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wut wut in tha butt


Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
Okay, this is thread has nothing to do with butts.

I hate things like this.

And this.




These all came from one person's FB page all posted within the space of a few days. Now putting aside my distaste for images like this in general, I really hate it when the likes of tumblr etc. romanticise things like depression, self-harm and OCD. Being an introvert just makes you more interesting, all that stuff. I really hate when I see stuff like that, right there, that stuff. But that's all besides the point. Maybe I'm just exhibiting a major case of the green-eyed monster but it really gets to me in a hard way when I read about, or listen to other people complain about their long-distance relationships. Now I'm sure people have it worse than me, I'm not going to sit here and say no-one understands, yada-yada. I definitely understand that there's people out there that frequently feel, or have felt exactly as I feel now. And I'm definitely not including everyone in my rant. The fact that Scott and I don't even get to see eachother even once a month at a time, puts him and I in the category of holysh*tthatsalongdistancerelationshipalright, but it's when people post images like the ones above, and they live maybe... at the most, 100 miles apart? A simple car/bus/train ride away. It really gets to me. Maybe that makes me a bad person, I don't know. I do know it makes me want to grab them by the scruff of their shirt and scream, "REALISE HOW GOOD YOU HAAAVE ITTT!!!" then I burst into flames from pure rage.

Scott and I are looking at visas, poverty guidelines, different forms with names like IH8-U and YME-2, extortionate flight prices and celibacy, GUD GAWD, anyway.

And it really bothered me when my sister said she knows how I feel, because her and her husband used to spend the whole week apart but got to spend each weekend together. Haw, okaeeey.

Okay, okay, yes, I realise it's all subjective and usually I'd be more sympathetic. But I think I kinda snapped when I saw all those posts.

Anyway, here's Stan Bush with The Touch.

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I've been in the situation too and it royally sucks, tech is a little better now to stay in contact but still it's not exactly solving the main issue. I had an Internet connection at the time that would disconnect if anyone called my house and also just randomly here and there and then have to spend hours resetting things to get back online. Sometimes it would boot me off for 10mins then reconnect other times I would lose connections for whole nights. Made things 100x more difficult and even holding conversations was tough sometimes. Spent a whole year communicating via a poor quality webcam and MSN messenger.
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It is amazing how many people have 'OCD' nowadays.

As someone who spends over ten minutes re-checking that I've set my alarm every night, whenever I hear someone say I have OCD I want to kick them in the shins and then in their face. I do actually have it and I spend half my days checking that doors & windows are locked, making sure I'm carrying everything, doing checklists in my head, etc.

All the while I know that I've already done these things, I know that door is locked, I know I've got my keys, I know I've set my alarm, I know I've done it, but, I have to do it again. And yeah making light of depression, self-harm ****es me off as well as anxiety attacks.

Some people really need a slap in the face with a shovel, Tumblr users among them take precedence in this instance.
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Well... It's just that with the rise of the Internet (virtual) age, nerds and introverts have a claim to dominion they never had in the outside world. Now that the flocks have gathered, they can pride themselves in their shortcomings and effectively turn their disadvantages into unique quirks that "developed" a positive side effect amongst those that are not a threat (e.g. "I'm antisocial, but only because other people are idiots" or in other words "I'm smarter than other people"). I still go to 9GAG in hopes of finding humor, but the place has, like Tumblr, turned more into a gang of circlejerkers desperately trying to find people like themselves (and they do, obviously), hiding from the "unfairness" of life and crying how nobody understands them.
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How fortunate for this subject to pop up when my sister is currently going through the same issue - her bf is Slovenian and they have met only once.

She has my condolences, but only is she's on the holysh*tthatsalongdistancerelationshipalright level of the super scientific scale of long distance love.
I've been in the situation too and it royally sucks, tech is a little better now to stay in contact but still it's not exactly solving the main issue. I had an Internet connection at the time that would disconnect if anyone called my house and also just randomly here and there and then have to spend hours resetting things to get back online. Sometimes it would boot me off for 10mins then reconnect other times I would lose connections for whole nights. Made things 100x more difficult and even holding conversations was tough sometimes. Spent a whole year communicating via a poor quality webcam and MSN messenger.

We have the same issue. My net regularly cuts out, and I have no idea why. I've got unlimited broadband, so my service SHOULD be good. I've called up BT over it numerous times, and they haven't been much help. They've sent replacement routers, filters and stuff but none of it helps. It's a hassle. An incredibly annoying hassle. And each time it happens, I'm reminded of just how limited Scott and I's contact really is.
It is amazing how many people have 'OCD' nowadays.

As someone who spends over ten minutes re-checking that I've set my alarm every night, whenever I hear someone say I have OCD I want to kick them in the shins and then in their face. I do actually have it and I spend half my days checking that doors & windows are locked, making sure I'm carrying everything, doing checklists in my head, etc.

All the while I know that I've already done these things, I know that door is locked, I know I've got my keys, I know I've set my alarm, I know I've done it, but, I have to do it again. And yeah making light of depression, self-harm ****es me off as well as anxiety attacks.

Some people really need a slap in the face with a shovel, Tumblr users among them take precedence in this instance.

I know that feels. I have depression, severe anxiety and OCD. All slightly alleviated by one little pill I take each day. My OCD has little to do with what people normally associate OCD with, and my OCD has mostly very little to do with things having to be just right. I have moments like that though, and usually has to do with leisurely activities, like reading and gaming. I haven't properly read a book in years because of it. Though when it comes to those kinds of activities I do have to do the same tasks over and over until it feels just right. It's funny, because those are things I enjoy that are being interfered with, I probably notice those parts a lot more, and are more affected by them despite them actually being a very small part of my OCD. My main issue has to do with disturbing thoughts and believing, for example if I don't do/don't something I could cause my mum to die in a car crash. And I don't mean cut her brakes, I mean not doing something mundane, like picking my sock off the floor could cause the universe to punish me for my laziness and then bye-bye mum. That's a pretty extreme example, but you get the idea.

There isn't a single part of me that enjoys having these things, and I constantly wonder how much better my life would be, how it could have turned out if I didn't have any of these issues. My depression and anxiety caused major problems in my teens were I had to leave school early because I just couldn't face going out, and being around people simply because I thought they could find me as hideous as I found myself. I barely talked about it then, and I barely talk about it now. The only people that know about it in detail are my mother, my GP and Scott. I hide everything because I want people to think I'm completely stable, and being called anything other than that is something I don't want to be known for. I don't want to be known for being depressed or introverted, and I don't think any of those things should be praised. They're mental illnesses, and we don't praise or romanticise other illnesses like cancer, or even alcoholism so we shouldn't romanticise mental illness. Mental illness is a horrible thing, and I can praise the people who have come back from being in a truly dark place and not those people that brag about their mental illness. For me it will, and always will be a private thing. It's mine, my issue and I'm not proud of it. What I am proud of is that I'm a lot better than I used to be. And that's what matters.
Well... It's just that with the rise of the Internet (virtual) age, nerds and introverts have a claim to dominion they never had in the outside world. Now that the flocks have gathered, they can pride themselves in their shortcomings and effectively turn their disadvantages into unique quirks that "developed" a positive side effect amongst those that are not a threat (e.g. "I'm antisocial, but only because other people are idiots" or in other words "I'm smarter than other people"). I still go to 9GAG in hopes of finding humor, but the place has, like Tumblr, turned more into a gang of circlejerkers desperately trying to find people like themselves (and they do, obviously), hiding from the "unfairness" of life and crying how nobody understands them.

There's many a place on the internet where the word "cesspool" comes to mind and tumblr and 9gag are definitely among them.
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I'm guessing it was just a mistake, but introversion is definitely not a mental illness, but rather the way people perceive and process information mainly through internal means (as opposed to extroverts using the external world more). In popular terms it alludes to being more reserved and solitary, and while there is a connection, it's not the message the term is intended to convey.
Of course, definitions vary.
We have the same issue. My net regularly cuts out, and I have no idea why. I've got unlimited broadband, so my service SHOULD be good. I've called up BT over it numerous times, and they haven't been much help. They've sent replacement routers, filters and stuff but none of it helps. It's a hassle. An incredibly annoying hassle. And each time it happens, I'm reminded of just how limited Scott and I's contact really is.

I got passed off with the same things, line checks and hundreds of new filters and countless new routers and nothing helped for 2 years. Moved companies eventually but was too late by then and 12 months of limited contact had taken its toll amongst other factors but not having that contact did contribute massively. Even something as simple as playing co-op games on Xbox Live and chatting over mics was a huge hassle and multiple boots and game restarts when I got kicked off all added to the frustration.
I'm guessing it was just a mistake, but introversion is definitely not a mental illness, but rather the way people perceive and process information mainly through internal means (as opposed to extroverts using the external world more). In popular terms it alludes to being more reserved and solitary, and while there is a connection, it's not the message the term is intended to convey.
Of course, definitions vary.

A mistake. Though I was describing in that instance examples of what I didn't think should be praised, and what I didn't want to be known for. I should have typed that part better, I never meant to say being introverted was a mental illness. I'm sorry that part didn't come across well.

I will say though that for me, being introverted is a huge hindrance and I often catergorise it with my actual mental illnesses. And my mental illnesses have caused a lot of my introversion in my opinion.
I got passed off with the same things, line checks and hundreds of new filters and countless new routers and nothing helped for 2 years. Moved companies eventually but was too late by then and 12 months of limited contact had taken its toll amongst other factors but not having that contact did contribute massively. Even something as simple as playing co-op games on Xbox Live and chatting over mics was a huge hassle and multiple boots and game restarts when I got kicked off all added to the frustration.

Watching movies together, especially on Netflix is where I find it most annoying. Scott and I don't play over Xbox Live together as of yet(lack of wifi adapter on his end and Gold subcriptions) but I imagine if my issue isn't solved by then - it'll be a massive pain to play online together.
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(In short, I hate those posts too and don't know why I still use Facebook for anything other than my high school clique. I hope your situation resolves itself as smoothly as possible, no one can know exactly and entirely what you must be going through but they'll still want to help; even if that means trying to let you know you aren't alone in the weirdest ways possible. And I also hate this culture that is popular on the web now where SAD, depression of all varieties, OCD, and other serious mental conditions are celebrated, as someone with Social Anxiety Disorder and diagnosed depression it feels weird and confusing to see what holds me back to be praised.)

I've never been in a long distance relationship, but I can see why images like that irritate you, beyond just spamming your feed. We are kind of in an age of the internet where your Myspace page doesn't have a background, a song that defines you, and a list of clearly visible quotes and life mottoes in bright pink letters that perfectly capture your feelings at that point and time. The new thing is telling everybody all of your problems and to exaggerate them for sympathy, or to share things that only mildly speak to you just because it's something to click, and blessed be the tumblr for it's infinite porn pages but it does support this culture where people like you and I and all the other misfits who take/took pills for depression and have legitimate mental "disorders" are almost idolized and are something to be, I can't tell you how many articles and posts I have seen where it feels like people are actually trying to have OCD because they think it's cool, as if sorting out your Skittle colors makes you have an illness suddenly. And it ****es you off that people treat your pain and issues that way.

Now, people want to help each other and raise each other up, I believe that is the natural way of things. People want to let others know they are not alone, like with your sister: her problem is nowhere near as bad as yours, and she absolutely does not know how you feel, she can't, but by saying that to you she probably thinks she is helping, saying "lean on me, if you need to talk I am here." but nothing she says is really going to help, or at least that's the way I interpret it.

In dark times I found some weird solace in the trigger pages on tumblr and all of the sob stories, but now it's gone too far.
When people praise the actions and lifestyle of hermits it both hurts and confuses people; for example: Today I was supposed to have custody of my kids, but this means seeing my ex-wife who I still love, reminding myself of my past, being a part-time father, and pretending like I am able to handle two infants without my heart racing and reaching for the whiskey the very moment that they leave. I stressed about today all day yesterday, couldn't calm down all day and was physically sweating about it, so I ended up faking being sick so that I wouldn't have to deal with my responsibility. This is disgusting and I feel really bad about it and stayed in bed for four hours extra this morning just staring at the wall, but for some reason certain internet societies would view this as understandable and coddle people who do things like this.
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I can't say anything, nor add anything more than what others have already done in this thread. I just feel that it's pointless to argue about this since people will keep, well, being people, and sharing or liking the most pointless or annoying things.

What's the point to even care? Just block their profile away and move on.
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While on the subject of introversion, I assume most of us here are introverts but maybe not. In any case, this is just for the anti-socialites here; how many of you have a lack of empathy?

I've always wondered why. Why I can't seem to empathize with everyone, I've gone from thinking I'm a psychotic, to a plain sociopath, an introvert, and to actually having anti-social personality disorder. I'm probably not any of these things, aside from an introvert that is. But I cannot sympathize with the majority of people, there is the occasional heart string that gets tugged but for the most part I find myself having to fake sympathy for everyday use.

The newspaper mentions someone murdered, someone died of cancer, etc. BLAH BLAH BLAH I don't care, this goes in as far as close family; I get asked by close family members 'Don't you feel sorry for me?'


No, I don't.

Does anyone else get this? Or Should I just check into the nearest looney bin?

Of course the occasional things do make me empathize; Religious extremism, people with depression, people with bipolar disorder, women and children, & animals being abused, animals being hunted, etc.

But aside from these things and various others, hearing about some random chap being killed, I couldn't care less. I get anxiety & random mad mood swings from time to time as well, but nothing as extreme as you described Queen, I have had several panic attacks over the last year. But I usually keep my mild anxiety in check with Kalmer tablets only thing is they make me quite dozy and sleepy. I hope you feel better soon and no, you're not hideous, but we do all get insecure from time to time. Yes, even men. But just try to think & stay positive chick. And yeah pick those dirty socks up, cos that's like... gross.
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I'm definitely an introvert.

I'm fully comfortable and capable of enjoying social occasions, so no kind of anti-social tendencies, but I just don't have the urge or need to attend them which unfortunately leads to a lot of people calling me anti-social. I'm perfectly fine with only myself to keep me company. In fact I find it preferable a lot of times but if someone wants to engage me in something I'm not going to run away or nothin'.
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I am introverted, I like to be in the dark, in warm clothes, preferably with my back to a wall and using my computer, I only have one small group of friends I enjoy hanging out with and when I do see them I want it to last forever and I sink into a depression when it ends, but I don't like hanging out with coworkers or most of my family, I like to be alone as much as I can.

On the subject of empathy:
Death is something that I don't have much strong feeling towards, but I haven't had an extremely close friend or family member die yet, but in general death doesn't affect me. I am sensitive when it comes to children and the beauty of nature, but only when it's directly related to me, like the smell of the air in my area, or the level of wildlife I can see from my porch.
An example of my level of empathy is my father's best friend, who was also my friend (an uncle of sorts) and guitar teacher died recently, it did not affect me in the slightest emotionally, but I do think back on him still and mildly regret missing his funeral for work. I don't care about anything at all that I read in the news about abuse, human rights, politics, etc; but I think it's easy to be detached from stuff that isn't directly affecting you. It's not necessarily a lack of empathy, just that there is so much going on in the world that it's hard for any one thing to cut you deep enough.
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I can't tell you how many articles and posts I have seen where it feels like people are actually trying to have OCD because they think it's cool, as if sorting out your Skittle colors makes you have an illness suddenly. And it ****es you off that people treat your pain and issues that way.

It's funny, I actually prefer things to be organised oddly, rather than evenly. I think thinks look better in 3s and 5s and as far as skittles go, I'd much prefer them looking as randomised as possible.
Now, people want to help each other and raise each other up, I believe that is the natural way of things. People want to let others know they are not alone, like with your sister: her problem is nowhere near as bad as yours, and she absolutely does not know how you feel, she can't, but by saying that to you she probably thinks she is helping, saying "lean on me, if you need to talk I am here." but nothing she says is really going to help, or at least that's the way I interpret it.

My sister is more about "so what; get over it". Even the day Scott left to go back to the States she kept saying "why are you crying, you're going to see eachother again". She was right, of course, and maybe that was her way of trying to make me feel better. But my fiance was going 4000 miles away, if I wanted to cry - I was going cry. I think she's under the impression that the grass is greener on my side, and you know what they say about that.
In dark times I found some weird solace in the trigger pages on tumblr and all of the sob stories, but now it's gone too far.
When people praise the actions and lifestyle of hermits it both hurts and confuses people; for example: Today I was supposed to have custody of my kids, but this means seeing my ex-wife who I still love, reminding myself of my past, being a part-time father, and pretending like I am able to handle two infants without my heart racing and reaching for the whiskey the very moment that they leave. I stressed about today all day yesterday, couldn't calm down all day and was physically sweating about it, so I ended up faking being sick so that I wouldn't have to deal with my responsibility. This is disgusting and I feel really bad about it and stayed in bed for four hours extra this morning just staring at the wall, but for some reason certain internet societies would view this as understandable and coddle people who do things like this.

I honestly think it's very important to know when you did wrong, and not have people tell you it's alright. How else is someone supposed to become a better person? Why is discipline only okay when you're a kid? I think there's a lot of adults out there that need to sit on the naughty step.
I can't say anything, nor add anything more than what others have already done in this thread. I just feel that it's pointless to argue about this since people will keep, well, being people, and sharing or liking the most pointless or annoying things.

What's the point to even care? Just block their profile away and move on.

Lemme summarise Lacky's post: people suck.
Does anyone else get this? Or Should I just check into the nearest looney bin?
Nah, I feel the same way a lot. Like you, I feel great empathy for things like child/animal abuse. Part of the reason why I plan to study to become a veterinary nurse is so that I can work closely with animal welfare organisations. Other than that I do care when people I'm close to are suffering. Some more than others, of course. Honestly, I think you're fine. The fact that you even worry about being a sociopath pretty much shows you're not. Sociopaths feels 0 empathy, to everything and anything. And you've already shown you're not to that extreme.
But aside from these things and various others, hearing about some random chap being killed, I couldn't care less. I get anxiety & random mad mood swings from time to time as well, but nothing as extreme as you described Queen, I have had several panic attacks over the last year. But I usually keep my mild anxiety in check with Kalmer tablets only thing is they make me quite dozy and sleepy. I hope you feel better soon and no, you're not hideous, but we do all get insecure from time to time. Yes, even men. But just try to think & stay positive chick.

Heh, I wasn't aware I made it sound extreme. Sorry about that. I'm alright. Truly a lot better than I once was. I still have my wobbly days but that's all part of the game. Luckily for me I have a mighty fine black man telling me I have a nice ass everyday. Really that's what every girl wants: a guy who will hold the door open for her but smacks her butt as she's walks through it. I still get insecure, a lot, almost every day, but the difference now is that I deal with it better and don't let it control my life, and prevent me from living it.Thank you anyway, Hermie. I appreciate it. :)
And yeah pick those dirty socks up, cos that's like... gross.

I'll have you know my feet smell like a spring meadow, with a fresh odor that will last a lifetime.
I'm definitely an introvert.

I'm fully comfortable and capable of enjoying social occasions, so no kind of anti-social tendencies, but I just don't have the urge or need to attend them which unfortunately leads to a lot of people calling me anti-social. I'm perfectly fine with only myself to keep me company. In fact I find it preferable a lot of times but if someone wants to engage me in something I'm not going to run away or nothin'.

Social situations take a lot of effort for introverts, it can be tiring and often completely off-putting. I find most situations emotionally exhausting. I can be quite an outgoing person once I become comfortable enough. I crack jokes and I'm basically you're average goofball. Introverts want to be included and they want to have fun, it's just like looking at it like "should I go for a run right now" "nah I'd prefer to stay in and eat leftover mac 'n' cheese". It's an easy choice: go out and socialise, or stay at home where being yourself is effortless. Give me my PJ bottoms and TV remote any day.
I don't care about anything at all that I read in the news about abuse, human rights, politics, etc; but I think it's easy to be detached from stuff that isn't directly affecting you. It's not necessarily a lack of empathy, just that there is so much going on in the world that it's hard for any one thing to cut you deep enough.

I suppose that's true. I didn't give much thought to the subject of immigration. I only knew about as much as the newspapers wrote about, and that was usually illegal immigrants. Not genuine couples and families, who are desperate to be happy. Now I'm going through it, I can truly empathise.


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Social situations take a lot of effort for introverts, it can be tiring and often completely off-putting. I find most situations emotionally exhausting.

Haw haw, I R moar normal than you!!11

I can be quite an outgoing person once I become comfortable enough. I crack jokes and I'm basically you're average goofball. Introverts want to be included and they want to have fun, it's just like looking at it like "should I go for a run right now" "nah I'd prefer to stay in and eat leftover mac 'n' cheese". It's an easy choice: go out and socialise, or stay at home where being yourself is effortless. Give me my PJ bottoms and TV remote any day.

Just kidding, I can totally relate - if given the choice I'd stay at home, too. It'd have to be some spectacular party to lure me out of my mancave. Alcohol helps. A lot.

P.S Running is for wussies. Every day is upper body day; these guns don't run from nothing!
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Tumblr is destroying the internet and the political left as we know it. But those posts aren't tumblrs fault those are women's posts my fb feed is clogged with them. Same reason myspace died it became inundated with trash and hipsters and drove the main user base away. This is happening on reddit now too. A group of social justice folks got moderator status and now censor and police the site. The only way to combat this crap is to post dank memes whenever they post something retarded.

In any case the old way of the web is dying, too many single mothers have acquired dial up and are now screaming for serious change and censorship for the horrors and trolling they recieve online.

This had happened to so many sites I used to love.
Tumblr is destroying the internet and the political left as we know it. But those posts aren't tumblrs fault those are women's posts my fb feed is clogged with them. Same reason myspace died it became inundated with trash and hipsters and drove the main user base away. This is happening on reddit now too. A group of social justice folks got moderator status and now censor and police the site. The only way to combat this crap is to post dank memes whenever they post something retarded.

In any case the old way of the web is dying, too many single mothers have acquired dial up and are now screaming for serious change and censorship for the horrors and trolling they recieve online.

This had happened to so many sites I used to love.

I have a theory that every website will slowly become an established version of the Youtube comment section.