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  • thes comet iz N10dead 2 giv U seazores
    im 23 and wat is this
    Haha, I'm 20 myself. Sorry, I was just reliving the good 'Ol days when I spelled wrong on purpose you would quote every single post with anger. You probably don't remember though. Good times..
    So... Wreck-it Ralph was highly amusing. Just saying.
    It'd've been better with a Fable reference. And if the little girl had been less adorable. Also, Wralph should have been more destructive.
    Are you sure we saw the same movie?
    Are you sure I'm not haphazardly ****ing with your head?
    somehow i ended up on your GW wiki page, and i read 'His reply will most likely be "No, you're just stupid" or some variant of this. '

    thank you for inadvertantly making my day
    Ha! I'm glad.

    I need to start work on a GW2 Wiki page. I also jump at the chance to make a new RP blurb, but the GW2 wiki has a really hinky format they use for pages. D:
    Purple Nurple
    Purple Nurple
    you should do it, i have faith in your abilities. at some point in the future when i get a new computer you can expect me on GW 2. Expect me!
    I would like to apologize personally to you for acting like a child to you. I was completely irrational and judgemental, and the things I said had no justification. It was rude, harsh and definitely UN-NEEDED. So for that I would like to apologize for all that I had said / done to you. Hope you have a great day, bro.
    I'm apologizing for being a complete douche to you in the past.
    Have you been? ._.

    Apology accepted, I guess.
    Now what do you mean by "the actual study of the English language?" I mean, as opposed to what non-actual study of the English language? Are you just thinking as in, this is a gerund, this is a participle, they exist for this reason and do that and this language came from there and changed that way and so on?
    And how old are you/what school are you at? Are you still in high school, or are you at some really tiny college? Because, I mean, I realize that UMD is a huge school full of bullshit, but there's a minimum of six American literature courses offered in a single semester, not counting African-American, Asian-American, "Women on the Plantation," and so on. And only counting the English major, obviously.
    I suppose I should have been a clearer. Perhaps 'the origins' of language' (Babylonian, Latin, ect) would have been a more appropriate explanation.

    At the moment I'm at a Community College (I'm catching up on credits). I've looked over the courses offered at the uni I'm applying too and 'American History prior to 1810' is not offered, but maybe I'm just not seeing it.
    Yeah, I'm actually not sure what that would count as. I know there are some quote-unquote English major courses that deal with grammatical structures and stuff, but that'd be... I don't know, linguistics?

    What college are you looking at? I mean, not all schools are as into bullshit courses as Maryland is.
    Hey man, I realise I acted a bit douchey in the Haiku thread, sorry about that. Sometimes I can't help myself.

    Ily <3.
    Tyloric! Fellow NCIS fan! NCIS has CGIS on it again! I am excited! That chick from the US marshal crime show is a CGIS agent! Again!

    ...Though they seem to have vanished her little Asian sidekick.
    Nag nag nag. It's TV!
    Well, I lied. The little Asian sidekick came back in a phone call at the end of the episode.

    BUT IT'S THE AGE OF CONSENT, THEY GOTTA GET IT RIGHT, otherwise how will borderline pedophiles know when they're legal?
    I have trouble with that all the time.
    Thank you for your constructive criticism, it has helped me greatly with my writing.
    I read a few of your stories and found them quite enjoyable.
    Hope to read more of your work soon-

    Sorry Tyloric for my rude comment, took it to the extreme. Shouldn't have said what I said and I apologize for it. It was childish, immature and rude. I'm sorry.
    Really? So I guess that I shouldn't tell you about how Harry kills the Anthropmorphic Personification of Waiting In Line At The DMV and then sells said Anthropomorphic Personification's corpse to pay for a new coat after his old coat was eaten by Evil Moths and then a necromancer resurrects the Anthropomorphic Personification and then it gets eaten by the moths and then the moths magically form into a single entity that gets a job as a door-to-door salesman and then sets up a pyramid scheme and then Harry blows up the pyramid and then the moths run a way and get eaten by Godzilla.

    Seriously, though, it IS pretty awesome. And I won't say anything else about it.
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