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Who's Trustworthy


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Jan 6, 2007
This thread is dedicated to people who can endorse that another member here is trustworthy. With the internet being what it is a scammer is relatively easy to come across, unfortunately.

At least with this thread, you can link to a post where you were endorsed and trades can go much more smoothly once you've proven yourself as trustworthy.

What to do?
It's quite simple, really. After you've had a successful trade with someone, post their forum username and/or gamertag in this thread and everyone will know that they aren't scammers.

What if someone 'trustworthy' scams me?
If someone who was endorsed in this thread has scammed you, you should reply immediately and let everyone know.

I'll start this thread off by endorsing DerpSmash for being trustworthy in trading pre-order codes with me.
Anyone looking to trade with him should be A-OK ;)

EDIT: As a general rule, the old-time forum members with 1,000+ posts can be relied upon to not scam you.
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This is a great idea and all. However, there is just one issue with this system that needs to be pointed out.
What's to stop a person from pretending to be scammed?
I could, potentially, just post something saying that DerpSmash scammed me (just an example, I wasn't scammed) thus ruining his reputation.
Again, great idea, just has some kinks that need to be worked out.
Great idea cheese I fully endorse this thread, and I'll link it in my F2, and F3 shops when I re(open) them.
I traded with GregLyn using projectego as the middle-man and everything went smoothly. I even had a 3 hour gap before I could enter the code he traded me and it was still unused and ready for me to enter.
I had an unsuccessful trade with SaintofAlbion on this forum, where I was given a made up Inquisitor preorder code for my valid Channeler preorder code. As a precaution, his xbox gamertag is Th3 ArChD3MoN.
I made a trade with Hhate using PrejectEgo, I was trading my Inquisitor code for Gold. The trade wen't rather well, and everyone got what they wanted in the end.
I figured i should warn anyone using this forum to arrange trades or anything Fable related should be aware of the user SaintofAlbion. I arranged a trade with SaintofAlbion for the Inquisitor code for my Channeler code and upon the day of the swap I was given a bogus code while Th3 ArChD3MoN (SaintofAlbion's Xbox gamertag) was given my REAL pre-order code. Th3 ArChD3MoN then removed me from his friends list and further ignored and blocked all communictions through x-box.
Upon further investigation I found this posting the DAY OF the trade: http://projectego.net/forums/threads/spare-inquisitor.24777/ proving that SaintofAlbion/Th3 ArChD3MoN never planned to go through with the trade, and never even had the code to begin with. So if you come across Th3 ArChD3MoN on xbox or SaintofAblion on this forum, I can only recommend you find whatever you are looking for elsewhere.
(and yes, I knew there was a possibilty that this could be the outcome, Im not here to vent my fruastrations, but to warn anyone who comes across Th3 ArChD3MoN so they will know the type of person they are dealing with.)

Just to clarify thats: Th3 ArChD3MoN his/her gamertag on xbox live
SaintofAlbion on this forum
Okay, he's trustworthy, but now I appear not to be. ddean3, okay, he's awesome, yet as you saw, I'm not exactly standing in good light here. So, I'm gonna put down a few things to resolve the issue.
A. His Channeler worked, I used it, yes, all said and done, BUT... I gave him a 100% valid, unused Inquisitor code, and I can provide ample proof that I indeed own the code, and that I have not used it!
B. I have had a rough time trying to come up with a solution, have gotten 2 spare codes from the local GameStop, none of them work.

C. Am currently haggling with my cousin for his Inquisitor
D. Sometime within the next week, I will be receiving a card or two of replacement code cards from the GameStop, and I won't use them, I'll send them straight to ddean3, just as I have with the 2 replacements earlier today.
E. That forum was because for when after I gave him my Inquisitor, I still wanted one for myself.
Now should I be counted as a bad guy for such a misunderstanding? :/
Okay, he's trustworthy, but now I appear not to be. ddean3, okay, he's awesome, yet as you saw, I'm not exactly standing in good light here. So, I'm gonna put down a few things to resolve the issue.
A. His Channeler worked, I used it, yes, all said and done, BUT... I gave him a 100% valid, unused Inquisitor code, and I can provide ample proof that I indeed own the code, and that I have not used it!
B. I have had a rough time trying to come up with a solution, have gotten 2 spare codes from the local GameStop, none of them work.

C. Am currently haggling with my cousin for his Inquisitor
D. Sometime within the next week, I will be receiving a card or two of replacement code cards from the GameStop, and I won't use them, I'll send them straight to ddean3, just as I have with the 2 replacements earlier today.
E. That forum was because for when after I gave him my Inquisitor, I still wanted one for myself.
Now should I be counted as a bad guy for such a misunderstanding? : src="http://projectego.net/forums/images/smilies/01/hmm.gif" _mce_src="http://projectego.net/forums/images/smilies/01/hmm.gif">

Thats sounds pretty ligit man, **** happends you know. I have a couple friends that are having the same issue with our local Gamestop, I mean a lot of people have been having issues with the villeger code right?
Thats sounds pretty ligit man, s*** happends you know. I have a couple friends that are having the same issue with our local Gamestop, I mean a lot of people have been having issues with the villeger code right?
I havent use my villager code though... i havent tried to yet... hope it not broken, but the code problem is with the Inquisitor, and this dudes got the EXACT same problem as I do. http://lionhead.com/forums/p/292211/3573685.aspx
Shadowknight1 is a trust worthy person. Trade went off without a hitch, even when we didn't use projectego (the user) as a middleman.
Okay, he's trustworthy, but now I appear not to be. ddean3, okay, he's awesome, yet as you saw, I'm not exactly standing in good light here. So, I'm gonna put down a few things to resolve the issue.
A. His Channeler worked, I used it, yes, all said and done, BUT... I gave him a 100% valid, unused Inquisitor code, and I can provide ample proof that I indeed own the code, and that I have not used it!
B. I have had a rough time trying to come up with a solution, have gotten 2 spare codes from the local GameStop, none of them work.

C. Am currently haggling with my cousin for his Inquisitor
D. Sometime within the next week, I will be receiving a card or two of replacement code cards from the GameStop, and I won't use them, I'll send them straight to ddean3, just as I have with the 2 replacements earlier today.
E. That forum was because for when after I gave him my Inquisitor, I still wanted one for myself.
Now should I be counted as a bad guy for such a misunderstanding? :/

It appears Gamestop has been sent some invalid codes - the code isn't long enough!
My local Gamestop, however, was already aware of this problem before release, they informed Lionhead (or whoever) who then sent them some valid codes.
Just saying.. that might be the reason the codes were invalid.

Also, I'm 100% trustworthy. Been on this forum for nearly 3 years now. I'm sure someone would stamp me as not trustworthy, had I scammed someone.
lucky for us all - that's not the case ^_^
I had a successful trade with Necromancer11, with projectego as our middleman.

Traded my Channeler code for his Inquisitor code. All went well.
Had a quick and successful trade with user Blu (gamertag: BlueEmpty). Very trustworthy as he even offered his code first.
NiNja_Hobbe went above and beyond our original deal. Great guy, took a lot of time to help me get what I was looking for. Thanks man. Trustworthy.