Re: what spells would you like to add to fable??
Was playing through TLC again this past weekend when my internet wasn't working...again arg. Anyway I was thinking about some spells just last night since it seems that some of them are kind of limited in how you can truly use them.
I think this probably has been mentioned many times lol.
Skorm's Shadow:Can only be activated with your guile maxed and while sneak is activated. It would grant you invisibility for a short time, but at the cost of slowly depleting your mana bar.
I also think that more ranged spells other than multi-arrow would be great. As it is I love that spell using Skorm's Bow

but other than that we have very little for those that have ever wanted to do a pure bow character.
blast: An exploding arrow that has a small AoE on impact of a target that acts like enflame.
poison: Has the same initial attack as an arrow normally, but has a poison effect that slowly attack the enemy's hp for a short time. Would not be activatable with multi-arrow already used because that would cause unballanced damage. Could also be used on light blades I suppose which would cause extra damage with each strike.
Ice arrow: Would have the same initial damage, but would immobilize your target for a brief time allowing you to either move in or wuss out and run. Either way it would be nice for some of those rock trolls to give you the time to get close enough to beserk and take a whack at them...especially during the arena fight when Whisper does jack and leaves you all the work.