Same thing we do every night pinkie, get ****ed and watch porn.
You can't kill Pinky, he's just... well, he's a mouse. You can't just... kill a mouse...
The same thing we do everynighty Pinky, I will talk in an evil voice and you shall ruin my schemes, but for some reason I shall never kill you in your sleep.
I was never really into Pinky and the Brain...
Pink & The Brain is just brilliant. Spielberg is behind it, y'know? I try and catch the re-runs in Cartoon Network whenever possible. It is incredibly clever and I'd say it is more of an adult show á la The Simpsons or Family Guy, some of the elements are just way above your average kid.
Like that one episode when they founded their own island nation and tried to extort financial aid from the US. I mean... lololitics in that episode!
I beg to differ.
"What are we going to do tonight, Brain?"
"Same thing we do every night, Pinky... TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!"
"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda.
Go figure.
I never really agreed with what Yoda said, there. =| But if he's right... I won't try to have sex with a hot chick, I will DO her. (Yes, it was a pun.)
Anyway, I like Brain. Trying to take over the world, and all. Only, his schemes are too... Insignificant. >=D Mhuahahahah
What Yoda said actually makes sense: If you do, you will succeed. If you do not, nothing will happen. If you try, you will fail. Try means attempt, and if you say "He attempted shark wrestling" that means he tried... and failed.