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What is the story behind you're username

Well, my first username was 'DataHero'. It doesn't really mean anything specific, but I am extremely bad if it comes to imagination, so I had to find some 'cool' terms and merged them together. May sound stupid, but hey... better something than nothing.

Second username was Graeme, also known as Ser Graeme, Sir Graeme, Commodore Graeme, Graemedalf, and Graemesauce. I was into some Gaelic (and Gaulish) subjects and read some stuff. Then, I came across a well-known name, Graeme. Somehow liked it and stuck with it. Until recently, of course, when I decided to have a global namechange.

Recent one would be Gakoyu Ojima, obviously. I wanted a name that sounded Asian enough to satisfy me, and Scott helped me find one! Or rather, compose one right out of the mind, aye. Three cheers!
Oni mean Demon.

So doesn't that mean Dark Demon? >_>?
Well, he writes it with all caps, (making it ONI, not Oni) so it could stand for abbreviations as well. Such as Office of Naval Intelligence.
Which might actually fit a little, as he called himself Dark Intelligence on Chatango. ANYWAY, I'm going with that ONI stands mainly for some way of Intelligence. =|

I chose mine because of a rare medical condition which I suffer from.
My original username on here was TJ Griffin. Its a name I unimaginitivly thought up in my early adolecence. Time and significant life events have drastically altered my personality since I was TJ Griffin, so I thought a name change would be appropriate. Also I grew to hate that name for several reasons.

My current username is from my favorate character in a book I'm currently reading "The Monkey Wrench Gang". George Washington Hayduke. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Hayduke_(character) (Don't know why the link won't copy and paste right, just go with the first link.) Hayduke is a foul-mouthed, beer-guzzling ex Green Baret/hippie who likes to vandalize (blow up) things for the greater good.
Well, I started out as a young kid, calling myself "odidodi" because of my name being, "Ido" and I was young and dumb. Next, I did Ice Cubic for about one game, once again, young and dumb. I became IKube and stuck with that for such a long time, basically until my intense Garry's Mod days started. I generally used IKube because it was similar to "Ice Cubic" but was like 500 times cooler because it had a K. I mean, seriously. A goddamn K. FTW. Next, I became the great Mr. Noob. I have this natural ability of failing at any game I've played for less than 5 hours. After that 5 hour period, I generally destroy at the game or quit. Now, for no reason at all, I use either Mr. Noob, VeganCupcake, Cupcakeriffic, Cupcakes.exe, or GuyWithSTUFF, depending on the place that I'm logging into.
Well that was my beautiful story, and I hope you like it and get happyface over it. :)
Rh Factor is an antigen that some people have in their blood and others don't. If you have Rh Factor, you are considered to have a "positive" blood type (like A+) and if you don't have it, you are considered to have a "negative" blood type (A-). I always thought the name Rh Factor was kind of cool, and my interest in the subject was sparked when I found out my blood type is O-, which is fairly rare (about 8% of the population in the USA has it) and makes me a "universal donor". Esentially, my blood is like a blank slate, so it's compatible with all other blood types. I first used this as my gamertag on Xbox live because I couldn't think of any other names that weren't taken already and it's kind of grown on me. Someone recently pointed out that "R" is the first letter of my first name and "H" is the last letter of my last name (which honestly never occured to me before), so that just made it seem even more fitting.
Points for anyone who has played/knows anything about White Wolf's World of Darkness.

The basic story is that there are 3 'godlike beings' that run earth. The Wyrm, the Wyld, and the Weaver. The Wyld is chaos (not evil just chaos as chaos isn't inherantly evil), the Weaver was order (and not nessecarily good), while the Wyrm was the middle ground between them. I forget why, but one day the Weaver went insane, trying to make everything orderly as it was supposed to, and it trapped the Wyrm in a cocoon. The Wyrm, over time, started to go insane and corrupt, becoming a horridly evil creature. So the Weaver is trying to separate the spirit realm from the physical, the wyrm is now super evil, and the Wyld is... the Wyld lol.

Anywho, the children of Gaia: the shape-changers, sspecifically the werewolves, fight against the Wyrm and it's abominations. The first leaders of the Werewolf tribes were the White Howlers (my name). They took the fight to the Wyrm, in hopes of defeating it. However, they lost, and were corrupted in their defeat, becoming minions of the Wyrm and renamed themselves the Black Spiral Dancers, and thus the mortal enemies of any non-corrupt werewolf.

So now everyone should get my screenname, AND my gamertag: BwhiteShowlerD.

If you don't then no cookies for you.
So now everyone should get my screenname, AND my gamertag: BwhiteShowlerD.

Ohhh... I got your Forum Name, but I never understood the BSD in your gamertag.

The name 'HobbeBrain' originates from the early latin word for "One who is totally awesome", Hobboeus-Brayne. Throughout the mists of time, this name has become changed and corrupted till it became the 'HobbeBrain' we know today.
Skorm's Boss, the boss of Skorm...... he get's me coffee and I send him on unimportant errands!
I have another username (not here of course) putowtin, that came about when me and my hubby first got the internet, I asked him what our email address should be, he said in his deep Yorkshire accent, put owt in (meaning put anything in) and I did. Been stuck with that gem for about 12 years now!
I revel in being insulted, thats where my name comes from. Plus I'm a introverted misanthrope.