Jops said:I will be getting myself a Wii because I am a huge Nintendo fan and couldn't go without my Mario/Zelda/Metroid etc
I will also be getting an '360. There are so many good games coming to that system I won't be able to resist. Too Human, Gears of War and, of course, Fable 2
Jops said:I will be getting myself a Wii because I am a huge Nintendo fan and couldn't go without my Mario/Zelda/Metroid etc
I will also be getting an '360. There are so many good games coming to that system I won't be able to resist. Too Human, Gears of War and, of course, Fable.
As for the PS3 I am put ofF by the £400+ price tag but mainly it is that there is only one 'exclusive' game I would really like: MGS4.
Dark Drakan said:I wouldnt touch a Wii with a 400 foot barge pole but i agree with everything else.
Skorm's Son said:I think the Wii will be a great system.....
Jops said:Not getting enough big companies to develop for them has been their biggest mistake. However most people who buy a Nintendo system do so mainly for the first party games.
Nintendo are the still the biggest games publisher in the world so there is no shortage of exclusive titles.
Dark Drakan said:I think Nintendo have lost direction over the years, trying to many 'Inventive' ideas that arent for mainstream games and not signing enough big companies to develop games for them.
blu phoenix said:skorm he is turning me now...must follow drakan...
Dark Drakan said:I think Nintendo have lost direction over the years, trying to many 'Inventive' ideas that arent for mainstream games and not signing enough big companies to develop games for them.
Skorm's Son said:Well..................thats is true..........meh I'll get it for Red Steel and maybe Darkness amd Spore![]()
i doubt it will pull a gamecube especially after seeing red steel....but ill buy the wii and wait for the ps3 to go down in price cause theres no way im payin $600 for a flippin game system(besides my mom wont pay for itDark Drakan said:I think if the Wii does a Gamecube it will be the end of Nintendo console wise but they will make games for another company.