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The City Of The Damned

  • Thread starter Thread starter Davy Jones
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Davy Jones

The City Of The Damned

Snow was falling heavily in the town of Bowerstone for it was winter and a harsh winter it was. Akron slowly lifted his head of the pillow and looked out the window, he saw the streets covered in white the people shuffling about in thick coats and scarfs. “Will” he said “Will get up, its time to go”. A long groan answered Akron “Do we have to the sun isn’t up yet” “that’s because its covered by hundreds of clouds”. Will rose up and then said “bloody hell why is it so cold?” “Because we are in a low standard pub in the slums of Bowerstone Will and it is snowing”. “Snowing?” “Aye Snowing”. The Hero’s got dressed and went downstairs. The strong smell of fresh beer greeted them. Alfie the bar tender said, “good mornin lads, beer, breakfast? Will was about to say something when but he was cut off “No thank you Alfie me and Will need to get going” “ok then lads see you soon”. The Hero’s walked out into the cold snow. “Its Not so bad when you get used to it” Will said with a smile on his face. “Aye so do we have everything?” “Swords, potions, map, money aye its all here” “good let us go then. The Cullis gate was gleaming with magical energy the Hero’s took a step in “To Oakvale” Akron said clearly, the men were shot through a blue tunnel of stars and black holes then they arrived at Oakvale and the Hero’s walked up the hill and across the Bridge and stopped outside the first house. This was the Legendary Hero’s house the man who stopped Jack Of Blades at the Chamber Of Fate and then finally destroyed Jack by casting the mask into the lava behind the Bronze Gate. Akron said, “This is it, get ready to meet a real legend Will”. They walked in and there was the Hero, Liberator a giant with long white hair. The Hero’s noticed the Solus Great sword mounted on the wall and next to that was Archons armour, shining brilliantly made out of the last platinum troll thousands of years ago. Liberator spoke in a kind old voice “Welcome friends! What brings you to me?” his face bore a huge welcoming smile and deep blue eyes the two Hero’s felt at ease. “Sir” Akron began “We are here to ask you about Necropolis and the experience you had there”. Will added, “Aye sir is you please” Liberator took a set and the two Hero’s followed. “Necropolis.. It is an evil place; damned ghosts walk those streets that don’t even know they are dead. It chilled me to listen to there echoing slow voices talking to me as if thought they were alive and breathing. I answered none of them and do you know why? ”. “Why?” said Will deeply engrossed in the story. “Because I was digging up there graves searching for bits of stone and I was afraid of angering them. The city is full of graves I think some Ghosts realize I saw them, gazing at graves which bore their names aye it is a terrible place I hope I never have to go there again”. Akron and Will were lost for words and the Hero said, “Why do you want to know this?” Akron spoke “ Because, lord we wish to journey to Necropolis and learn of its past and maybe acquire some artifacts and gold. Liberator said, “Well good luck to you, the place is infested with things I don’t like to think about. “Such as?” Akron said, “ Ice trolls, Hoare Skeletons, Snow Bavalerines”. “Anything else?” Will exclaimed. “I saw nothing else but I can t imagine what Horrors lurk within the crypts, mausoleums, houses and the other parts of the city”. Thank you for your time my lord, Akron said. “No problem so you are going?” “Aye we are” “Well good luck do come back if you get anything of interest, my Avo be with you” “Thank you, you to”. The Hero knew the men would not becoming back and slowly closed his door with sadness on his face. “I think It would be wise to get silver augmentations for our weapons” “Aye me to, we will buy some at the village of Snowspire”. The Hero’s stepped off the Cullis gate platform at Snowspire the cold smacked them in the face. “Skorms teeth!” Will shouted. It was a blizzard, Snow flying everywhere “There! An inn run inside quick!” They rushed in and the door slammed behind them. “Ye be lucky boys!” Said an old man “I was just locking up when I saw ye out side” “Thank you sir, can you tell us when the blizzard well pass?” “Pretty soon I reckon they usually don’t last long” “Ok can we have some drinks?” “Sure you can boys take a set”. Will had taken a nap laid back on his chair. He was awoken when Akron taped him “ok it has passed, time to buy the silver and leave”. Will got up and took one last swig of beer. “Goodbye” said the bartender Akron said “goodbye and thank you” he threw 10 gold crowns to the man. The weapons store was across the street they walked in. A tall man awaited them dozens of weapons hung on his walls, “what can I do for you?” we need you to augment our weapons “what kind of augmentation?” “Silver” “Right. Lets see what you have, two crossbows, two Long swords, 5 knifes ok sirs this will cost you 80 gold crowns. “80?!” Will proclaimed “it’s a good price and you wont find anyone better than me” Akron laid out the money “yes ok do it” a smile spread across the mans face and he began to augment the weapons. “But!” Will protested “Its worth it you will see” “aye..i hope your right”. “There you go all ready” thank you sir we will be going now “please come back anytime” “don’t bet on it” Will muttered under his breath. The hero’s walked across the foothills and got the see the great gate, which lead to Necropolis. Then a sudden rush of movement was heard the hero’s drew their blades then 3 white bloody forms burst from the bushes and tress “Balvarines!” Akron yelled “aim for the heads!” the first leaped towards Will and he held his sword forward the Balvarine went head first into, it died instantly blood and bone flew In all directions, the other two went for Akron, he put his had up and muttered some words and the two Balvarines where hit in their faces with balls of light they dropped, blinded and in panic Akron ran into the gap between them and spun his sword, two heads flew threw through the air and rolled down a hill the bodies dropped and convulsed for a few seconds then stopped. Will let out a roar “arghh!! At lasts a bit of action great way to start!” Akron answered “aye! But we were lucky they were only few. Ok let’s press on Necropolis awaits”.
The City Of The Damned

The two great doors were there, open and unguarded. The Hero’s walked through. It was very quite in the city just statues and graves. Will noticed a sigh “Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here” Akron saw it to they didn’t comment on it and walked on. “Skorm, so many graves.. its hard to believe this was a street” “Aye I know what you mean” Akron said “I wonder if-“ he then froze. “Aye?” Will said then looked where Akron was looking, it was a ghost, a man, and he stood there looking back at them. In a dark echoing voice he said, “who are you?” “Good day to you sir we are exploring” the Ghost then vanished. “Where did he go?” Will said. “No idea” Akron said “But keep an eye open” as soon as he finished a child appeared out of nowhere in front on them. Will jumped back with a yell. The child screamed, it is horrific Akron put his hands on his hears and dropped to his knees. He was face to face with the child. Its misty dark eyes started deep into his soul he couldn’t move the child bared its teeth and its eyes turned black. “You are a bad man. You are here to hurt us, steal our things!” Akron said “No! We are here to-“ “Don’t lie to me!!!” the child screamed in a dark deep voice then disappeared. “Will!” Akron yelled Will!!” Will was frozen, looking at something then he spoke. “Akron.. The door its, its…gone.” Akron ran to Will and said “it can’t be!” but it was, the place where the door was, was now a wall. Akron was about to speak when he heard whispers he turned a crowd of ghosts were behind him with the child in front of them. A chorus of voices sounded, “You will not leave this place.” “Prepare yourselves”. They then disappeared. The hero’s ran down the streets they could hear many voices, hundreds of them speaking at the same time then all became quite. Nearby water had frozen over and the Hero’s stood back to back. Then multiple arms and heads burst from the ground bearing swords, bows and pitchforks. Rotting corpses walking towards them in a hoard, yelling and groaning swarms of little things were at the knees of the bigger ones, children missing arms and eyes it was horrific Will was fireing arrows into the mass of bodies they fell but rose again. Akron screaming, “Will! Its no use magic is needed here!” Will didn’t answer he was to busy firing volleys into the zombies. Akron pulled out a scroll and began chanting tiny lights began swirling around him and then there were hundreds of them, he then shouted “Cradon Elumanatis!” the lights shaped into diamonds and shot in both directions in two large waves the zombies were shredded to pieces, a mass of smoking flesh on the icy floor, Will was still fireing Akron smacked him to the floor and shouted “Will stop!! Its over” Will stopped, breathing heavily. “Did you see them… children rotting and yelling at us…” “Yes I saw and that’s why we need to leave come on!” Will got to his feet and they ran over the bodies. They began to move, and reassemble “No!!!” Akron yelled and fired a giant ball of fire into the zombies and they brunt to ashes. They ran and ran until they reached the doors, which lead into the town hall. They burst through them. The hall was filled with ghosts sat down and talking. They began to turn and look at the Hero’s. They all began speaking in low tones and looking angrily at the men. They ran through the hall to the other side and then turned. The hall was full of corpses. They began running to the men Akron fired bolts of lighting from his hands they crowd fell and burnt but there were so many, more began to burst through the windows and fall from the ceiling Will drew his sword. The Hero’s ran to the stairs the hoards followed, Will slashed the undead coming for them the zombies fell and toppled on top of each other but they were half way up the other stair way and Akron blasted the other side was a fireball the zombies burnt and fell back. Akron ran up and shouted “Come on!” Will ran after him. They ran together and jumped out of a huge glass window, it shattered and they fell. They hit a mass of snow. “Will? Will? You ok?” “Yes im just great”. “Looks like we are in the middle of the city” Akron explained. There were high statues and flags around. They walked down the street and entered a ruined building for a rest. They slid back on a wall and began to take deep breaths. Then they realized where they were, they were in a school. The ghost children were all sat down talking and singing little songs. Will was in complete shock, his face had dropped and he was gibbering. Akron whisper “lets go” then all became quite. The children got up and walked towards the men. “In times of old we were happy and free, but now are sad and alone were is mummy and daddy?” they sang in complete unison. Will was on the break of madness and Akron clutching his sword tightly. The children saw the fear in Will and laughed and grinned then one misty arm reached for him, Akron rose to his feet and bellowed “don’t touch him!!!!” the children turned to mist and disappeared. Will rose to his feet and said “We have to leave…cant…. take much more.” “Yes I know my friend, come let us go”. They walked out and kept walking. The street ended and then there was a big house with symbols of Albion on its walls and two gold doors. “Hurry this could be the way out” Akron said hopefully. They opened the doors and walked in. Will said “wait…wait a second.. This is a mausoleum” a low laughing voice echoed around and then the doors slammed shut. Two skeletal arms pressed against them, then two huge hulking forms came out of the darkness, they were Hoare skeletons, bones covered in ice bearing huge axes and clubs with red eyes and horrific grins. One spoke in a groggy voice “fools prepare to feel true pain” the other said “yes. Let us put you out of your misery” they both laughed and charged forward their weapons came down on the hero’s and will blocked both blows, he buckled as he struggled to hold them back. Akron used a spell two tiny balls of light came from his fingertips, they went into the rig cages of the skeletons and then exploded. Bones flew everywhere and weapons dropped. The bones began to come back together, heads on the floor laughing. Then coffins began to open zombies yelling and coming out of them. The hero’s ran, at the end of the passage it spilt two ways and one skeleton came out with a crossbow, he fired, the bolt whizzed past Wills head and took off the head of an approaching zombie behind him. The men roared and charged the skeleton it fell over smashed to pieces. They ran to the left corridor. It was narrow; hands poking out of the walls were reaching out for heads. The men ran into a room. From the door on wards it was complete darkness, only the sound of hundreds of horrors behind them echoing. Akron fired balls of fire into the darkness. Bits of wood caught on fire, revealing a door and over a dozen Skeletons. They were their laughing and approaching the men. Swords, spears, clubs bared and ready to kill. Akron said, “hold them back!” Will charged forwards hitting the skeletons with a lot of force and blocking their strikes. A small circle of light surrounded Akron and then he raised his arms high and said “Dominos, Exton, Rapentos!” huge beams of blue light broke through the ceiling and crushed down on the undead, the skeletons roared and turned to dust as they were destroyed. The hero’s crashed through the doors into the outside. There was a grand golden temple outside and then passages, which lead to streets. Akron said, “It’s a temple of Avo! Maybe we can seek shelter!” “Aye lets go!” answered Will. They ran into the golden temple. The inside looked brilliant, gold statues and seats, holy paintings on the wall. “I think the undead can’t enter here, we are safe” and then the doors closed and the place around them began to fade, it became dark and evil, then someone approached. A corpse approached wearing dark, evil robs and carrying a bloodied mace in one hand. “Welcome, unclean ones, welcome to peace, please allow me to set you free from your prisons” his mace rose. “Never” Will said, “I didn’t say you had a choice” the thing said in a dark mocking voice. Two undead wrapped in black robes appeared from the darkness to try and hold the hero’s will threw his sword into one; it hit him and the thing let out a terrible yell and the sword dropped. The thing fell over and the black robes fell. It was a man, or it was once half rooting with dank mangy flesh. It spoke in a panic filled and pathetic voice. “Convert!! It is the only way to repent your sins! con-“ then a knife stuck the thing in the head. Akron said “don’t listen to them Will! Fight!” the other thing was on the floor bleeding foul things onto the floor. The priest roared and ran towards them and swung his mace, it hit Will in the stomach and sent him flying into a wall. Akron roared and chopped the priest in half. He then lunged and sent the sword into the priest’s head and blasted the body with fire and light. He got up and said “Will!?” Will coughed blood and said “look out!” Akron ducked as a mace swung at his head he then grabbed the priests face, muttered a word and then the head blew in a flash of light. The corpse hit the fall with a thud. Akron held out his hand cast a healing spell on Will, holy light wrapped around Will and he rose to his feet, wound healed. “Thank you” “No problem my friend now come” They walked out of the Evil Temple. Outside there was something waiting for them. A woman with black hair, dressed in white. She came close to them and then 3 others came. At first the men thought they were angels and then the woman let out horrific screams, windows shattered and the Hero’s fell on their knees. The Banshees rushed towards the men swords ready to kill them, Akron fired a wave of light and two Banshees explode but the last used its sword to block the attack, which shattered and then it grabbed Akron by the neck and whispered, “I will eat your soul, and then I will slowly kill your friend” its voice was terrifying as if it was drowning and screaming at the same time Akron said “No you wont” it looked down and his hand was on its chest. It was sucked into his hand and he then pushed his hand to the ground and the spirit was destroyed the sound made was like shattering glass. He turned to Will. “Will?” “Aye, im ok let’s carry on”. Akron was surprised Will was ok seeing how much he had gone through. They ran and ran and ran until they came upon what looked like a palace and around the palace was a massive cemetery with graves and dozens of mausoleums. “What now?” Will said. Akron was thinking about the place they were in trying to plot it on a map in his head. Then it happened. Mist surrounded the entire area; the cemetery was cut off from view and the palace disappeared. The Hero’s drew their weapons. For minutes there was nothing and then. A deep booming laughter surrounded them. Hundreds upon Hundreds of forms were coming from the mist, zombies, skeletons, banshees, priests all kinds of Horrors were rushing to the Hero’s. Akron said “Will” “Yes?” “I will call on my most powerful spell to stop these things. “Ok brother I will protect you”. Will felled dozens of undead and then it happened Akron yelled 3 words “Writos Avo Anilatos!” thunder erupted in the sky and caused massive explosions where it struck, there was then one big flash of light and everything became silent. Will opened his eyes and he could see not one thing stood up all the undead were put to rest. “Akron?” Akron was on the floor breathing heavily, magical discharge coming out of his eyes and ears. “Did I do it?” “Yes brother! You did it!” Akron smiled “thank Avo”. A loud thundering roar echoed through Necropolis. It came from the palace. Dozens of forms poured down from the steps and circled the hero’s. They were massive, clad in the darkest of armour, bearing strange swords, which glowed with an ethereal light. Then something heavy came their way. It was similar to the others but was even bigger and had less armour, you could see its rotting flesh and you could see its eyes, red as blood. There was silence and then “Mortals, do you know who I am?” the Hero’s didn’t answer. “I ruled this great city once, Necropolis as men call it, its true name has been lost in time. It was alive as any other city, until I realized the truth. All life was meaningless, I read the ancient texts of old, I saw the truth in death the peace the unity. I cast a spell, everything in this city was killed in an instant; my people never even knew what had happened. But I knew and I continued to rule safe in the knowledge that I will never die, never be dethroned. Over time I realized what a mistake I had made, I felt nothing, I still feeling nothing. I could not die and I could not feel. I ruled over nothing. Over the years the only satisfaction my people and I could get was by killing the living that entered my city. Soon other horrors were attracted to the city, things you could not even begin to imagine. And now I will end you and you will serve me in death there will be no peace for you”. “Kill them!!!!!!” its voice rang throughout the entire city and waves of undead charged to the Hero’s. In the crushing darkness, the men were engulfed. Will sank under the tide of death and Akron closed his eyes with a prayer on his lips.
Re: The City Of The Damned

*threads merged - and nice work :D
Re: The City Of The Damned

Right quick question how do u merge threads, sorry im new lol thanx
Re: The City Of The Damned

Don't worry about that - it's for mods and admin only. If we feel a post could do better in an existing thread, we simply tick a little box and the magic of the computer world does the rest. Kinda.

The only reason I merged these threads is because you were continuing your fan fiction and all you need to do is keep posting in the same thread you started and update your story whenever you like. It's better than having separate threads devoted to the same story.

And if you accidentally make a new thread that carries on from your original one, we'll sort it out - so no worries and keep up the good work :D
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