Wannab a Ranger
I've played Fable TLC about 3 times now, all times a Strength obsessed, Goody Good, Bright Plate Wearing, mofo.
Now I want to play it differently, as a Ranger in fact, but I need some tips on how to do it well, because it's so much harder than using melee.
I'd also like to know how to use Crossbows skillfully and using them for a good advantage...
I've played Fable TLC about 3 times now, all times a Strength obsessed, Goody Good, Bright Plate Wearing, mofo.
Now I want to play it differently, as a Ranger in fact, but I need some tips on how to do it well, because it's so much harder than using melee.
I'd also like to know how to use Crossbows skillfully and using them for a good advantage...