As always, I fail at writing introductory posts so I'm just going to flail about here for a moment spouting off random nonsense. Okay?
Well, for starters, I like to write. Like, a lot. As in, it's pretty much what I would like to do for a living. Just as well there are so many different kinds of jobs that involve writing, neh?
I also get distracted easily when playing games. For example, yesterday I was playing Assassin's Creed and even while I was in the middle of assassinating someone (assassinating some? In Assassin's Creed? Who'd a thunk it?) my mind was elsewhere happily plotting a story that had came to me earlier while I was riding around on one of those horses. I do this all the time.
Oh, hey. Told you it was going to be random.
Anyway, I'm too lazy to think of anything else to say for now, so I'm just gonna be over here. In a corner. Behaviing myself. ^^
As always, I fail at writing introductory posts so I'm just going to flail about here for a moment spouting off random nonsense. Okay?
Well, for starters, I like to write. Like, a lot. As in, it's pretty much what I would like to do for a living. Just as well there are so many different kinds of jobs that involve writing, neh?

I also get distracted easily when playing games. For example, yesterday I was playing Assassin's Creed and even while I was in the middle of assassinating someone (assassinating some? In Assassin's Creed? Who'd a thunk it?) my mind was elsewhere happily plotting a story that had came to me earlier while I was riding around on one of those horses. I do this all the time.
Oh, hey. Told you it was going to be random.
Anyway, I'm too lazy to think of anything else to say for now, so I'm just gonna be over here. In a corner. Behaviing myself. ^^