Untitled fan fiction(you can help name it)
Untitled(for now)
The cold night wind howled mournfully over the blood-stained decks of a small vessel. As the pale full moon retreated behind a wall of jet black clouds, darkness fell on the raging sea. The giant waves tossed the diminutive ship back and forth, as if playing a brutal game of catch. The wind whipped the clouds apart just as one particularly large swell crashed into the boat, sending it flying through the air. It landed with a sickening crack. splinters of wood shooting in every direction. Now on its side, broken beyond repair, the tiny ship was swept off along the current, into the icy night. Pitch-black darkness once again reigned supreme as the dark clouds swallowed the moon into their rain-laden depths. As suddenly as it had started, the violent storm ended, returning the once raging ocean to its present stillness. All was still as the destroyed boat washed slowly onto the shore of a small island. All was still save for the gentle lapping of the waves, rapping quietly on the side of the vessel. But all was not still inside the ship, for something had heard the call, and was answering it. All was not still, and it was waking.
The cold night wind howled mournfully over the blood-stained decks of a small vessel. As the pale full moon retreated behind a wall of jet black clouds, darkness fell on the raging sea. The giant waves tossed the diminutive ship back and forth, as if playing a brutal game of catch. The wind whipped the clouds apart just as one particularly large swell crashed into the boat, sending it flying through the air. It landed with a sickening crack. splinters of wood shooting in every direction. Now on its side, broken beyond repair, the tiny ship was swept off along the current, into the icy night. Pitch-black darkness once again reigned supreme as the dark clouds swallowed the moon into their rain-laden depths. As suddenly as it had started, the violent storm ended, returning the once raging ocean to its present stillness. All was still as the destroyed boat washed slowly onto the shore of a small island. All was still save for the gentle lapping of the waves, rapping quietly on the side of the vessel. But all was not still inside the ship, for something had heard the call, and was answering it. All was not still, and it was waking.
This is just a little fan fiction I'm doing. It doesn't have a name yet, but any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If it doesn't seem like it has anything to do with Fable, that's because this is only the first chapter. Depending on what feedback I get, I might continue it or I might not.