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the child of fate


I have a cunning plan
Apr 28, 2007
'round n about
the child of fate

There has been many a rumor of this so called, child hero of whom the bandits tried to kidnap. ALL OF WHICH ARE LIES. for that child, was but a decoy as, the real hero so to speak would be me.
As the raid raged on i was in barrow fields minding my own business, completely oblivious to the fact my home town was being burnt to the ground by a pack of bloodthirsty rogues. As i strolled along the path by the Grey house i heard someone scream for help from within oakvale, being foolish i ran to the rescue forgetting my blade that i dig into a log earlier, as i charged down the path and across the bridge I spotted 2 bandits laughing when i heard one say
"why aint we in on the action, i wanna see some blood!"
hearing this something inside me demanded their blood to be spilled and this voice dragged me towards them at high pace, made me leap towards them grab one bandits head, tear it right off, pounce on the other one and ram my hand right through his chest, they both slumped to the ground.dead.
I stood still, shaken, amazed and scared
"h...h..how did i just do that" i quizzed myself "I shouldn't be able to..." before i could finish my sentence i hunched over and vomited.

As i was spewing my guts out i felt an icy cold hand on my back, diving forward and spinning around i saw the one and only, villains of villains, the black hearted jack of blades. At this point a was scared stiff, jack was renown for slaying the innocent mercilessly.
"my son this is no place for a being of power like you" he said unnaturally softly for a killer "you should be by my side, removing the world of the weak and pathetic humans"
I fainted.

should i continue with this? and what did you think?:rolleyes:
Re: the child of fate

BY ALL MEANS!! I wanna hear more. +rep all the way, great start of a story :w00t:
Re: the child of fate

make it quick, make it good, i was impressed by your story
Re: the child of fate

When I woke up I looked around the room, it was an unfamiliar, small, dark room with what appeared to be blood smeared all over the walls (it smelt like it too)
"arise young one" A recognizable voice cooed "if you are to be all powerful you must train"
It was jack of blades
"this is a dream, this is a dream, im safely at home" he thought to himself
the door creaked open and out of another dark room strolled in jack of blades
"What the hell do you want with me!?" I yelped out without thinking of the consequences.
"My son, no, Andrew is it?" jack said softly "i wish to.."
"Wait" i interrupted "how do you know my name"
answering with a smile he simply said
"i know much about you, practically everything there is to know"
i looked down, not saying a word. Then i noticed something, the mask he wore actually moves, he walked towards the door and beckoned me to follow, he strode out the door so i jogged on behind him to match his pace.

2 years later...
CRACK a stick hit my back with some force winding me,
"ARGGHH" i cried
"Only show your back to a corpse!" jack yelled
ever since that night i woke up in the dark room i have been training to fight with jack, i still don't understand what it has to do with me but i don't mind as much anymore, hes grown on me, I'm beginning to respect him, almost like a brother.
"Pick up your stick and try again" he sighed
I grabbed a stick off the ground, got a tight grasp on it then swung it at his stomach
(the only place i could reach above the belt) but it was easily parried,
"good" he said as i was trying my best to hit him with a stick "now try a florish"
i jumped in the air and arced my stick and connected with his head, not surprisingly he didn't react
"getting better, but still dead against real foes" he laughed "now how do you fancy trying with real weapons now?"
i stared at him as if he just shot himself
jack burst out laughing
"I'm kidding, but i do have a little test for you, if your ready that is"
"sure why not" i calmly said

2 hours later
"So...all i have to do is sneak up on the bandit and kill him with my bare hands" i sighed
"yes a bit and you wont die, you have me to protect you" he chuckled
"great i feel so much better" i sneered
i hopped to my feet, slowly walked forward towards the unlucky bandit, prepared to charge.
when i heard a rustling, it was coming from a bush to my right, as I cautiously walked forward towards the bush, someone leaped out of it
"prepare to die, doer of darkness!" the person exclaimed
"CRAP, JACK!" I yelled as the person ran forward with his sword in the air.
I rolled out of the way just as the sword struck the ground but then, from nowhere jack leaped in, struck the persons head with his cleaver and impailed him into the ground with it.
"w...w...who the hell is that" i stuttered
"*******, more guild rats come to thwart my every move!" he roared
"you mean that guild of heroes?" i quizzed but instead of an answer he gave me a sword, grabbed my free hand and dragged me back to our hideout, unknown to me this was the begging of something evil
Re: the child of fate

"As you know, I am one of the most...hated beings in all of Albion, and as you have probably guessed the guild of heroes is out to kill me" jack explained
"So we have to burn there guild to the ground, killing everyone inside" I guessed
"Yes, you up for it?" jack quizzed me
"...Yes" I calmly said. Jack smiled and guided my through to our training room and propped the training dummy up in front of me. By now I was amazingly good at sword play, and had surpassed the stage of dummies but I have never used real weapons before. I lifted my sword in the air, sliced down at the dummies right shoulder but amazingly it deflected, knocking my sword out of my hand.
"Dead again, real people block and if it knocks your weapon out of your hand...you may as well be dead" explained "pick it up and have another go"
this time i was ready, I swung my sword at the center of the dummies stomach area, knocking it back then i spun around and sliced its side, i brought my sword up, jumped and sliced it in two.
"Good, very well done" Jack complimented. after many hours of training i finally got my blocking skill perfect.
"Heres another test, this one will be difficult as its not human...its a balverine. Kill it
and we go to the heroes guild...fail and you will turn into one of them" jack said calmly. I nodded. He lifted his arm as a strange red aura surrounded his arm. After what seamed like a life time a balverine appeared. No time to talk i raised my sword in the air, charged forward and swung my sword in an arc at the balverines arm, only leaving a tiny scratch the balverine soared into the air for a few seconds and plummeted down, landing on me pinning me to the ground. Yet luck was on my side as i had one free arm, grabbing my sword I stabbed the balverine in the side of its head, causing a huge spurt of blood to flow out of it. It howled like nothing I have ever heard before then flopped on top of me, dead.
"Well done young sir!" jack exclaimed "i thought i would have to help you but that was spectacular!" I rolled the balverine corpse off me and wiped my face to rid all of the blood.
"Nice bit of blood huh?" I smiled weakly
"indeed, now how about the proposition of burning the guild?" jack asked
"Give me a min..." I fell asleep before i finished my own sentence.
Re: the child of fate

both the second and third ones weren't as good as the first, mainly because of the slang you've been using, I just don't think Jack would say something like "You up for it?" it would be more like "Are you up to it?" but +rep
Re: the child of fate

when I awoke I was back in my bed at our hideout.
"Are you feeling better?" jack asked who was sitting next to me
"Less than mediocre" I managed a little smile
"It would be the balverine blood, a partial bit has gone into your system, it will make you feel dizzy for the next few days" jack explained "But until then im going to have to leave you alone for a while as I have some...business to sort"
"Okay, wait what business are we talking about, the guild?" I asked
Jack nodded and walked out the room. I rested back on cold hard mattress and thought to myself
"Wonder how he will be"
Then I fell asleep.

The next day jack still had failed return from his "raid" (but no matter as jack was always a perfectionist) When I heard two people talking probably rats from the guild judging the attire
"I cant believe hes gone" one said happily
"Yes no more jack of bloody blades killing everyone, hes finally dead!" the other one joyfully said. This is all I needed to hear, Jack was apparently dead so I sprinted as fast as I could to the hideout, grabbed a weapon and bolted to the guild.

On arrival I was greeted by 2 apprentice heroes, armed with swords and bows but they didn't last long, amazingly I swatted them back like flies, killing them in the process. I stormed up to the door, ripped it open and charged in. DAMN IT it was in tact, jack, my friend, really was dead. Rage filled me, the voice in my head was demanding blood so i charged forth struck down two guards with one arc of my sword, ran toward what looked to be a tavern, killed many inside, I charged outside smiting all in my was until i reached a tower, I ran up the stairs of the tower and found two men, one in a blue robe with blue marks on his face, the other an bald old man.
"So your the guildmaster, and that must me maze, I've heard so much about you, shame it ends here!" I exclaimed
"Boy wait!" maze barked out "Jacks evil, bad, dangerous!"
I stopped and listened
"He was planning to destroy everything, and rule all!" the guildmaster yelped
"I know hes evil, i know he was planning to take over...with me, HE WAS ALSO A FRIEND!" I screamed, charging forward sword raised in the air I struck maze on his side and he went down with a gasp of pain.
"Think about what your doing lad!" the guildmaster cried
"I DID!" I roared. Leaping in the air I was about to drive my sword through the guildmasters head when I stopped midair, as though floating, when a big, red aura engulfed me. I smiled, feeling raw power run through me i dive forward still in midair and plunged my sword deep in the guildmasters chest.
"So this is how it must end" the guildmaster gasped then fell over dead.
I fell to my feet and walked down the stairs, to be met by at least 100 heroes, all armed.
"DIE EVIL DOER!" one screamed as the all charged at me. I simply raised one hand and they all stopped in place when a HUGE wave of fire burned them all to ash. Smiling I walked off out of the guild, torching it as I walked out with some fire spells.

When I was outside I admired the mighty blaze of the guild being aflame.
"That was for you jack" I muttered looking up
"And a splendid job you did, Andrew" A voice softly said. A huge smile spread across my face. I spun around and saw my old friend, the mighty jack of blades standing in front of me.
"You finally gained your birth power" jack chuckled "Come on, lets go rip this world of the pathetic plague known as humans"
"Apart from me" I grinned.
"...you don't know?" jack asked
"know what?" I answered
"Your a demon, not a human, your my son, not a weak mortal" jack explained.