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i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys the next generation is slowly making it's way into gaming news with some big reveals scheduled soon and many, many leaks I'm sure. What I'd like to know is there any traitors this next generation. I'm an XBOY myself. Lots of technical stuff to debate over. The PS4 will boast some sort of touch pad controller, the 720 will have blue ray. But the reason I drew you PC fans into this is because there is some rather disturbing news. In this next generation consoles might be online only. You would go out and buy a useless cd serving as a key only or direct download. No used games. Now I don't waste my time with crappy games, I buy them later for pennies to the dollar. It sounds just from the tidbits that I've gathered is that new consoles will be even more restrictive then before. If that is the case I'm getting out of the monopoly game and going PC. Last generation felt like a Nintendo rape, competition for topdog will be hothothot and red all over, so be sure to expect some triple A ground breaking titles.
But anyways, what have you heard, what console are you rooting for, and how do you feel about the others. Your differing opinions are greatly appreciated.
Jul 1, 2010
Reaction score
I saw the light ages ago and got a PC, mods, constant availability of new upgrades, unrestricted features, console commands/de-bugging etc. Adding to the topic of debate you know what you're getting with a PC too whereas with these new consoles you have all kinds of surprises (some of them unwelcome I'm predicting mainly because of the no used games rumours, can't really play used on PC but at least the games are a lot cheaper.)

I think if I get a new console though it'll probably be a PS4 just for the exclusives.

TRA Rotid

Päris geenius
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
While the PC market might be a little behind in this regard, the always online feature is slowly starting to creep in here as well. However, people are starting to raise heads against it and I doubt it'll last for long.
Now, I've always been the PC guy, but there is one thing the consoles have an advantage in: games.

That's right. The way things are going, consoles are getting games sooner and sooner as they are primarily developed to console platforms. While total exclusives are slowly dying out, the amount of (crappy) console ports is rising. Case in point: Skyrim. The amount of bad ports is slowly rising since developers see consoles as a bigger money maker.

However, PC gaming is soon entering a new era (my personal thoughts). The continuous discontent with games released by big companies (we all know how you feel about EA) has given rise to small independent companies, funded solely by users, that are (hopefully) going to release games that the older, more experience gamers are graving for. Often founded by men and women one would call veterans in the gaming business, those who got the short end of the stick when everyone's beloved Westwood or New World Computing got dismantled.

Only a few and perhaps the most well known of these projects. Personally can't wait. These are games that hopefully value quality over quantity.


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
Only a few and perhaps the most well known of these projects. Personally can't wait. These are games that hopefully value quality over quantity.
For me it always comes down to the Title, I don't like SONY's teenage rave immortality complex so I don't play their console, although I constantly miss out on awesome title exclusives. I like Microsoft I don't know why. I don't like that it's all becoming shooters glad games like Skyrim are still rocking the industry. Pc's are personnel and nonrestrictive, although that's changing with securom, steam, and the like. I love the Pc, have you ever gotten a game and wanted to do something in it so badly but you can't go there or do that. Well now I can mod and do w/e I feel like it's just awesome all around. I've seen what Sony has to offer this decade and if Microsoft has any chance of competing with that then this will be one of the greatest gaming generation to date.


yer maw
Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
My choice will be purely based on which is more cost effective. I bought the 360 over the PS3 because it was cheaper at the time, I wasn't persuaded by which had the 'slightly better graphics' or the exclusives. Although, I did have my liking of Fable to consider and I did have to sacrifice the Killzone series, but I was definitely more persuaded by the cost. Same with the next generation. Of course, at first, both will be fairly pricy, but with talk of used games bans, I'll choose which ever console doesn't ban them, if either of them don't. One Playstation executive has already stated the PS4 will not ban used games, but it hasn't been confirmed for sure, and it's becoming more likely that the nextbox will have used game bans and always-on-DRM -- which is one flaming pile of bullcrap I'm not exactly leaping for joy about either. I'll admit, over the years I've become fond of my 360, even calling it my baby and I've wanted to get a PS3 for a while. It makes me feel kinda sad that I might have to switch allegiances. :(


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
My choice will be purely based on which is more cost effective. I bought the 360 over the PS3 because it was cheaper at the time, I wasn't persuaded by which had the 'slightly better graphics' or the exclusives. Although, I did have my liking of Fable to consider and I did have to sacrifice the Killzone series, but I was definitely more persuaded by the cost. Same with the next generation. Of course, at first, both will be fairly pricy, but with talk of used games bans, I'll choose which ever console doesn't ban them, if either of them don't. One Playstation executive has already stated the PS4 will not ban used games, but it hasn't been confirmed for sure, and it's becoming more likely that the nextbox will have used game bans and always-on-DRM -- which is one flaming pile of bullcrap I'm not exactly leaping for joy about either. I'll admit, over the years I've become fond of my 360, even calling it my baby and I've wanted to get a PS3 for a while. It makes me feel kinda sad that I might have to switch allegiances. :(
I'm very tribal in that sense, 360 all the way because of Halo. I'm on my 3rd Xbox. If the rumors about the nextbox(love that) are true I will be sorely disappointed. It seemed to become more community based with forge world, user created content and customization. I hope they don't go in the other direction. Both companies are seeming to reach out to the larger audience, so it might be alittle funky the first year.


yer maw
Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
I'm very tribal in that sense, 360 all the way because of Halo. I'm on my 3rd Xbox. If the rumors about the nextbox(love that) are true I will be sorely disappointed. It seemed to become more community based with forge world, user created content and customization. I hope they don't go in the other direction. Both companies are seeming to reach out to the larger audience, so it might be alittle funky the first year.

Makes me sad thinking that either company could be so stupid to ostracise themselves from the rest of the industry in a way. If Microsoft were to actually instate the used game restrictions and always-on-DRM and SONY didn't, they'd be pretty much handing over the next console generation trophy to SONY. I really do hope they go in the right direction, the best one for everyone and they do reach out to the larger audience. I might own a few used games, but I have bought a lot of my new games on release, with the money going straight to the companies that created them and Microsoft. Same with a lot of fellow players. I can understand banning pirated games, that goes without saying. But trying to have a gaming lifestyle without so much damage to your own wallet, I don't feel guilty there at all.


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
I saw the light ages ago and got a PC, mods, constant availability of new upgrades, unrestricted features, console commands/de-bugging etc. Adding to the topic of debate you know what you're getting with a PC too whereas with these new consoles you have all kinds of surprises (some of them unwelcome I'm predicting mainly because of the no used games rumours, can't really play used on PC but at least the games are a lot cheaper.)

I think if I get a new console though it'll probably be a PS4 just for the exclusives.
PC is the best just no doubt about it. It's YOURS I think is the selling point. I just recently got a rig and I buy used games alot for PC haven't had a problem yet.
I'm going to make alot of educated thoughts on wether ps4/xbox or upgrading to a bigger rig then Fable 4 will be announced and I'll freak and get a nextbox no questions asked.


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
Makes me sad thinking that either company could be so stupid to ostracise themselves from the rest of the industry in a way. If Microsoft were to actually instate the used game restrictions and always-on-DRM and SONY didn't, they'd be pretty much handing over the next console generation trophy to SONY. I really do hope they go in the right direction, the best one for everyone and they do reach out to the larger audience. I might own a few used games, but I have bought a lot of my new games on release, with the money going straight to the companies that created them and Microsoft. Same with a lot of fellow players. I can understand banning pirated games, that goes without saying. But trying to have a gaming lifestyle without so much damage to your own wallet, I don't feel guilty there at all.
The problem is used game stores are profiting billions every year and the designers nor the contractees are seeing a penny of it. It's very logical to do that, but if the PS4 isn't on board it is near suicide for Microsoft in this particular industry. If they want to Win it...more power to the players.


yer maw
Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
The problem is used game stores are profiting billions every year and the designers nor the contractees are seeing a penny of it. It's very logical to do that, but if the PS4 isn't on board it is near suicide for Microsoft in this particular industry. If they want to Win it...more power to the players.

Yeah, I can understand all that. It just bothers me that I'd have to fork out so much just for a game, when before I could get one for a fraction of the cost. I just feel as though I'd start feeling guilty for buying something I enjoy, I think then I wouldn't enjoy so much. Just meh.

TRA Rotid

Päris geenius
Jul 17, 2006
Reaction score
The PC is hands down the most cost effective. This not considering everything else you can do with it - Adobe released PS 2 as freeware a little while ago for example.
Then again, consoles and especially the games are ridiculously overpriced in Estonia so my viewpoint is skewed.


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
Yeah, I can understand all that. It just bothers me that I'd have to fork out so much just for a game, when before I could get one for a fraction of the cost. I just feel as though I'd start feeling guilty for buying something I enjoy, I think then I wouldn't enjoy so much. Just meh.
I don't really know what to think about it. I could live without used games, but if I don't have the actual cd with the content on it I feel like I'm wasting my money on imagination.


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
The PC is hands down the most cost effective. This not considering everything else you can do with it - Adobe released PS 2 as freeware a little while ago for example.
Then again, consoles and especially the games are ridiculously overpriced in Estonia so my viewpoint is skewed.
In my country Pc gaming is perceived the most expensive, if you add everything up.


yer maw
Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
I don't really know what to think about it. I could live without used games, but if I don't have the actual cd with the content on it I feel like I'm wasting my money on imagination.

Yeah that would be pretty lame.
The PC is hands down the most cost effective. This not considering everything else you can do with it - Adobe released PS 2 as freeware a little while ago for example.
Then again, consoles and especially the games are ridiculously overpriced in Estonia so my viewpoint is skewed.
In my country Pc gaming is perceived the most expensive, if you add everything up.

Pretty much the same thing here. As it stands right now I couldn't go out and buy a decent rig, nor have the know-how to build my own. Consoles are more convenient all round - for me.

Purple Nurple

<img src="http://forums.projectego.net/images/rank
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I'm gonna make a transition towards PC gaming for the next couple of years, at least. If the 720 gets good games and isn't too pricey after a few years down the line I might buy one for casual gaming, my dilemna is the blockbuster games I'm so used to playing on the 360 no longer offer me any enjoyment. Every FPS seems like a reskin of the next, RPGs on the whole aren't as good as what I remember, and everything seems to be taking a turn towards simplicity over content.

This is where PC gaming turns the tables, I think. I've played tons of cool indie games lately that are extremely fresh and exciting. Wasteland 2, Shadowrun Returns and the Intruder look pretty fun, kill time games. Games like Cyberpunk 2077 and Thief are gonna be the only big blockbuster games I'll keep my eye on for a while.

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
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When I have got the cash & the time to build my own rig I shall make a triumphant return to PC gaming, however until then I am watching the new Xbox more closely than the PS4. Partly because me not owning a PS3 hasnt really made me miss all that much & there are some issues with it that I see being repeated or not quite fixed for the PS4 also. I will likely get the new Xbox as most my friends will too & it could potentially have the franchises I like to play on it & ones that have ran better on Microsoft console in the past.

Im unsure about these not being able to use used games rumours (with both next Xbox & PS4) as Gamestop came out recently saying they have seen some things from the next Xbox & they are excited. They wouldnt be very happy if they were true as it would cut into their market in a big way.

We've been spending a lot of time with Microsoft, but we have to let them take the lead on this, but it will be a very hot, compelling device. They are doing some really cool stuff, and I'm eager to hear them start their announcements because I think the world is going to stand up and take notice. ...I was talking to one of our founders, Dan DeMatteo, and he was telling me every console cycle you get people who will say 'there will never be another console,' or 'what else can the consoles do?' And we just believe it's a cycle and we just haven't had a new product in so long. But we certainly don't believe that the new consoles won't be as exciting.


yer maw
Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score
A creative director at Microsoft passed comment on always-on-DRM on his twitter account. Clicky. Telling us to "deal with it" in meme form. My first instinct is that he's trolling. The important part is that nothing has actually been confirmed as of yet, which is frustratingly bittersweet. But let's pretend he's serious. His point on how "everything these days is always-on". True, a lot of things are - a lot of portable things. Like mobile phones, tablets and toasters. Portable devices have the usage of 3G and the like. Big ass, hefty game consoles - or "cheap home media devices that can also play video games" in Lucky's words - don't. The idea that a person couldn't play their whatamacallitgamethingy because their internet is out bugs me to no end. As of now, if my net cuts out and I live in an area where internet goes LOLNOPE whenever a sheep chews through the copper wire or something, I can still go into my bedroom and be like "aw hell yee, play me sum Fallout 333333". Fallout 3 being the most appropriate game to play when the world ends and you have no internet for a few minutes.

But you know what Orthy, here's what we'll do. You can have your fun and we'll just throw some bags of poop at you. And you'll just have to...

Man that felt good. Don't pretend you didn't see, Orthy. I know you're watching.​


i7 gtx 3080
Premium Legend
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
Well the nextbox will be easier for developers to design for being more like a computer in its fashion. It might be what I'm craving for. I've been talking for 5 years how the xbox should be the center of the living room and people didn't believe me. With bigger restrictions it sours everything good about it. I might not waste the money this time around and get a gf and spend it on dates for once.

Dark Drakan

Well-Known Member
Town Guard
Feb 6, 2006
Reaction score
A creative director at Microsoft passed comment on always-on-DRM on his twitter account. Clicky. Telling us to "deal with it" in meme form. My first instinct is that he's trolling. The important part is that nothing has actually been confirmed as of yet, which is frustratingly bittersweet. But let's pretend he's serious. His point on how "everything these days is always-on". True, a lot of things are - a lot of portable things. Like mobile phones, tablets and toasters. Portable devices have the usage of 3G and the like. Big ass, hefty game consoles - or "cheap home media devices that can also play video games" in Lucky's words - don't. The idea that a person couldn't play their whatamacallitgamethingy because their internet is out bugs me to no end. As of now, if my net cuts out and I live in an area where internet goes LOLNOPE whenever a sheep chews through the copper wire or something, I can still go into my bedroom and be like "aw hell yee, play me sum Fallout 333333". Fallout 3 being the most appropriate game to play when the world ends and you have no internet for a few minutes.

But you know what Orthy, here's what we'll do. You can have your fun and we'll just throw some bags of poop at you. And you'll just have to...

Man that felt good. Don't pretend you didn't see, Orthy. I know you're watching.​

Was also mentioned today that he is no longer at Microsoft. Then I noticed this article...

Durango: 'Always-online' not required, 360 BC provided via add-on - report


yer maw
Town Guard
Sep 25, 2010
Reaction score

So we'd need to buy the new Xbox 360 set-top-box thing aswell just to play 360 games on the Durango?

...whut. No thanks, MC, but I think I'll just hang onto my 360. Even Sony's use of streaming for backwards-compatibility was better than this.

In regards to Orth, I still say he was trolling and Microsoft was in on the joke to create a lil' controversy.