It's getting some hate but I love it, it's really fun & quirky. Good mindless gameplay.
It's getting some hate but I love it, it's really fun & quirky. Good mindless gameplay.
I've done everything that I could possibly do in every Fable game. There's really nothing left for me to accomplish at any of them. I kept playing Dragon Age Origins + Dragon Age 2 until i got to that point as well. I can't access the DLC with those considering i got them late (360 user). However, before the servers shut down i spent over a year playing Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen & despite having done absolutely everything possible in the game, I still love the drama, storyline, options, choices & best of all the Character Creation engine rivalling every other game ever. Period. It really is possible to create your Arisen (primary playable) and your pawn (sidekick other players can enlist into their 4 player party) turning them into anyone imaginable. Even clones of real people & celebrities, aside from Fictional characters. Better character creation engine than even Dragon Age: Inquisition & the Soul Calibur games. So, i keep reinventing my Arisen + Pawn again & again. Though the Xbox One players may only have access to my pawns (i have 2 accounts) that I had prior to disabled servers, Rose, Nancy, Dierdre & Angel (depending on whomsoever you see under CelticCr0w or MetalMiike's accounts, you'll get 1 of the best Pawns on your team for facing the extreme difficulty of the game during the Dark Arisen's BitterBlack Isle conquest. See, it doesn't matter what difficulty you have the game on BitterBlack Isle expansion/DLC is automatically Hard to Very Hard. Especially when you go through tge island repeatedly as it is necessary if you want to get the best weapons, armor, & other items. (Lv.3 is the top notch high grade weapons armor, etc.) Come to think of it, it should very well be possible to create any of the Fable Characters as Arisen & Pawns for Dragon's DogmaWhat Games You Playing Right Now?
I am currently playing Guild Wars (started again today) Battlefield 2, Call Of Duty II, Perfect dark Zero and Fifa 2006.
Going to start playing Fable and Metal Gear Solid III aswel soon.
I finally completed Fable 3 with all the achievements last week after first starting the game nearly a decade ago.
Right now I am playing Tomb Raider Definitive Edition.
I think thats my rate of completion at the moment for some games too... playing them for a decade but still not finishing them.
It wasn't intentional. I was bit busy back then and never got back to completing Fable 3. I only decided to do it this time since Fable 3 was in the Playlist of the Month for making it easier to do the online multiplayer achievements and motivating me to complete the game.
I have been playing a lot more lately though especially with the COVID lockdown and completed a lot of other games in the past year or so.
Nevertheless I still have a lot of games I stopped playing on years ago and need to get back to including Fable Anniversary and Fable 2 and other rpgs which tend to take a long time to finish compared to other genres. I just need to find the time to get to them.
Getting most zero time these days, but recently played a few rounds of Payday 2 with no concept of stealth.
Or accuracy.
Or even a basic understanding of what the buttons do.
Hoping to get some more time in with games before, y'know, Christmas or whatever
Just started The Witcher 3 on PC as I didn’t finish it on Xbox and sold my Xbox some time ago. I didn’t play the original as I didn’t have a gaming PC at the time and have only played 2 and 3 so you will be fine doing that.Will probably go for the Witcher series next - yes, I still haven't played them. Skipping the first and starting from the second. I've gotten the impression it's worth it, especially to get to know the story and characters better before taking on the third one.
I played about halfway through the first. It's an average game at most, both in storytelling and gameplay.