Here's a list of the weapons I need:
Briar's Blaster
The Ice Maiden
Here's all the melee weps I am willing to trade:
Avo's Lamentation
Tannar's Glory
Beadle's Cutlass
The Bloostone Bludgeon
The Merchant's Bodyguard
Mellett's Mallet
The Tenderiser
The Casanova
Lunarium Powder
Dragonbone Hammer
The Splade
The Love Sword
Mr. Stabby
Really Sharp Pair of Scissors
Aurora's Shield
Faeire Hammer of the Moon King
And for Ranged weps I can trade:
Dragonstomper .48
Skorm's Justice
Defender of the faith
Desert Fury
Ol' Malice
The Barnumificator
Mirian's Mutilator
Holy Vengeance
The Bonesmasher
Reaver Industries Perforator
Swift Irregular
The Hero's Companion
And no, I didn't cheat people to get these, me and my friend made a bunch of accounts and we traded between them. Just be honest, don't ruin the game by scamming people (like me).
Add me on XBL my GT is: corrupt user333
just message me on XBL or reply to this post on here cuz my mic is broken
Briar's Blaster
The Ice Maiden
Here's all the melee weps I am willing to trade:
Avo's Lamentation
Tannar's Glory
Beadle's Cutlass
The Bloostone Bludgeon
The Merchant's Bodyguard
Mellett's Mallet
The Tenderiser
The Casanova
Lunarium Powder
Dragonbone Hammer
The Splade
The Love Sword
Mr. Stabby
Really Sharp Pair of Scissors
Aurora's Shield
Faeire Hammer of the Moon King
And for Ranged weps I can trade:
Dragonstomper .48
Skorm's Justice
Defender of the faith
Desert Fury
Ol' Malice
The Barnumificator
Mirian's Mutilator
Holy Vengeance
The Bonesmasher
Reaver Industries Perforator
Swift Irregular
The Hero's Companion
And no, I didn't cheat people to get these, me and my friend made a bunch of accounts and we traded between them. Just be honest, don't ruin the game by scamming people (like me).
Add me on XBL my GT is: corrupt user333
just message me on XBL or reply to this post on here cuz my mic is broken