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And out story starts the same as many others, with a child in a town. His family deep into poverty going many nights starving. They look feverishly though the day to find what they can to eat and get them through to the next day. But this boy has an undiscovered talent and for he will change the world around him, forever.

Chapter I​

“Stop playing with your silly slingshot and help us find food.” the boys mother said softly.
“Alright mother.” the boy said sadly, he placed the slingshot down gently, not to break it. It was his most prized possession his father had made it for him just before he passed away last winter. It was his birthday present his father had told him, the boy cherished it deeply, for it was the last thing he had to remember his deceased father.
“ I found something!” the boys sister yelled.
“What is it dear!?” the mother looking ever so eager to see what her daughter had stumbled upon.
“Here.” the sister thrusted into the air what seemed to be a week old sandwich, little bits and pieces missing here and there. The boy shook his head in disgust, for it looked worse then their regular findings. It appeared as if the mice had a go at the sandwich and torn off parts for their dinner.
“Your just mad I found something and you didn’t Jyrett.” the boys sister said naggingly. Jyrett put his head down and slowly walked over to his mother, dragging his feet on the stoney road.
“Don’t listen to her Jere she is just trying to put you down. Don’t ever let anyone put you down.” his mother saying. Jyrett picked his head up and let out a small grin, he hugged his mother and softly whispered something into her ear. “I love you too, son.” she said back.
“I believe that belongs to us.” said a voice coming down an alleyway.
“Who’s there?” the mother said frightened. Appearing out of the shadows were three men, all armed with small blades each grinning widely at the family.
“We want the food.” one of them said.
“No, this is for my children!” said the mother boldly. One of the men snorted and ran at the mother, he leapt through the air pulling out his dagger in the middle of his jump, the man gracefully landed right in front of the brave woman.
“ I guess you’re going to have to die then.” the man said, he gave out a sinister laugh and quickly drove his dagger deep into the mother’s breast, he chuckled as she fell limp to the ground. “You’re next!” he roared.
“Run Jere, run!” the boys sister screamed pointing at him frantically to sprint away from the three men. He nodded sadly. Grabbing his slingshot he sprinted off into the distance, eyes beginning to water. Jyrett angrily ran through the streets of Bowerstone wiping away the tears as they ran down his face. Jyrett then stopped., exhausted from running such a long distance. Jere then broke down into tears, he began crying and screaming at the top of his lungs, kicking at boxes and building walls. Exhausted the boy collapsed into a heap of sweat, tears, and anger. He pounded his fist into the ground and with one last grunt the boy passed out from exhaustion. Not knowing it now this event in the boy’s life would forever change the world he lived in, Albion.

(Have not written in such a long time sorry if it's not that good.)


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Re: TriggeR

Prolly good but gets boring fast.


Sheeple President
Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
Re: TriggeR

It's good, keep it up. And not all 1st chapters are supposed to be super-exciting-climax-at-the-start type things.

And why the hell do people say "prolly". No, I am not picking on you individually, I am just wondering if it is that hard for people to type "probably".