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The Emerald Cloud Cult


I nose hair
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
The Emerald Cloud Cult

The Emerald Cloud Cult
Whenever somebody claims to have all the answers in Albion, people tend to ignore them. But this time things were different, this time someone believed he had not only the answers to the world’s mysteries but incredible power to back it up. This certain prophet was an interesting man to witness. He had a tall and skeletal frame covered in an out of place warm tan. His face was thin but was full of large features, especially his nose, along with a long brown beard reaching his chest.

This man who wore extravagant green robes called himself ‘Hirus the Savior’ and was beginning to gain fame whenever he traveled. It began in a small village, where Hirus would heal the sick, protect the needy and help defeat monsters, much like a hero. However, he claimed to have been given his powers from an ancient god that had been forgotten and that it was his mission to gain followers to respect this god.

Surprisingly, many people joined him for Avo and Skorm had shown them no signs of real power. He ordered his followers dress in robes of green and the most devout were given rings as a sign of authority. These special members were taught by Hirus to control the elements and some were even able to control humans.

The Emerald clouds or so they were called had gained so much support that they could rule Albion, but this would go against their gods teachings, or so they thought. Eventually Hirus the Saviors true nature became known. Under the leadership of his second in command, Pewen lord of thunder, the towns were attacked and pillaged.

Wearing dark green robes that almost resembled a dress, Pewen lead fifty zealots into Oakvale. As a sign of his power, he raised his gold and brown staff high, causing terrible lightning to strike the roofs, creating fires all around. “Join the emerald clouds or perish mortals!” shouted the frightening Pewen. Many brave villagers did not want to join this tyranny and tried to fight back but bolt after bolt sent them to their deaths.

But all was not lost; the guild of heroes had been tracking the cult for some time and had sent two heroes along with a handful of mercenaries. The first hero was well known for his hunting prowess and with his attire made mostly out of balverine fur; he looked more like a woodsman than a hero. He carried a long bow and an assortment of sharp blades, giving him the nickname of ‘Silver Fang’.

His companion was much younger and less developed. Boris as he was called had only been on a couple of quests since graduating from the guild and he had not yet found his specialty. “Stay behind me Boris and maybe you’ll learn a thing or two” whispered Silver Fang.

They both kept quiet as the sounds of screams were getting louder. The veteran hero had decided to send in a few mercenaries to assess the Emerald Cloud’s strength. The mercenaries fought the robed villains while Pewen was searching for more Oakvale victims. Silver Fang quickly leapt into battle while their leader was distracted, followed by Boris. He took out his bow and fired an arrow into the head of a cloud who was giving his men trouble. Boris dodged an arm holding a sword which was recently attached to a cloud.

The skirmish was in their favour after Silver Fang had a short sword in each of his hands, slicing and slashing like a wild men at his religious attackers. Boris’ only experience in this battle however would be the feeling of powerful lightning tear him to shreds. Pewen had been notified of the attack and was now furiously staring at Silver Fang, ready to strike.


Re: The Emerald Cloud Cult

Nice writing, I must say! +rep. It seems that the Fan Fiction section is slowly becoming alive and well with stories and tales. Keep writing!

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
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Re: The Emerald Cloud Cult

Nicely layed out and id agree Darg seems we get more by the day +rep for submitting it.


Re: The Emerald Cloud Cult

thats pretty sweet:thumbsup: . big rep


I nose hair
May 12, 2006
Reaction score
Re: The Emerald Cloud Cult

Hey thanks for reading it, i'm continuing it now just thinking of where to go with it.

The fur-skinned warrior found himself face to face with this Lord of storms, but luckily he still had some men at his side whereas Pewen was the only one left. Silver Fang’s thoughts however had wondered to the death of his apprentice, whose remains lay scattered across the town. “You won’t live to see his funeral, heathen, it is the will of our God that he has perished” Pewen stated with a sneer on his face.

Never being a man of words, the hero threw himself at his enemy with such speed as to knock the staff right out of his tainted hands. Silver Fang was unsure whether his staff granted him control over lightning but nevertheless he had caught Pewen off guard. He grabbed one of his many daggers and held it tightly as he ran towards Pewen once more. In an instant he felt pain course all through his body while seeing a bright blue light. Pewen had cast a lightning spell directed straight at Silver Fang, knocking him back twenty feet or so.

Some of the braver mercenaries tried to attack Pewen but soon realized they didn’t have to, as did Silver Fang. He was no longer holding the dagger; it was sticking out of the robed killer’s gut. The last sight Silver Fang saw was Pewen kneeling over in pain while the mercenaries surrounded him, after that he blacked out.

In a newly built temple hidden within the misty areas of Darkwood, a tall hunched over man sat with his eyes closed bathed in moonlight. “Master, we have recovered the corpse of Lord Pewen, unh what does our leader wish of us next?” A hooded minion whispered. Hirus opened his eyes and began to speak “Why do think these heretics of the guild fight us?” At first the nervous follower looked away trying to think of an answer.

“Umm well is it because we have been killing them, master?” squeaked the minion. “No imbecile, they fight because they fight because they believe they can defeat us and if their beliefs come true then they will fight even harder.” Hirus said with an elegant tone.
“I understand ssir, leave it to me” the minion said as he ran towards Darkwood. This left the savior to think in peace on top of his gloomy altar.

Throughout Albion, groups of the Emerald Cloud started to move; each led by members wearing rings. While the hero Silver Fang lay in his guild bed, a minion of the cloud struggled along a dark path with the recently deceased Pewen over his shoulders. The heroes of Albion were about to be shown that the emerald loud could not be defeated.

(Another chapter... i'm actually going to try finish this one quickly becuase I planned to do dfferent short stories of the people in albion but I got sidetracked with this.)


Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Jan 1, 1970
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Re: The Emerald Cloud Cult

I'm liking the story so far, SaintHermit! Welcome to the Fable 2 community forums by the way. ;)