blue crow
Re: Whats your favorite call of duty 4 class that you made?
Then you playing agisent noobs explains it.
Then you playing agisent noobs explains it.
blue crow;153579 said:Then you playing agisent noobs explains it.
Dark Drakan;153580 said:Your arrogance is painful thats for sure.
blue crow;153581 said:I am not being arrogant. I am just saying that you got lucky cause you were faceing noobs. Just curious was your second perk stoping power?
blue crow;153586 said:Wow calling me kid thats preatty big comeing from you. So anyway do want to face me in a cage match? It will makes things eaiser for the both of us. I dont use my mic anymore cause i listein to my i pod while i play.
blue crow;153590 said:Wow way to wuss out. I didnt even play for most of the week cause i was studying for my mid terms.
blue crow;153593 said:Its not like i am goona trash talk you or anything. I"ll be listeining to my i pod. I am not arrogant this will be just a freindly game.
blue crow;153595 said:Whatever you say.
blue crow;153597 said:Your overconfidence will lead you to your downfall.
blue crow;153601 said:I could say prove it but you"ll just say kid and then mention playground. So all i"ll say is wheres your head at?
Amanda;153856 said:I have also killed many people while in Last Stand mode. The Desert Eagle is an amazing pistol, two shots equals a kill. It also has a very fast fire rate and it kills from a great distance. I am saying this all from experience.
EDIT:http://forums.projectego.net/../../members/dark-drakan-2/ Dark Drakan, if you ever wanna COD4 together sometime just send me an invite! I believe I am on your list.