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The Life of One


The Infection/Cure
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
The Life of One

Chapter 1: The Life
In the beginning there was a brother and a sister. They had beautiful home that was just outside of Bowerstone. They had 2 pets, an eagle for the boy, and a dog for the girl. Whenever the brother went on an amazing adventure his sister would tag along with him. Together they made an amazing team. They could take down any enemy that stood in there path, when it came to bandits and highwaymen, Lisa could take out any of her foes with one great flourish of attacks that no man/women has ever seen before with a Long Sword, but when it came to Hobbes, hollow men or assassins, Mark would take out his Flintlock pistol and take out each one with one blow to the head or worse. They were one of the greatest teams in Albion, have ever seen. But then something happened that changed their lives forever. No one knows what happened to him but they could tell something was wrong. Mark started going on different quests by himself and Lisa did the same. People thought that they argued over something little that caused this tragedy, but boy they did not see this coming. Mark always watched over Lisa, so that nothing bad would happen to her and the same with Lisa watching over Mark. One day Mark started dating this one lady who was quite beautiful, but Lisa did not approve, she claimed that Miley was using him just for their money and fame. Mark did not believe her and told Lisa "Your just jealous that im moving on and leaving this house". Lisa did not like this, so she shot Miley with Marks guns and ran off leaving a note saying "I tried to warn you about her, I did everything to stop you from marring her, so I found a simple way to get her out of our lives for good, I shot her with your own gun and now she’s dead. When you are done reading this, I will be far away and you will not be able to find me." Mark was devastated; he could not believe his sister would do such a thing. But then it became worse for him, he was sent to prison for murdering his own wife, he was sentenced for 8 years in prison for a crime he did not commit.

Chapter 2: Five Years Later
Mark was finishing up his practice with a Flintlock pistol at the shooting range in westcliff. While he was walking back to jail with the guards, he asked them why would you give me such crappy wooden gun to practice with only cherries as bullets? The guard started to blabber on about why he could not give him a real gun because that could be dangerous, but what the guard did not know was that when he was telling him why he couldn’t he was taking his flintlock pistol. Mark was thinking should i kill the guard or not and run or just do nothing and go back to prison. Mark made up his mind, he grabbed the gun and shot the guards head right off. The alarm went off and Mark made a break for it, he was running for his life, but while he was running he started thinking, if I make it out of here alive, am i doing this for revenge/justice against my sister. He started to think but then figured that it was for revenge and then got away. He made him self-look completely different so no one would know where he is or what he looks like. He stole a Highwayman jacket and pants, some adventure boots, and finally some gloves. He looked completely different; he Evan grew a beard so no one could recognize his face. And so the journey was on to find his sister and get revenge what happened to his beloved Miley. He encountered many new friends but the one he knew he could trust was Alan. Alan was a master with the gun just like Mark but better, he could just about make his pistol sing if he tried. Mark noticed that he put 3 augments on it. Mark asked what they were and Alan replied "Devastation, Luck Charm, and Ghoul Augment) these made his gun perfect in anyway. These 2 men were the greatest of friends but Alan died by STD's 3 days later, he was a player with the women but did not know when to stop. In his "will" he gave Mark his pistol the "Soul Stealer." Mark knew the meant allot to Alan and will always treasure it for always. As Mark left he said his good bys and left. Some say they saw a tear in his eye when he left but others believed it was pride and glory.

Chapter 3: The Battle
Mark walked from town to town trying to figure out if he is still doing this for revenge/justice, trying to find his sister and confronting her. He did not know what he was going to do if he did find his sister. He made it to the town "Bloodstone" one day and was blindsided. He was knocked out for 2 days but when he woke up he found him self with everything he still but then it hit him, he was now a slave and they were bring him to the "BattleDome." No man/women walked out alive. It is a horrible place where people put you in this round arena and you face other people that are stronger then or they make it a numbers game where it is you vs. everyone else. Everyone loved watching this but know one wanted to be in it. Evan if you did win, you will never win back your freedom unless someone is willing to pay a price, but that never happens. Mark was put in the first round because not that many people did not know who he was so; he was not put in the main event. When mark heard the crowd "Roar" he knew that this might be interesting. For every win, slaughter, desecration, he became stronger and more favorable. He soon for got about his goal, trying to find his sister and confronting her. But something happened, news went around about this great warrior who was unbeatable and that no man could beat him. This raised and eyebrow for the champion at the *MegaDome* The MegaDome champion came to the BattleDome to fight Mark. But when Mark looked at there champion, he knew it was his sister Lisa, she became so different, she had these blue lines going down her body, her eyes were pitch black, you could not Evan tell that it was her anymore. Lisa figured out that it was Mark who was there champion. Lisa told Mark that the battle would be held at the MegaDome in 5 days. They both trained hard for those 5 days and they were both thinking, could I actually do this. The day finally came, it was raining outside heavily, and the battle began. Lisa told Mark that this battle is not for a profitable organization and that she is going to put a magical barrier around the arena so that no one can watch. The battle began, Lisa took out her Master long sword, Flames were spinning around the sword and lighting is going up and down vertically on the blade. In her other had you could tell she was going to use a spell of some sort but mark did not know which spell. All Mark knew was that this is going to be one hell of a fight. Lisa made the fist move, she shot out 3 swords from her hand and they were heading straight for mark, he dove behind a wall, the minute they hit that wall, the wall crumbled to ashes, Mark was using the “Soul Stealer” that Alan gave him, but every time he had a clear shot, he could not pull down the trigger, he would just remember all the great times he had with his sister. Her sword came down on him, but luckily Mark pulled out his sword and tried to block it, you could hear the sword starting to break, the flames were making the sword brittle and how well as the electricity were making the sword more painful to hold. Mark dropped the sword and figured this would be useless because he only used his gun to fight, so he went back to dodging and rolling. Eventually he figured I have to shoot her, she is not going to stop and think about me, but the minute he thought that, Lisa trapped him in a corner. She shot 1 sword out and it the side of his arm, she did it again but this time to the other arm, then the leg. She kept on doing this, Marks whole body was covered in cuts and scars now. He still had a little bit of fight in him, but Lisa noticed this so she decides to finish him off now. She started to lung at him with her sword out in front about to slash, but just then you hear a gun shot, her sword is flying out of her arm, you hear another gunshot, this time she is bleeding from her magic hand, then her 2 legs. You see Mark standing with his face down hiding his eyes holding the gun to her face. He’s thinking should I do this or not, should I kill my sister, after all the pain I’ve been through, should I do it? He takes one last look at her and notices that she looks like her original self again, how she use to look. He puts his arm down that is holding the gun, but it was only a distraction, the minute Mark let his guard down she shot a sword out of her hand, Mark just barley dodged the flying sword and lifted the gun to her face & pulled the trigger. Its over, he thinks but then he finds the sword she used, its what made her evil, she had so much power that it led to her demise. The sword started to float in front of him, it said let me put my power in your gun let me make you all powerful. He started thinking, he thought about Alan, would Alan do this, would he put this power in this gun or would he destroy it, he started to think about his sister, it made her stronger then any man could dream of but it also led to her defeat. Mark figured out what he was going to do, he chose to…
  • Thanks for reading everyone and I hoped you enjoyed all this
  • I am considering on making Lisa's side of the story
  • Tell me what you think and hoped you all liked it.
BY: Fast7


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2008
Reaction score
Re: The Life of One

It was really good some bad grammar and sometimes a little rushed but it is very good liked the story


Illogical Process of Elimination
Oct 23, 2008
Reaction score
Re: The Life of One

The lack of paragraphs through me off; I kept losing my place.
I like it, but as stated above it has numerous grammar mistakes.


The Infection/Cure
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
Re: The Life of One

sorry about the grammer errors tried my best, i put in word document but meh, also sorry for not putting it in different paragraphs. This is my first ever story i have ever wrote(in my life) and they will get better over time and practise but did the story make any sense?


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
Re: The Life of One

I really enjoyed your story. I overlook any mistakes, so I hardly noticed any. I think you have a talent, and hope you can expand it. Thanks.:) +rep4U


The Infection/Cure
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
Re: The Life of One

awsome thank you very much :D