You guys think you know Jack of Blades. I am here to tell you that there is another side of this story, and i shall attempt to tell you how i see this Hero. the following includes a ****load of spoilers
Through research i have found that True there was once a demon named Jack Of Blades, who came with his mother and brother to this world, and enslaved mankind, but He was killed my William Black (Scythe), The first Archon and founder of the heroes guild. I would suspect That William Black was arrogant and put the mask and armor on display somewhere, and maybe sometime after his departure, the armor was inherited, and worn in a battle (Bloody Harvest). Sure The Mask [FONT=; TEXT-DECORATION: underline]could[/FONT] take you over, suck out your soul, and that would be it. repeat, and repeat, to the time of The Hero Of Oakvale (Bromson-yes that's his real name, why? because his dad's name is Brom). Now I assume that by the red hood that maybe This Incarnation Of Jack of Blades must be a relative (maybe Scarlett's brother?) he was weak, and the mask took control. I mean, Jack tried to befriend you, and while you were thinking about it, he put you in prison, which i think is the real reason you get ****ed and kill him. now 1 year later you have some time to think (about the what might have been) when the demon returns, in the form of a dragon in the northern wastes (iceland) by a volcano (Eyjafjallajokull (pronounced Ay Jah Fall A Joe Cool))seal by a 3 souled lock, depending on what you get (Thunder/Arena Soul, Briar Rose/Your Mom, Weaver/Nostro) when you defeat the dragon, the demon is sent back to the Void, but the mask with the 25 heroes (I'm only estimating) is left, whether you put it on and continued the long line of heroes to wear Jack's mask, or you destroy Tradition is up to you.
So in conclusion, I say That Jack Is Misunderstood, and i would really like your opinion. you think i should continue this story of a long line of heroes with the same alias, or not?
Through research i have found that True there was once a demon named Jack Of Blades, who came with his mother and brother to this world, and enslaved mankind, but He was killed my William Black (Scythe), The first Archon and founder of the heroes guild. I would suspect That William Black was arrogant and put the mask and armor on display somewhere, and maybe sometime after his departure, the armor was inherited, and worn in a battle (Bloody Harvest). Sure The Mask [FONT=; TEXT-DECORATION: underline]could[/FONT] take you over, suck out your soul, and that would be it. repeat, and repeat, to the time of The Hero Of Oakvale (Bromson-yes that's his real name, why? because his dad's name is Brom). Now I assume that by the red hood that maybe This Incarnation Of Jack of Blades must be a relative (maybe Scarlett's brother?) he was weak, and the mask took control. I mean, Jack tried to befriend you, and while you were thinking about it, he put you in prison, which i think is the real reason you get ****ed and kill him. now 1 year later you have some time to think (about the what might have been) when the demon returns, in the form of a dragon in the northern wastes (iceland) by a volcano (Eyjafjallajokull (pronounced Ay Jah Fall A Joe Cool))seal by a 3 souled lock, depending on what you get (Thunder/Arena Soul, Briar Rose/Your Mom, Weaver/Nostro) when you defeat the dragon, the demon is sent back to the Void, but the mask with the 25 heroes (I'm only estimating) is left, whether you put it on and continued the long line of heroes to wear Jack's mask, or you destroy Tradition is up to you.
So in conclusion, I say That Jack Is Misunderstood, and i would really like your opinion. you think i should continue this story of a long line of heroes with the same alias, or not?