I figured i should warn anyone using this forum to arrange trades or anything Fable related should be aware of the user SaintofAlbion. I arranged a trade with SaintofAlbion for the Inquisitor code for my Channeler code and upon the day of the swap I was given a bogus code while Th3 ArChD3MoN (SaintofAlbion's Xbox gamertag) was given my REAL pre-order code. Th3 ArChD3MoN then removed me from his friends list and further ignored and blocked all communictions through x-box.
Upon further investigation I found this posting the DAY OF the trade: http://projectego.net/forums/threads/spare-inquisitor.24777/ proving that SaintofAlbion/Th3 ArChD3MoN never planned to go through with the trade, and never even had the code to begin with. So if you come across Th3 ArChD3MoN on xbox or SaintofAblion on this forum, I can only recommend you find whatever you are looking for elsewhere.
(and yes, I knew there was a possibilty that this could be the outcome, Im not here to vent my fruastrations, but to warn anyone who comes across Th3 ArChD3MoN so they will know the type of person they are dealing with.)
Just to clarify thats: Th3 ArChD3MoN his/her gamertag on xbox live
SaintofAlbion on this forum
Upon further investigation I found this posting the DAY OF the trade: http://projectego.net/forums/threads/spare-inquisitor.24777/ proving that SaintofAlbion/Th3 ArChD3MoN never planned to go through with the trade, and never even had the code to begin with. So if you come across Th3 ArChD3MoN on xbox or SaintofAblion on this forum, I can only recommend you find whatever you are looking for elsewhere.
(and yes, I knew there was a possibilty that this could be the outcome, Im not here to vent my fruastrations, but to warn anyone who comes across Th3 ArChD3MoN so they will know the type of person they are dealing with.)
Just to clarify thats: Th3 ArChD3MoN his/her gamertag on xbox live
SaintofAlbion on this forum