouted “Cruel B******!” Jones wheeled around and said “life is cruel! Why should the after life be any different!”. One after the other the men died and finally Jones came to the hero and said “So will ye serve?” the hero was in despair he had lost his wealth, crew and hope he looked up and answered “aye”.
Re: "The Burning Sea"

Sounds very reminiscent of Pirates of the Caribbean 2...but some nice little changes you've put in there ^_^
Re: "The Burning Sea"

Yea lol i did use the Davy Jones bit from dead mans chest but this was just a little thing i did gona do one about the undead of Albion.
Re: "The Burning Sea"

Heh, awesome! I probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't watched Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest yesterday... ^_^
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