the pub games release
yea yea, i know how ign is with throwin release dates around, but right now on the main 360 page under release dates they have the pub games for fable coming out 8/13/08 which sorta makes sense since fable 2 is gonna be out in october. I was wondering how many of you will actually be playing the pub games for that extra bit of money playin F2...
, and if there will be like a limit on how much you could make, cause i know some people that would be really REALLY rich when they started from playin the pub games so much
yea yea, i know how ign is with throwin release dates around, but right now on the main 360 page under release dates they have the pub games for fable coming out 8/13/08 which sorta makes sense since fable 2 is gonna be out in october. I was wondering how many of you will actually be playing the pub games for that extra bit of money playin F2...