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The Soul Of The Dammned

The Fable Nerd

Active Member
Mar 20, 2009
Back In Australia.
The Souls Of The Damned


In Albion, The Hero, Not Of Will, Strength Or Skill. The Hero. Sparrow. After His Death, Being Slain by Highwayman in Bloodstone shocked all of Albion. The Dammned, The Souls of the Guild. The Guildmaster returned and let the Souls loose. "The Dammned" Souls of all of those whose Life was Lost during the reign of the so called "Hero". The Dammned Rised, Looking for the other 3 Heros. They discovered the other Heros left Albion, except for one. Hammer, The Hero of Strength returned after learning of Sparrows Death, No one knew why she did, After vowing never to return to Albion after Sparrow took the Gold, Over Love or Sacrifice. The Dammned found from Hammer, Sparrows Son, Ben was alive and living in the Bloodstone Mansion. The Dammned charged onto Bloodstone, Slaughtering all Thugs and Anyone who stood in there way. Ben is the heir to the Throne, But Bowerstone has been burnt to the Ground bye the Dammned. Theresa, The One who helped the Hero along his Journey.

Ben now knew he had to find his way to the way out of Bloodstorm, and to the Tattered Spire to find Theresa.
Re: The Soul Of The Dammned

Chapter 1: The Great Escape.

There was a scream at the Door of the Mansion, Ben armed himself with a Master Turret Rifle and a Master Long Sword.
He opened the Door to a wounded Women, standing there with 2 Arrows in Her back and 1 in Her Arm. Blood Staining her Clothes. She fell onto her Face on the Front Doormat. The Sky was foggy, Grey and Stormy, In the distance there was A Shock Bolt fall from the Sky. The Dammned started to gather down the Hill infront of the Mansion. Ben called some Thugs from in the Passage to defend the Mansion.

A Terribly Gruesome Battle at the Mansion Gates. Ben made a break for through the Passage, he ended up on the Beach where he had a Boat.

"Son of the Hero" A Voice echoed through Bens Head.
"Do not be Alarmed, Im talking to you through the Spire, and My Power combined...Use your Boat to get here, We need to Talk" Theresas voice echoed, and being drained out bye the Mansion exploding. Ben went to the Spire and found Theresa, waiting.

"Young One, The Souls of the Dammned are looking for you, Because once the Heir to Thrones blood touches the Ground of the Guild, The Guildmaster will raise all of the Undead from the Old Kingdom to Rule over Albion" Theresa said, shaking.

Ben raisied an eyebrow.
"You sound really figured out"

Theresa flicked her head back and the Red Hood fell down her head, revealing wrinkley, shrivled and pruney skin, and Blank Stare, Pale White Eyes now pupils.
"This isnt the First time its happened.

Ben moved forward slightly.
"Oh yeah?"

Theresa done a slight nod.

"Tell me"
Ben said moving up to a Chair.

"Well, In the Old Kingdom when the King died, The Old Guildmaster let Souls loose, the ones who died during the Kings reign. The Heir nearly died, If it wasn't for me. I helped every Heir repel the Souls, Which Ill do for you. When that Guildmaster was vanquished, The Guildmaster that let Souls out now stepped in. Also, The Mansion, Your Wife and your 2 Daughters are dead. The Mansion was burnt down"

Ben got a worried face.

After the Talk in the Spire.

"Ben, You will be sent to Brightwood, I need you to recruit some Thugs from Westcliff"

There was Blue light and then a small explosion, The Air blew past then Ben smashed into the ground Back first smacking his Head and smashing it on a Rock, Blood dripped down the side of it, It turned Brightwood.

6 Days Later, In Westcliff.

"Will he wake up?" said a Deep Voice.

"He should be up now" said another Voice.

Bens eyes opened to a two Dark Faces watching over him like Angels.
The Soul Of The Dammned

Chapter 2: The Awaken.

Ben sat up on a Bed, Blood stained White Sheets, Cold Air, Rain, Drunks yelling and The Blacksmith slamming down his Hammer like a God from the Heavens.

Ben grabbed his Head and sighed.

"Hello?" said a Man standing there wearing White Clothing and a Face Mask.

"You Doctor?" Ben asked.

"Yeah I am, You took quite a Slamming on you Noodle"
The Doctor said, Moving towards Ben grabbing his Bens Head.

Ben stood up.

The Doc stood back.
"Your Good to go, What brings you to Westcliff?"

"Recruitment for Fighting The Souls of the Damned"
Ben said walking to the door.

"Ill help out"
Said the Doc.

"Excuse me?"
Ben said, turning around.

"You'll need a Medic and Strategic Planner...Since I have Medical Expertise and am Smart"
The Doc said with an eager face.

Ben nodded.
"Meet at the Crucible at 12pm In a few Days, Train your fighting skills aswell"

Ben openned the Door and went to the Blacksmith.

"Hey, Id like to sell this Rifle"

Blacksmith turned around.
"2o,ooo Gold"

Ben nodded as he handed over the Rifle.

The Blacksmith grabbed the Rifle and passed him a Bag of Gold.

After the Recruiting.

"All Right, Men we are not fighting your average Bandit or Highway Man, We are Fighting the most Powerful of Powerful Spirts, The Most Feared of the Feared. WE ARE FIGHTING THE SOULS OF THE DAMMNED!! We are going to take them Down, There after Me, The all knowing Guildmaster overlooks me and sends his Minions, to Kill me so they kill Rule Albion, WE WILL REPEL THE INVADERS"

The Men Cheered.

There was an Explosion at the Gates and there was a Fireball fly through the Sky and slams behind the Men killing some of them.

Ben commanded the Men to attack as he stayed back to pick of them at a Range. One of the Souls dodged and ran towards Ben. Ben strafed to the side and rammed his Sword forward slamming the Soul to the Ground before it disappeared.

The Thugs. Were being guresomly Slaughtered.
The Doc ran towards a wounded Thug, and got himself Killed.
A Shadow Dagger smashed through The Docs Spine killing him then and there.

There was a Ray of Light, Followed by an Explosion flattening all of the Souls. A Knight appeared from the Sky.

The Knight wearing Golden Plated Armor, Took of his Helmet.
It was Him,
The Hero,


The Next Chapter...Stick around and Find out.