the child of fate
There has been many a rumor of this so called, child hero of whom the bandits tried to kidnap. ALL OF WHICH ARE LIES. for that child, was but a decoy as, the real hero so to speak would be me.
As the raid raged on i was in barrow fields minding my own business, completely oblivious to the fact my home town was being burnt to the ground by a pack of bloodthirsty rogues. As i strolled along the path by the Grey house i heard someone scream for help from within oakvale, being foolish i ran to the rescue forgetting my blade that i dig into a log earlier, as i charged down the path and across the bridge I spotted 2 bandits laughing when i heard one say
"why aint we in on the action, i wanna see some blood!"
hearing this something inside me demanded their blood to be spilled and this voice dragged me towards them at high pace, made me leap towards them grab one bandits head, tear it right off, pounce on the other one and ram my hand right through his chest, they both slumped to the ground.dead.
I stood still, shaken, amazed and scared
" did i just do that" i quizzed myself "I shouldn't be able to..." before i could finish my sentence i hunched over and vomited.
As i was spewing my guts out i felt an icy cold hand on my back, diving forward and spinning around i saw the one and only, villains of villains, the black hearted jack of blades. At this point a was scared stiff, jack was renown for slaying the innocent mercilessly.
"my son this is no place for a being of power like you" he said unnaturally softly for a killer "you should be by my side, removing the world of the weak and pathetic humans"
I fainted.
should i continue with this? and what did you think?
There has been many a rumor of this so called, child hero of whom the bandits tried to kidnap. ALL OF WHICH ARE LIES. for that child, was but a decoy as, the real hero so to speak would be me.
As the raid raged on i was in barrow fields minding my own business, completely oblivious to the fact my home town was being burnt to the ground by a pack of bloodthirsty rogues. As i strolled along the path by the Grey house i heard someone scream for help from within oakvale, being foolish i ran to the rescue forgetting my blade that i dig into a log earlier, as i charged down the path and across the bridge I spotted 2 bandits laughing when i heard one say
"why aint we in on the action, i wanna see some blood!"
hearing this something inside me demanded their blood to be spilled and this voice dragged me towards them at high pace, made me leap towards them grab one bandits head, tear it right off, pounce on the other one and ram my hand right through his chest, they both slumped to the ground.dead.
I stood still, shaken, amazed and scared
" did i just do that" i quizzed myself "I shouldn't be able to..." before i could finish my sentence i hunched over and vomited.
As i was spewing my guts out i felt an icy cold hand on my back, diving forward and spinning around i saw the one and only, villains of villains, the black hearted jack of blades. At this point a was scared stiff, jack was renown for slaying the innocent mercilessly.
"my son this is no place for a being of power like you" he said unnaturally softly for a killer "you should be by my side, removing the world of the weak and pathetic humans"
I fainted.
should i continue with this? and what did you think?