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Wannab a Ranger


May 21, 2009
At a LAN, probably.
Wannab a Ranger

I've played Fable TLC about 3 times now, all times a Strength obsessed, Goody Good, Bright Plate Wearing, mofo.
Now I want to play it differently, as a Ranger in fact, but I need some tips on how to do it well, because it's so much harder than using melee.
I'd also like to know how to use Crossbows skillfully and using them for a good advantage...
Re: Wannab a Ranger

I'm always a Skill guy so I think I can help.

1. Roll like a madman. If they're in striking range ROLL!
2. Max out your Health and get some Toughness along with all your Skill.
3. At the very beginning, start saving your money to get nothing but Leather Armor and an Ebony Longbow. Leather is cheap but will still last you a good long time, and Ebony is almost as good as Master for half the price.
4. STAY AWAY FROM CROSSBOWS. They have a little more power but are as slow as anything slow that you can conceive in your mind.

Remember kids, practice these 4 steps.:ninja:
Re: Wannab a Ranger

Actually, you need you get guile up more than anything.
Guile at least at level 4 (I think), then abuse fable's economy and get a bunch of skill epxerience.

After which you will have money (hopefully) and enough money for the said weapons (^) after that, get your accuracy and speed up, and then get a physical shield and some will power. Just enough will power so you dont have the tats if you dont want them.

You still need to role, and you need to use the space bar (lock-on/strafe).

Lastly, you will need a strong melee weapon, for small enemies that you cant seem to hit).

I can't think of anything else you'd need, but other than that, this is usually what I do. I love longbows.
Re: Wannab a Ranger

Thanks guys heres my progress:
Just killed Twinblade, although I already have;
Mastered Skill, I used the reaspawning guards at Heroes guild to get the mass xp.
Have a master longbow, found out the guild trader sold one,
100k, exploited the economy.
And I have found out how to use range in combat easily, probably better than using melee.
Again, thanks for all the help.
Re: Wannab a Ranger

Phantom;308850 said:
Thanks guys heres my progress:
Just killed Twinblade, although I already have;
Mastered Skill, I used the reaspawning guards at Heroes guild to get the mass xp.
Have a master longbow, found out the guild trader sold one,
100k, exploited the economy.

And I have found out how to use range in combat easily, probably better than using melee.
Again, thanks for all the help.

Argh, I hate that guildshop keep.
Try some wandering traders in Greatwood and Darkwood. They sell master weapons too, with reasonable prices.
Re: Wannab a Ranger


When maxed-out and focused on a single target it is the most damaging ability in the game. The sooner you get it and learn to love and use it, the better you'll perform as an "archer"-type Hero.
Re: Wannab a Ranger

Oh no a town guard's right behind me. :lol:

Multi-Arrow rocks! And it tracks the enemies no matter where they go. It's my fave spell when dealing with guards in Bowerstone. :P 'Cause they always spawn right in front of the tavern.
Re: Wannab a Ranger

Tsuyu;309012 said:

When maxed-out and focused on a single target it is the most damaging ability in the game. The sooner you get it and learn to love and use it, the better you'll perform as an "archer"-type Hero.

He's right you know.
Multi-arrow= <3
It launches bunches of arrows and helps alot.
I downloaded a mod that made it shoot 100 arrows with multi-arrow and i had never so much fun. It killed
Dragon Jack in less than two hits(even one i think)
but multi arrow is a must for a ranger.