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The Rise Of Archon

  • Thread starter Thread starter Davy Jones
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Davy Jones

The Rise Of Archon

“Brothers! The time has come for man to begin his glorious quest for freedom! My son Archon has come of age and will fulfill the prophecy! he will go to Snowspire and will confront the Oracle, there It will tell him what he should do, my son the hopes and dreams of all Albion rests upon your shoulders do not fail us! One more time my friends let us give cheer to Archon!!!” the crowd roared in praise for Archon as he left the great hall. The snow was thick and the cold was fierce but Archon didn’t care, he walked onwards knowing that his destiny was that of the world. As he walked through the gates the whole of Snowspire was there to greet him man, woman and child. He walked up the steps and saw the 3 faces of the Oracle in the distance. He walked through the archway alone, then a barrier arose from the ground to stop those not worthy coming into the ancient place. He recited the 3 names of the Oracle “Yaron, Morik, Calron” The 3 faces awoke, snow fell from their stony faces and their eyes focused on Archon. The spoke in turns, “Ah..Welcome chosen one we know this day would come” “so what is it you wish to ask us?” “All knowing Oracle, i wish to know more of my purpose” “Stange..Surely you must have been told what your destiny is?” “Im afraid not, I was never told by anyone in detail all I was told was that one day I will go out into the world and do great things” “Well we will explain to you fully, thousands of years ago two gods Taren and Korath created the world and everything in it. Taren is the god of life and Korath the god of death they used their powers to balance out the world. But one day there was a dispute an argument they fought in one epic battle but neither could best the other so they abandoned each other and did what they pleased. They constantly tried to outdo each other by using men and the other assorted creatures of Albion as pawns. There has been no peace in Albion ever since the fight, war, disease and destruction have become all too common and men have suffered greatly for it. But other things came forth, Daemons were born out of the hatred of the gods and Korath now rules over them, they are his servants with which he spreads death with, to battle this Taren made his own special minions, Angels of great might. And it is your destiny to destroy these gods so the world came finally come to peace” Archon was shocked with what he just heard “me? Destroy the gods?” “Yes, you may not know it but there is great power within you Archon” “And how am I meant to destroy the gods?” “With a sword, a sword of great might, a sword which no man has ever heard of before, it is the sword of Aeons” “And where is it located?” “In the far north, the northern wilds”. “The northern wilds? That place is damned and forsaken” “yes that is why the sword is there, forged In the very fires of hell, its power is to great for any mortal to wield, it must be the chosen one, you”. “So this is my destiny.. I shall go forth then, thank you” “so go remember Archon the world itself relies on you”. As Archon walked through the Archway the crowd kept their eyes on him, waiting for him to speak. His father was there filled with pride. “My friends! Today I have learnt of what I must do, I will travel to the northern wilds and there I will retrieve a sword with the power to destroy the gods themselves!” the crowd went wild, people from all over Albion had come to witness his leave. “I cant and will not fail you!”. Archon began to walk when a hand lay on his shoulders. “My son, before you go come with me” Archon followed his father to the foothills. “There is a place out here which will only make itself know to one of our blood line, you see our family knew this day would come for many years so we prepared for it”. They walked down a path and then into a large forest. “Anacrium alothium avatos lentos” a stone door way came from under the ground. Then thousands of tiny lights like stars filled the gap within it. The men walked though the doorway. Then they appeared in a hall of stone. Torches were hanging off the walls with statues of former family members. “My son, each time a man came of age I would take him here to see if he was the one. Within that chamber lie items, which will help you on your quest. Let us go and claim them my boy”. They walked in and Archon walked over to a stone with a handprint in it. Archon placed his hand on it then a circle of blue light wrapped around him. The stone sank into the ground and then shining silver armour rose. “It is armour made from the legendary platinum troll, Archon there is no stronger material in all of Albion, this armour will protect you” and then something else arose a great sword, it was also made of platinum. “This is our family sword my son, it will protect you from the dangers that you will face” “Thank you father, I will treasure these items of battle”. “Then go my son, go and save Albion”. Archon left the chamber and began his walk to the bay. He walked down the hill and saw that his ship was waiting. “Archon” someone said, he turned around “yes who are you?” “My name is Imrik a great mage”. “I wish to travel with you” “I am sorry but the danger is to great” “I know but I wish to make something with myself, you see I am old my friend and I wish to see Albion before I die” Archon was unsure. “Think about it, you will need companionship, the loneliness will be crushing” “ah..so be it come we have a ship to get” “thank you Archon, you have made an old soul happy”.

Weeks passed and the boat cradled back and forth as it fought against great waves. Then port was made; the area of the northern wilds had been abandoned for hundreds of years after the settlers were all killed mysteriously. The old bay was in ruins “Well this is where I leave you good luck on your quest Archon” said the captain “thank you, good bye” the ship once again sailed into the mists. “Well my friend shall we go?” “Yes” Archon said “be wary the gods will have probably sent their minions into the wilds to stop us” “yes don’t worry my guard is up”. They followed the footpath into the valleys. “How come the sky’s is always red here? Does it never change?” “Well they say that the very earth itself is damned and that some evil power like nothing we have ever seen, something that even the gods fear sleeps here deep in the earth” “lets hope we don’t find it then” Archon replied with a grin “yes” Imrik said back. “Ok friend this is where me must be careful, that forest I know of, its called the Forest of Darkness” “well what you say is only half true” oh said Archon puzzled “yes it is only a legend a story to scare children for all we know the forest could be as lifeless as a rock” “let us hope”. It was an evil place, the branches of tress blocked off the sky and skulls and skeletons hung from tress and bushes. “A fairy tale I think not” then he heard it, the sound of roaring and hoofs from the bushes emerged foul things, men with horns and legs of goats, “Beast men!” Imrik yelled. Archon was surrounded they charged him with their horns ready to gouge him. Archon stiffened and closed his eyes. One loud shattering sound echoed all around, skulls and horns shattered as the beast men rammed their heads into the unbreakable armour. Imrik was in awe. He was about to speak when a cleaver went for his head; he ducked and fired lighting at the beast. It roared in pain as it began to burn up. It fell to the ground, dead. “We best be on the look out for more of these things”. “That was amazing Archon how did you resist their attack?” “My armour is made out of platinum” “ah.. Yes the strongest material in Albion”. They came upon a huge stone. “What is this?” “A herd stone, I think it’s of some religious importance to these things”. “Look at the ground around it, its red and tainted” “yes like the creatures themselves, it is said they came to be because men and animal alike spent to much time near these stones and it slowly corrupted them so men turned to beasts and beasts turned to men” “let us go less we suffer the same fate”. It was growing darker and the vegetation was growing thicker. Then they came upon a clearing. “Why is that tree by itself?” before Archon could receive an answer there was a terrible shrill scream. Thorn bushes rose from the ground blocking any escape, the tree began to take the form of a women and it grew a face “what are you doing here?” “We don’t mean harm we are passing by” “no your are not.. Your are here to burn me and cut me” “no please” “silence! Your are not the fist I, have seen your kind here before” she pointed to a pit. It was filled with human skeletons and the skeletons of the beast men. “Now you will feel my wraith” she let out anther scream and many forms came from the bushes they looked like her great wooden talons with dark red eyes. They circled the men and one went for the kill, it cut Imrik across the face, a sharp slice appeared on his cheek. “Archon protect me” another came but Archon sent his armored fist into the things body, it splintered apart and crashed to the ground. Another came and tried to slash at Archon, he withdrew his sword and cut the Brach Wraith to pieces. “Firos!” Imrik yelled. Great pillars of fire came from under the ground the entire area around Archon and Imrik burnt with hell fire. The Branch Wraiths wailed and dropped one after the other. The leader was safe from the flames using a magical barrier. Archon threw his sword at the creature and it ripped right through her, she screamed and Archon ran towards her. He punched it into splinters and it tired to fight back, but it was useless Archons hulking form was to great. The Throne bushes burnt to ash. “Hurry! We must go!” yelled Imrik and then something mighty burst through the wood, a giant tree with blackened wood it was being chased by beast men with arrows of fire. Then more Branch wraiths came from the foliage they charged the beasts and shredded them to pieces. Then more beasts came from the darkness, it was a twisted battleground. Imrik was tugging at Archon to go, but he was to amazed by the battle, blood and wood flew through the air then a bolt of magic hit the tree thing and it broke apart. Archon turned his head it was a beast man in robes and with a staff. He turned to look at Archon and then his head was blown clean off by another spell. A strange being was at the other side of the battle, half human half branch. “Archon we must go!” they ran and finally reached the exit of the forest. “What was that?!” “A war between the forest and the beasts” “we should go back and”.” “No Archon, im sorry but I can’t imagine what else is in there and I don’t want to”. They carried on. “They came across a vast land, it was barren except for the odd tree, and mountains could be seen ahead. “We must reach those mountains” Archon exclaimed. They were half way there when the earth rumbled. Then something arose in the distance. “What is that?” Imrik said. Archon squinted “Scorpion”. It was a king scorpion, massive with a deadly sting. It charged them. The men went different ways. The scorpion chose Imrik as its target. “Imrik! Lead it to that rock!” Imrik ran and fired bolts of lighting at the same time; they hit the scorpion in the face, it almost lost its footing but it charged on. Imrik laid back against the wall and then he teleported at the last second. The scorpion smashed its face into the rock, Imrik cast binds on its legs it was stunned and couldn’t move. Archon ran past Imrik and then leapt on the scorpions back, he thrust the sword into the scorpion’s back. It broke free in pain it ran in all directions and then brought its sting down on Archon he moved out of the way and the sting went into the wound and poison shot through the monster. Archon jumped off as it ran in circles. It went berserk, it charged towards Archon, he fell onto his back and raised his sword, and the scorpions underbelly was ripped wide open as it rushed against the sword. Foul contents poured all over the ground as it crashed and became still. Imrik ran to Archon ‘Are you ok? Did it sting you?” “no, im ok” “good its sting is highly venoms”. They reached the base of the mountain. “We have to climb to the top maybe there’s a cave. They climbed for hours Imrik was becoming exhausted, “Archon…I can’t go on..im to old for this”. Archon pulled him up and carried him on his back. “Don’t worry friend you have done well” Imrik slowly said “thank you..” They reached the very top of the mountain; the view was amazing they could see everything. “Imrik is there a way to see far ahead?” “Yes, put me down and I will show you”. Archon let him down and he crossed his legs he became very quite. Archon didn’t disturb him, thinking he must know what he’s doing. Minutes passed then Imrik opened his eyes. “Archon, I have seen ahead”. “What did you see?” “I think I can see the place where the sword is, but it is far and blurry”. “Ok, at least that’s some idea, I have found a cave over there lets go”. They walked to the mouth of the cave and then they heard something, a low groan and then footsteps. Archon drew his sword and Imrik readied a fireball. A giant line of white shout from the darkness, Imrik was hit and dragged into the cave, “No!!!” Archon yelled and charged after him. The cave went on forever and the path was going down. He reached a large room where some light came from the cracks and holes in the walls and ceiling. There was a massive web in the ceiling with Imrik stuck on it. Then there was a massive thud behind him. It was a giant spider, black with massive fangs. It hissed as it circled Archon “come on, ill squash you” it hissed as if it knew what he said. It pounced, Archon thrust his sword one of the eight legs flew off, blood poured on the floor, the insect turned around and smashed into Archon, he was sent off his feet. Two massive fangs loamed over Archon and he grabbed them so they couldn’t close on his head. He brought the two fangs together and with great force ripped them out. The spider screamed and spat blood all over the cave it ran up the wall, in panic and began to get caught in its own web. It became tangled and dropped to the floor. It couldn’t escape the hero climbed on top of it and thrust the sword into the spider’s head. Its legs slowly stopped moving and it curled into a ball. “Imrik!” “Imrik! Came you here me!” he wasn’t answered. Archon picked up the leg that had come off the spider. It was incredibly sharp, he thrust it at the web and Imrik came free. Archon caught him; “Imrik” he pulled all the webbing off him and Imrik began to wake “you killed it?” “Yes” he looked over to the corpse. “Bravo boy, come let us rest”.
Re: The Rise Of Archon

They reached the cave entrance. Archon sealed off the path where the spiders den was, leaving enough room for a shelter. He collected some dead wood and bushes and piled it up. Imrik lit it on fire and it burnt brightly. “Here” Archon offered some bread to Imrik. “Thank you” he took a large bite. “You bought food?” “Yes a lot its all in my bag under my armour”. Imrik pulled out some small phials “you see these? One drop can quench a mans thirst for days” “really?” Archon said amazingly. “Yes it comes from the holy fountain of Murran. “Murran.. I heard that place was destroyed” “It was during the Great War, I was there at the time I thought some of the water would be useful”. “You thought well” Archon said taking a sip. “So from where do you hail Imrik?” “I come from a place far from here, have you ever heard of Gale Island?” “No I haven’t”. “Well it doesn’t exist anymore, its now under the sea, it was ravaged by civil war many years ago. You see it was a magical land, where everyone learnt the way of the Will, the way of Magic. But one day a man became power hungry and tried to take over, he was stopped at a terrible price. A spell which killed him ripped up the barrier between our world and the next which caused the land to erupt and the waves to engulf it, soon it sank under the sea and I managed to escape with a few others”. “I am sorry” Archon said. “It’s not your fault, just remember that power can corrupt the most noble man” “I will, I promise”. They slept for some hours before Archon woke “Imrik” he whispered, “Imrik”. “Yes what is it” “There are men outside but they look corrupted, twisted” “Minions, of Korath they swore allegiance to him and slowly began to become corrupt, be careful they are viscous beasts”. Archon walked out and they turned to face him, “you..” one of them spoke “You are Archon” “yes what of it” they began to laugh swinging their swords and clubs back and forth. “Korath is not happy with you, not happy at all” “yes.. He has sent us to ‘deal’ with you” “So be it, but I will kill you without mercy” they all laughed, “fool! Our master is Korath, Korath is power!” they charged him, there were 8 of them, Archon killed the first 3 with one mighty strike they were sent flying, stomachs open. 1 of them slashed for Archons leg, but his sword shattered as it hit the metal. Archon kicked the man and he fell down the mountain. The other 4 circled him, two balls of fire came from the cave mouth and two men were blasted back. The last two went for the kill, they lunged, Archon stuck both his hands out and caught the men by their necks; he smashed them into each other and threw them off the mountain. “Well done” “yes but who were those men? Did they arrive here after or before us?” “Before us, way before us, you see rumors have it that not all the settlers died that some turned to Korath and killed their fellows who didn’t believe. They did it for power and they say, that they set up there own little base”. “Hm.. Well they were nothing” “yes but in larger numbers they can be and they can be more mutated with more arms, legs, heads and worse”. Then Archon was sent reeling back, a ball of dark energy had stuck him in the chest; something dropped onto the ground out side the cave mouth. It was a Daemon, 7 feet tall and red with dark hoofs and large wings. It laughed with a booming effect. It left dark holes where it walked. It stretched out his hand and a dark blade with red markings on it appeared in its hand. It would be impossible for a man to hold such a weapon but this was a Daemon with the strength of many men. Archon looked up and the Daemon was looming over him “good night mortal” it said with a smirk and then brought its sword down. Archon rolled out of the way and jumped to his feet. He brought his fist to the Daemons face and it staggered back. Archon bought his sword to bear and cut of the Daemons arm. Blood gushed out and then something strange happened, its arm grew back. Several times Archon swung at the Daemon cutting off arms and legs but it was useless. It laughed at his attempts. “Ha! You cannot kill me! No servant of Korath can die!”. Archon shoulder barged the Daemon of the mountain it toppled and rolled down the hill. “Imrik! Tell me how to kill this thing” “you must aim for its heart!” the Daemon was hovering outside and Archon ran out to greet it. It flew down and picked Archon up. Archon closed his eyes and concentrated. He could hear the beating of the Daemons heat; he opened his eyes and smashed his fist through its rib cage. He wrapped his hand around the beating heart and ripped it out. The Daemon roared with a deafening might. It let Archon go as he fell, he saw the Daemon turn to dust. He crashed into the ground lucky the armour took the fall. “Archon? Archon are you ok?” “Yes, yes, im ok lets go”. They walked down the mountainside for hours and then reached a new footpath. It lead to a vast lake and on the other side was land. They went to the bank and looked down into the water. Things could be seen moving. Big things. “Well we wont be swimming” said Imrik was a grin “Then how do we cross?” as soon as he spoke something arose from the water a small boat with no sales. “Well the way is clear my friend shall we sale?” “Yes let’s go”. They stepped onto the boat and it began to move. Soon a deep fog wrapped around the boat. “Be on your guard I sense something” “I am Imrik”. A rotting hand latched onto the boat. A rotting worm infested head rose over the ship. Then more hands and heads came over the boat. “Archon..” said Imrik slowly “There’s something behind us, turn around and be ready to fight”. They turned and 5 men were on top of the boat, drowned men who had failed to cross the lake. Archon ripped them to shreds with ease but more and more kept coming forth. Imrik fired bolts of lighting into the water but one went a stray. There was a loud moan then large ripples and small waves crossed the lake. “Imrik what have you done” then a loud yell echoed through the lake and a Kraken rose from the water. “What is that doing here?! Shouldn’t it be in the sea?” “This lake must lead out to the sea! It must of gotten lost” it saw the boat and sank under the water. “It’s coming! Archon get ready because it will crush us like a insect!”. Its fins rose above the water, “Imrik back me up!” “What are you going to do?” Archon jumped off the boat and the Kraken rose from the water its mouth wide open, it swallowed Archon whole. “Archon!!!” Imrik yelled he shot great beams of fire at the Kraken, it ripped and burnt the flesh of the monster and it thrashed around. Imrik then knew what to do. He closed his eyes and began to whisper strange words. He leant over the side of the boat and put one finger to the water. Instantly the entire lake froze. The Krakens body was stuck above the water. The ice that wrapped around it began to crack. Then something burst from the stomach of the Kraken. It was Archon covered in slime and acid. He landed on the ice and fell over. The Krakens upper part of the body broke free and it tried to escape. It saw Archon and tried to crush him with its mouth. It was stopped, for it was just out of reach. Archon was a few inches away from its mouth, it snapped furiously at Archon. He got to his feet, ran to the side of the Kraken and brought down his sword on its neck. The head dropped off and snapped with a last bit of life. Then the entire body stopped moving. “Well done my friend, well done” “Thank you Imrik but if it hadn’t been for that Ice spell I wouldn’t of done it” they both exchanged smiles and Archon climbed into the boat. Imrik melted the Ice and the boat reached the other side. The men walked off and the boat sank to the depths again. They walked on and on they came past relics and skeletons of old. Then they came upon an Archway. They walked through it and then 2 great statues rose from the ground and Archon was teleported between them. Their great heads turned and looked at Imrik.
Re: The Rise Of Archon

“Welcome wizard man. We are the Statues Lantos and Nosta. We will question you on the world and if you answer correctly we will let you pass, if you answer false your friend will take the punishment”. “I refuse to this” “Then we will hurt your friend” lighting hit and wrapped around Archon he roared in pain as the electricity coursed through him. “Stop! I will answer your questions”. “Very good. Now tell us in order the very first creatures of the land, air and sea”. “The Dragons of Air, The Krakens Of Sea and the Trolls of Land” “correct” one of the shackles broke off Archons leg. “From which creature is your friends armour made of” “the platinum troll” “Correct” another shackle broke off. “Two more questions. Which creatures turn their victims into one of them?” “Balvarines” “Correct” another Shackle broke. “Is the Sand goose a real creature?” “Yes” “False” Archon grunted as lighting stuck him again, he fell to his knees. “From which regions do the weapons Katans come from?” “The eastern lands” “Correct” The last shackle broke and Archon was free. “Well done you may pass”. The statues became lifeless. “Archon?” “Yes Imrik I am fine let us be on our way”. They continued. “Imrik how long do you think until we reach the sword” “I do not know but it cant be long we have seen much land so far”. “Wait can you use that spell which lets you see far ahead” “yes” he sat down and crossed his legs again. Archon patiently waited and looked ahead he could some ruins maybe the sword was there. “Archon! We are not far! Beyond those ruins is the sword come on!” they walked to the ruins. There were pillars with strange writing on them and small buildings ahead. “What is this place?” “Well it is said a very ancient civilization lived here and they built a grand city. It is said they worshiped the sun and moon”. “Interesting…so let me guess they died?” “Well not exactly, it is said a great evil came from the sky and it was so great the people performed a ritual which kept them from harm and they just disappeared”. “Oh, well less danger for us then”. They walked through the ruins. There were small buildings and houses and pillars everywhere. Rough sand covered the area. They reached what seemed to be a city square. “Look Imrik there Is a pedestal over there” “hmm.. Interesting it reads ‘People of Khemri who sleep in the dark wake and rise’. “How do you know what that says?” “I have learnt these texts long ago” then there was the sound of shifting stone and a howling wind then all became silent. It was eerie and unnatural. Then many sounds could be heard the clattering of bones and metal. Skeletons emerged from the ruins clad in gold armour with shields and swords. “It seems they didn’t reawake as they expected and I don’t think they’re happy” “Best we try to leave, fast” They ran through the ruins but more skeletons were appearing and then they had no option but to fight. Arrows bounced off Archons armour as he turned; skeletal archers were perched on ruins. Imrik turned them to dust with bolts of light. Warriors climbed over the ruins and charged Archon. He ran to them smashing them to pieces. Spears broke against his armour and shields shattered against his sword. “They are to many to defeat! We are fighting an army come we must go!” Archon destroyed the skeletons in his path and Imrik blasted an incoming crowd to dust. They were running down a massive a gap with statues and pillars at the side; they could see the ended and then a solid wall dropped over the exit. All the statues sprang to life, they jumped out of the walls might weapons drawn the size of 3 men. They were all different, some like eagles, dogs, and cats. “They are images of the many other gods the people worshiped be careful Archon they are strong creatures”. “How will we get this wall out of our path?” “Leave it to me, just make sure nothing harms me” Imrik turned around and began to speak in an ancient tongue. Slowly the wall began to rise. Archon went to the nearest creature. It didn’t hesitate; its mighty hammer came down on Archon. He sidestepped and broke the creature in half. Its arm still grasped its weapon; Archon picked up the weapon and threw it into another. The creatures head ripped off and the body wobbled. It bent over and picked up its head but not fast enough, Archon battered it into bits of bone. The others stopped moving and became still. “Come on you beasts!” “You, are you the one who woke us?” Archon looked but none of the creatures spoke, Imrik was still busy lifting the wall. Then he saw what spoke. It was man, or it was once. Rotting and clad in golden armour with a strange mask and scimitar. “No, it was my friend and he did not do it on purpose” “You lie, mortal you are servants of the dark one” “No I am out to destroy Korath” “No, not the weakling your people fear and worship. The greater evil.” “What greater evil?” “Silence. You awoke my people and now you shall pay my Ushabti well destroy you” the statues began moving again. Archon knew he couldn’t fight them all so he ran. Imrik was on the verge of finishing. “No!! We can not allow them to leave, we shall have to destroy ourselves as well.” The man began to utter strange words. As he finished the whole city began to shake and rumble. Pillars fill and buildings sank into the sand. Imrik had finished his spell and they left. As the wall fell again some words slipped into Archons head “please, beware of the great evil for all our sakes”. Archon still wondered what the evil was. “Ah… did I miss anything Archon?” “Yes there leader told me of a great evil something worse than the gods” “he must have been lying, trying to buy time for his army to come don’t worry” “I suppose”. They walked and Imrik said “Archon! Look up there, that is where your sword lies!” Archon looked, ahead was a mighty volcano. “That volcano?” yes there is a opening there you cant see it, come lets go”. Archons heart raced as his goal came close. “Imrik get down” They fell onto the hard, black land. “What is it?” “There is a battle up ahead”. Angles of Taren and Daemons of Korath were fighting. The Angles of Taren were amazing. Bright with wings and swords, which seemed to sing as they cut through the air. The Angles were wining. “We can sneak past them, follow me” Imrik crawled to the left. They were passing by the fight now. The last Daemon died as a roar filled the air. The men thought they were safe when a bright light hit the side of the rock where they were. They fell hard on the ground next to the bodies of Daemons. The angles gathered. “So you are the one who seeks the sword?” Archon rose “Yes I am” “We can not let you do this Archon, our master does not wish to kill you but we must if you don’t not turn back” “I am sorry but I must get that sword” “So be it” they slashed their swords defiantly and took flight. Two swooped down on both sides of Archon. He waited until the last second and then jumped out of the way. The angles crashed into each other, a spear went through one of them. One of the angles accidentally impaled her sister. The angel dropped to the floor and turned to mist. In sorrow the angel slashed with incredible speed at Archon. He could barely keep up with the angel and then she stopped. She fell to the ground and turned to mist as well. Imrik had seen to that with a ball of fire. The other 3 angles had been watching. They split up and disappeared. Archon closed his eyes and waited. He heard the sound of their wings and swung his sword in a circle. All 3 of the angles were hit. One died instantly its head hitting the ground, one lost its legs and the last was impaled on the end of Archons sword. She looked into Archons eyes and began to cry, she then turned to mist. “Well done Archon, well done” “We shouldn’t have killed them Imrik, they were good” “No they were not, they are servants of Taren and they are as ruthless as him”. “If you say so..” they continued to walk and they climbed the base of the great volcano. Fire was raining and burning the rock. They reached the opening to the Volcano. “I made it.. Victory is only a few steps away….” “Yes my friend you have done it come let’s go”. They walked inside. It was hot, lava flowing at the bottom and ash rising with black smoke. And there it was, the sword of Aeons imbedded into rock. Archon walked towards it. He griped the hilt with his hands and pulled it out of the rock. He held it triumphantly in the air, his body lit up and strange energy’s coursed through his blood. “Imrik..I feel amazing this is the power the Oracle spoke of! The power in me!” Imrik walked passed Archon and stood at the edge of the rock platform. “Yes my friend well done” “It feels so light” he waved it through the air and slashed at the enemies in his mind. He began to walk. “Imrik come we can go now” Imrik began laughing slowly. “Archon, Archon, Archon… you cant even imagine what my real purpose is here” “what are you talking about” Archon said half smiling hoping Imrik was joking. “You, see there is a power in this land, greater than any creature, man or God. It has no name and it is not of our world. It is an essence of pure evil and I Imrik well release it and total power will be mine” he turned around and blasted Archon to the Volcano entrance. He began talking in a language Archon had never heard before. After Imrik finished, there was a great rumbling, lighting split the sky and lava below began stirring and firing in great pillars. And then darkness flooded the chamber. The rock that had held the sword of Aeons crumbled and a mask lay there. It was strange red and white with two eyeholes. A horrible, evil voice flooded the chamber. “Wear me and ultimate power will be yours” Archon said “Don’t do it Imrik, please don’t” “Just put me on..The world will be yours” “Throw the mask away Imrik!!!” Archon roared but it was no use with one final look Imrik placed the mask on his face. At first he looked calm and then he dropped to his knees and began to shake he managed to say “Archon..save…me…” Imrik rose to his feet. “Ah….its good to be back. Now my friend, give me the sword.” Archon could barely contain his anger. “Come take it from me!! Scum!” “You could not begin to comprehend what I am fool, the gods you worship and fear are nothing to me!!! I am here for one reason, to makes this world burn!’ with that he withdrew Imriks Katana. He ran towards Archon. Archon roared all the through his charge, his shoulder crashed into Imrik. Imrik flew the entire length of the chamber and then began to fall down to the lava. He then shot back up and fired lighting at Archon. Archon held out his hand and caught the lighting; it began to turn into a ball in his hand and grew. Imrik realized and stopped. Archon threw it and it exploded as it hit Imrik. “Arghhh!” yelled Imrik as he crashed to the floor. In a flash he appeared behind Archon. He was meet with a sword in the chest as Imrik fell to the ground, Archon brought all his weight down and the sword of Aeons went straight through Imrik. Imrik began to laugh. “It will not be so easy fool” Archon was thrown back sword of Aeons in hand. He noticed his old great sword was missing it was in Imriks hand. He ran to Archon but didn’t realize how fast Archon was. Archon leapt to his feet and slashed at Imrik. Imrik hit the ground hard. Archon kicked him to the edge of the rock platform. A heavy armored boot rested on Imriks chest. “You monster, you have destroyed my friend and now I shall end you” Imrik disappeared.” What?! Imrik!!” he was floating above Archon. “I am sorry my friend but I must be leaving, this body is to weak I must find another oh but don’t worry if this doesn’t destroy you then believe me I will” he went above the lava and fired a huge beam of energy down. The land began to rumble and lava began to rise. Imrik vanished and Archon was left alone. He sprinted out of the chamber and saw the land was falling apart, lava covering everything. There was no way Archon could escape. Then he heard a mighty roar, he looked up at the sky and saw a dragon. It was white with blue scales. It landed in front of Archon, folding its great wings. “I have come for you Archon, your people have sent me” Archon climbed onto the Dragons back and it flew off into the red sky. 3 days the Dragon flew and 3 days Archon sat in silence. It arrived in the city of Archon. His father awaited him. The Dragon landed and Archon slid off its back. “Thank you greatly old friend” “It is nothing now I return to the Dragon knights” it unfolding its wings and flew into the sky. “My son, I am so glad you made it back, may I see it?” Archon withdrew the sword. “It is amazing…this will slay the Gods? I cannot wait to see you do it” “Father my journey was harsh and I have seen terrible things. How did you know to send the Dragon” “The Oracle warned me but it did not tell me why, but it doesn’t matter you’re here now and that is all that matters”. They sat in the great hall and the people feasted and drank. Archon sat, on the chair next to his father.
All he could think about was Imrik and the evil thing that had taken over his body. “My people! I have a great announcement to make!” everyone became quite and all eyes went to Archons father. “I Isaac King of Albion here by step down” there was a great gasp and surprise among the audience. “My son Archon will now take my place, I have had a good reign and now it is my sons time” he got up and Archon sat on his father’s chair. Isaac placed his crown on Archons head and shouted, “All hail King Archon!”

Part Two Coming Soon

“The First God, The God Of Life”

Re: The Rise Of Archon

I like it :D - looking forward to part 2
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