I started killing them off as soon as they started hitting my dog. NO ONE HITS HOWARD D:<
I love you.
I started killing them off as soon as they started hitting my dog. NO ONE HITS HOWARD D:<
Everyone in Brightwall hated me, for no good reason that I could see. It got to the point when I would dread going there as it bummed me out so much.
And then I evicted the lot of them, hired a squadron of Nannies and adopted every single child from the orphange. Now whenever I go to Brightwall I am greeted by a whole crowd of tiny children who love me and give me presents... ^_^
I love you too...person I dont know :L
Make new friends and keeeeep theeee ooooold one is silver and the ooothers gold.I've had different reasons for this. Alternate spouses (i put them all together instead of seperate towns), clothing and certain decisions. It could be a varitey of things. Most of the previous posts already explained how to fix the hate though: Adopt, Do friend quests, make good choices.
You live in my afro now. The afro is safe. The afro is warm. The afro has xbox live.